At the front of the warehouse, the butchery was set up successfully for the guards, blood and body parts were scattered everywhere in front of the warehouse, Jaxith was covered in blood while looking at the final guard who was helping Shisk to rise on his feet, Shisk's face was covered by his own blood as a large scar was on his face now, Jaxith was looking coldly at the last two men, everyone was dead in a gruesome manner, the perfect physique that Jaxith already had combined with the negative abyss so multiplying that extraordinary strength to this terrifying level, not to forget the sadistic nature of Jaxith that was never seen before, his eyes were devoid of life or emotions, his face expressions are just, dull? He walked towards them, Shisk, although he knows that he's weaker than Jaxith and only him and the last guard are standing, he wasn't going to back down, he slowly picked up his sword from the ground.

"Go warn Mr. John, I'll try to slow him down.", Said Shisk while panting, the guard looked at him in surprise.

"But, Shisk, you won't be ab-.", Said the guard before Shisk interrupted him.

"Go.", Said Shisk seriously before looking at Jaxith then walking towards him declaring the duel between them, the guard didn't hesitate and ran immediately, Jaxith noticed the guard then started activating the negative abyss.

"You're a great warrior, hunter, you won't kill a guard with his back to you, right?", Said Shisk while raising his sword and pointing it at Jaxith who boldly dashed past Shisk, Shisk thought that Jaxith was going to attack him but nothing happened and immediately he heard the sound of a pain cry!

"AHHHH!", Cried the guard as Jaxith's arm had pierced his back and was protruding from his chest, he coughed blood slowly.

"No! You call yourself a warrior and kill a man with his back to you! Where is your honor?!", Said Shisk angrily while looking at Jaxith and the final guard.

The guard slowly fell down and Jaxith grabbed the guard's sword before it fell too.

"Where was yours when you tried to poison me?", Asked Jaxith in a very cold menacing voice while turning and giving Shisk that terrifying piercing gaze, Shisk was afraid to even look in his eyes and looked at the now dead guard, Jaxith started walking towards him.

Shisk stood ready for Jaxith, not afraid of anything.

"Just delay him more until Mr. John gets ready, Mr. Alphonse gave me everything, he gave my family a second life after we were losing everything, that's the least I could do to him, protecting his son.", Thought Shisk while tightening his grip on his sword.

Jaxith surprisingly used his negative dash but this time although he's slower than Jaxith, Shisk expected it and blocked Jaxith's sword slash with his sword then staggered aside.

"Just like that, I've watched him several times for now, I can keep up with him for several minutes if I expected his moves even though he's faster.", Thought Shisk while panting and the blood still dripping from his face, he stood ready again for Jaxith.

Jaxith saw the confidence in Shisk's eyes, he stared at him for a moment in the same look that lacks life, a void stare that sends horror inside anyone who looks at it.

"Why isn't he attacking? He's just standing there and staring, those f***in eyes!", Thought Shisk while cautiously watching Jaxith who was silent and steady, the blood covering him, his red eyes and the black aura created from the negative abyss, he's even scarier than a demon, Shisk started feeling afraid just from the stare, his hands started shaking but he immediately embraced his fear to not encourage Jaxith more.

"He must be thinking, that's the only explanation, he wasn't expecting that I will be able to block his attack, now he's thinking over and over again, he's the one afraid not me, I won't let him think enough.", Thought Shisk, his legs were shaking from fear, he was trying to hide it but Jaxith was noticing it and kept staring coldly.

Shisk started running towards Jaxith while shouting to encourage himself, he raised his sword to hit Jaxith's neck and just before he hit him suddenly he found himself staggering to the side with his arm holding the sword stretched aside and he was losing his balance, Jaxith was holding the sword up at the direction where Shisk tried to hit!

"Did he block it?! I didn't even notice his arm move, that's even faster than before and now there's an opening that he can easily end me with his speed.", Thought Shisk while looking at Jaxith in fear, he tried to adjust himself quickly but suddenly a gush of blood sprayed out of his right arm holding his sword and fell to the ground while Jaxith's arm is now lowered and the sword was dripping blood, he did another slash that cost him his right arm that flew away and Shisk didn't even notice!

"AHHHHHHHHH.", Cried Shisk as he fell to the ground while holding his right shoulder trying to stop the bleeding while looking at Jaxith who was looking angrily at him.

"And where was your honor when you drugged a young innocent girl that's trying to find a happy life and kidnapped her?", Asked Jaxith coldly while walking towards Shisk and remembering Shisk carrying Irene who was unconscious before he too became unconscious, the hatred was filling his cold eyes.

"I won't be able to hold myself from your master so you better tell me what he wants from her.", Said Jaxith coldly, Shisk pulled himself over the wall while holding his arm and looking at Jaxith in fear.

"Even if I know I won't tell you, I'm serving my master and I'm not afraid from death.", Said Shisk while panting and holding himself from crying from pain, his shoulder was bleeding very hard, Jaxith looked at him in anger and remembered Irene while losing her conscious, she was afraid and they simply took her, Jaxith knows that the look in her eyes were the same like the time she saw him breathing heavily after slaying the scarlet giant, the fear from being alone again, Jaxith angrily stabbed the sword in Shisk's lap with a huge strength that he pierced his lap and pinned Shisk's leg in the ground!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Cried Shisk from the pain as he stretched his left hand try and hold the pain, he started tearing from the pain but he wasn't showing any sign of submission, he was strong willed and his loyalty to the Rascliffes was exceptional, he was ready to endure the pain until John and Edward do what they were going to do, it's what John told him after all.

Jaxith was looking at Shisk's cries sadistically before suddenly a terrifying cry came from inside the warehouse, it was from a human but there was something different about it, something scary and strange.

"Irene!", Thought Jaxith while looking at the warehouse, his rage occupied him but now he must get back to her so immediately he ran towards the warehouse and left Shisk.

"No.", Said Shisk before he started pulling the sword out of his leg.

"F*********K!", Cried Shisk before finally pulling the sword out of his leg then throwing it aside.

"This was Mr. John's cry, what happened?", Thought Shisk before trying to stand up then falling.

"Damn!", Said Shisk, he wasn't able to stand well, he's also missing his right arm now, he put his right side to the wall and started crawling towards the warehouse while using the wall on his right to support him, the wall of course was painted by the blood from him.

(But before that we should know what happened when John and Edward entered the basement, which caused this strange terrifying cry.)

"John, listen, I'm with you now, just don't storm away like that and tell me what do you have in mind.", Said Edward while following John in the basement, John ignored him and moved towards their supplies which was covered by several blankets, he went towards a close wall and used the candle in his hand to light the torches on this wall to make the room properly lighted.

"Come on, John, no need to ignore me like that.", Said Edward while looking at John who looked at him before sighing.

"I know that you won't accept what I'm going to do but this is our only chance to bring the girl to lord Blamore.", Said John seriously while looking at Edward.

"Now you're getting me worried, what're you doing?", Asked Edward worriedly, John averted his eyes towards the supplies before walking towards it and removing one of the blankets on one of the sides of the supplies.

"That's your bag, why didn't you take it with you?", Asked Edward curiously.

"I didn't want anyone to even notice it, what's inside shouldn't be revealed for them.", Said John seriously.

"John, we're not ready for riddles, the hunter will be here at any moment.", Said Edward seriously, John looked at his bag for a moment before opening it and rummaging through it until getting a small metallic box out of it.

"What's this?", Asked Edward.

"A risk I'm willing to take.", Said John before putting the box on the side then he took out a key from his pocket, he opened the small lock on the metal box before opening the cover, a piece of cloth rolled around something was inside, it was smaller than the size of the hand, John calmly picked it up.

"I need you to not panic, if you'll panic then you better leave from now.", Said John seriously.

"That depends on what you're holding.", Said Edward.

"You know what? I don't care, I'm doing this.", Said John seriously before removing the cloth and revealing a red glowing stone with an irregular shape in the size of two finger tips, Edward eyes widened from fear.

"How on Plistura did you get it? Put that thing down.", Said Edward in fear.

"No.", Said John seriously.

"You don't know what's this, put it away.", Said Edward in fear.

"NEVER!", Shouted John in anger.

"John, for the great demon lord's sake, it's not about you, it's not ready yet, it still needs a lot of experiments, you will lose yourself.", Said Edward worriedly.

"You're not confident that I'll do it, right Edward?", Said John angrily, he's really obsessed with proving himself this time.

"No, please, son, those shards aren't stable yet, lord Blamore and Mr. Alphonse along with other dark casters are still trying to stabilize the dark energy in it, this thing carries dark energy from the scarlet demons themselves John!", Said Edward in fear.

"I don't care, I know that it will work and I know how to activate it.", Said John seriously.

"How? Even I don't know how to use it, I just saw it before with lord Blamore and Mr. Alphonse, they were talking about the stability of these shards, they're still underdevelopment, how did you find it? Even I don't know from where lord Blamore gets them.", Said Edward in fear.

"Someone trusts me more than all of you, it's going to work and I know it.", Said John angrily, Edward stepped closer to him but John immediately stepped back and raised his free hand to stop Edward.

"STOP RIGHT THERE! I trusted you , he told me that you too are just beside me always to ensure that I won't bring a problem to father, RIGHT EDWARD?", Said John angrily, he was confused and afraid but also angry, the feeling of always being looked at like an useless person made him like that.

"Who told you that? That's nonsense, you don't want to do this, John, I don't want you regretting anything again.", Said Edward in a caring manner while approaching John before they heard shouting coming from above and pain cries, that's Jaxith slaying the guards now.

"I've got no time for this, this shard is our only solution or everything will be lost.", Said John worriedly, there's a bit of hesitation in his voice.

"John, don't do it.", Said Edward while taking a step forward trying to calm John down who looked at him for a moment before speaking.

"Posuere!", Said John nervously before the shard started glowing brighter.

"NOOOO!", Shouted Edward before running towards John but a sudden shockwave created from the shard pushed him away and he stumbled on the ground!

Edward slowly opened his eyes, the basement was all red in color and John was kneeling on the floor with both of his hands over his chest while grunting, it appears that the source of light is coming from his chest, did the shard merge with John?!

"Oh no, John!", Said Edward in fear before standing up and running towards John, he kneeled beside him and tried to move his hands away from his chest to help him.

"John, focus on my voice, son, show me so I can help you.", Said Edward in fear before John started crying from pain and red aura started appearing around him.

"AHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", Cried John as the dark energy started filling his body, his bones started getting a bit larger and his back was widening a bit while the clothes were getting torn.

"Please focus John, don't let the dark energy manifest you, you're stronger than it.", Said Edward before he started pulling John's arm away from his chest but he wasn't able to move them, John was getting stronger and Edward felt it but he wasn't going to leave until finally he moved it a bit and placed his hand over John's chest to feel the shard but it was fused with his chest! It's like it has become part of the flesh, he tried pulling it away.

"GET OUT!", Shouted Edward while trying to pull the shard but suddenly John angrily growled at him and with an inhumane strength he pushed him strongly with his right arm and strange violet arrows was created above him and was casted immediately after he pushed Edward towards Edward himself who was sent to the other end of the room.

John was hitting the ground with both of his fists, his eyes was changing to yellow and the catlike eye slit started appearing instead of the normal eye pupil, he was slowly transforming into something horrible.

John started looking around him while trying to endure the pain before noticing something horrible, Edward was lying on the floor with blood gushing slowly out of his chest with several violet arrows impaled in his chest which gradually started disappearing in a violet vapour.

"No.", Said John in a very strange voice, even his voice was changing too, he started crawling to Edward and while doing so he noticed that his hands were a bit bigger and also his fingernails, all his hands until the elbow were slowly changing into violet color.

"Edward, what have I done?", Said John in regret after reaching Edward he slowly raised himself up to sit before Edward, his looks were strange and dispersed, he wasn't feeling his surroundings well.

"John, I've never thought of you lowly, I was afraid that you may regret doing something dangerous like before, you were always a son to me, I didn't want to see that day get repeated so I wanted to stop you, don't blame yourself on this, I'm just a humble servant under your command, just run away, Mr. Alphonse will help you, just escape.", Said Edward while panting, John's eyes started tearing before he started feeling strong pain again then shouted loudly while holding his chest and remembering weak memories but a quick one was him taking the shard from Blamore who was smiling!

John looked at the door angrily, their was a bit of drooling from his mouth as it looks like his his teeth was getting bigger too!

"T- the hunter.", Said John angrily in a very strange voice, he's gradually losing his humanity, this is not a normal voice, he ignored Edward as if he forgot about him before running outside the basement on his four limbs like an animal!

Five minutes later, Shisk has already made it inside the basement now while crawling, he was losing his breath gradually and he lost a lot of blood already but a piece of cloth was tied on his cut arm, it was a matter of time before he too dies, he noticed Edward at the side.

"MR. EDWARD!", Shouted Shisk while crawling fast towards Edward who was losing his conscious already and ready to die.

"Shisk, you're a loyal guard for the Rascliffes.", Said Edward before coughing blood, his body was completely paralyzed and only his eyes were looking at Shisk from the side.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't protect all of you, but I really tried.", Said Shisk in regret.

"No, you did fine, in fact,... You can still help, inside the bag over there, you will find a scroll, read what's inside and it will teleport you below the Rascliffe mansion in a secret small teleporting circle, this scroll can easily teleport a single person to it before losing its effect, I want you to tell Mr. Alphonse everything and be fast, tell him that John surprisingly had one of the experimental shards and used it, he will know what to do, but move now or we will lose John too.", Said Edward before his breath was getting heavier, Shisk looked at him in pride.

"It was an honor serving you Mr. Edward.", Said Shisk proudly, Edward just closed his eyes as a positive reply before Shisk went to John's bag and fetched the scroll out of it.

"Read it loudly or it won't work.", Said Edward, Shisk started reading the scroll loudly on the floor before blue aura was created around him before he suddenly disappeared.

"Please be fast, John doesn't deserve any of this.", Said Edward before he let out his last breath and finally resting forever.