Several months have passed, John and Cristina's relationship has already improved much better by the time, they talk to each other nearly everyday beside their usual meetings, their academic level is getting better and better by the time.

John didn't stop with being friends with Cristina but he also introduced her to some of the polite girls in the class, they accepted her without looking to her as a commoner lower than them, they were few but for Cristina they were more than enough, she felt alive and normal, the past few months were heaven for her, she made friends she didn't even dream of making, and all of that because of John who was insisting that he's the one who is thankful for knowing her, everything was perfect between our friends and they're even now working on a small project, but there was someone that wasn't approving of this friendship, someone didn't like the talks here and there about one of the highest ranking nobles being close to a commoner, a villager with no self respect for her place.

During one day after the lectures, John and Cristina were talking a bit outside before they said goodbye to each other and they partied away.

After a few minutes, Cristina was walking home before someone emerged from the corner and stopped her, she was going to panic before she noticed him.

"P-Philip? You made me afraid for a moment there, how are you?", Said Cristina politely, she's much better at talking around even with people she doesn't talk to, he looked at her angrily.

"You even became encouraged to address us like your own pitiful kind.", Said Philip while looking angrily at her, at this moment Cristina started tensioning like she used to do before.

"E-execuse me Philip, but did I do s-something wrong?", Asked Cristina in hesitation.

"CUT THE CRAP! Stop this act right now, you can't fool me like the others around you, well except someone else who started knowing you for real.", Said Philip before a sly smile appeared on his face, at this time another girl was coming from the corner but as soon as she noticed Philip and Cristina she hide immediately to hear what they're talking about, she's one of the girls that was harassing Cristina before, a friend of Philip.

"I-I don't understand what the p-problem is.", Said Cristina in fear, she felt the same insecurities she had before dealing with John.

"Listen to me, villager, you've already been beyond your limits, you're addressing us like we're alike, we're not the same here, let's start with addressing people like me and John with Mr.", Said Philip while walking closer, Cristina was mesmerized from the sudden encounter, she didn't expect that.

"TALK B**CH!", Shouted Philip before aggressively pushing Cristina back that she nearly fell off and let out a yelp of fear and her books dropped, she looked at Philip in complete fear and hopelessly, the other girl looked shocked by Philip's acts.

"Listen clearly, people are talking about you, John only needed help from you and instead of helping him you took advantage of his good intentions and tried to get the best out of him, you even made some friends because of him, and so you reached your own target, the feeling of being equal to us, but no, he's not even liking you and is fed up with all the talk around, that's why I'm here.", Said Philip angrily.

"P-please, I d-didn't mean any harm, I-I p-promise I won't do any of this again.", Said Cristina while shaking from tension again, she started remembering the same situation she was in with the noble who her family owed money to, helpless and hopeless, afraid to even talk.

"That's better, John doesn't even want to talk with you again but he didn't want to tell you it, he's hating the talks about both of you behind his back, he just didn't expect you to try getting closer that much.", Said Philip angrily.

"B-b-but, John d-didn't look angry with m-me.", Stuttered Cristina while trembling.

"It's Mr. John to you, orphan.", Said Philip disrespectfully, Cristina looked at him shocked.

"Yes, he still got his father, and he's a great man by the way that even my father personally know, unlike you trying to get any attention you could just be telling your meaningless story, wake up and look at yourself, your clothes, just be thankful that you live between us.", Said Philip before Cristina lowered her head started tearing silently with her eyes opened wide in shock, what happened is the thing that she feared of, that she has been toyed with since the beginning.

"Even your other friends, isolate yourself away from them too, don't get yourself mixed with people different from you.", Said Philip before walking away, the girl behind saw Philip coming towards her direction so she decided to move away fast while thinking.

"I know he's so concerned with the nobility stratification but I didn't know that he could get this far, but did John tell him that?", Thought the girl while running away.

Cristina fell to her knees while collecting her books from the floor and sobbing hard but still silently, she stood up and returned back to her past walk steps, the same fear and worry, it's like whatever happened the past months vanished and everything for Cristina restarted again.

The next day at the academy was like any other day with the same routine sequences with a minor difference that felt major for John although a lot didn't even notice it, Cristina didn't come to the academy today.

"That's strange, she doesn't miss any lecture since the beginning of the semester even when she's ill.", Thought John while looking at the other side of the auditorium where girls sit together, he was looking at Cristina's vacant seat.

"Maybe she's a bit tired and thought that she doesn't need today's lectures, but we agreed that we will meet today, then why didn't she tell me that she's not coming?", Thought John before noticing that the professor is finishing his lecture and the student's around him are already standing up to leave.

"Better leave it for now, tomorrow she will come and everything will be fine, I can't go to her house and ask about her absence for just a day, that would be creepy for sure.", Thought John, but in fact things weren't good.

On the evening of the exact day, precisely at the house where Cristina is staying in, a woman knocked on the door of a closed room while carrying a stray of food.

"Cristina? Sweety please come out and eat anything with me, you haven't eaten anything today.", Said the woman, she's obviously the neighbor that Cristina told John about, she waited a bit but without an answer so she opened the door calmly.

"Cristina?", Said the woman while opening the door, she saw Cristina sitting on her bed, she was hugging her knees while holding them close to her chest and burying her head between her chest and knees.

"Sweety, what happened? You suddenly came back changed yesterday, did someone hurt you?", Said the woman while walking closer then putting the food beside Cristina who even didn't look at and didn't answer or move her head, she was just silent, the woman saw a good looking handkerchief between one of Cristina's hands.

"Fine, I'll leave you now, just eat anything, okay?", Said the woman before standing up and leaving the room then closing its door behind her before she leaned her head against the door and closed her eyes.

"She was finally getting out of her shell and looking happy, what brought her back to this state? Could it be that noble named John? She mentioned his name several times and that he's a close friend to her, could it be the only person she trusted would break her heart after making her feel how to live normally?", Thought the woman.

The next day at the academy, the same as yesterday, Cristina is absent again, this made John start getting worried, he was looking at her vacant seat again.

"Still looking for her?", Said Philip who was behind John, John turned to him.

"We were working on a project and then suddenly without any reason she is absent for two consecutive days and I'm starting to get worry.", Said John while looking serious.

"Come on, John, you still didn't get it, she doesn't even care, you were her way to become popular among us, I warned you from her and you thought she was innocent, no one like this unworthy girl should get closer to us except when they clean our houses and clothes, that's what they are good at, not sitting with us everyday and make friends through us.", Said Philip seriously.

"No, Cristina is different, I'm sure something isn't right.", Said John while looking curious.

"If she cares then she would have told you why she's absent, even when she returns she won't even give you any interest, she already got what she wanted, the villager who proved that she's better than us by helping one of our best students, well done, John.", Said Philip angrily before standing up and leaving.

John started thinking about what Philip told him while waiting for the next lecture, he looked at some of the girls on the other side before standing up and walking towards them.

"Excuse me, girls.", Said John politely.

"Yes, John.", Said one of them, this group is the girls that John introduced to Cristina to make some good friends.

"Sorry for interrupting you but that's because I'm really worried about someone.", Said John politely.

"It's about Cristina right? I hope she's okay, we were going to ask you actually but since you're here then please tell us she's fine.", Said the same girl worriedly.

"What? I thought you know, that's why I came to ask you about her strange absence.", Said John.

"You're the closest one to her, we thought you know.", Said the same girl.

"Maybe she's ill guys.", Said another girl.

"Okay no need to panic, I'll see what I can find and tell you, and if you knew anything don't hesitate about telling me.", Said John, they approved with him before he left them, but in the corner another girl was listening to them with fear, it's the same girl that witnessed what Philip told Cristina.

After the lectures ended, the students went out of the academy as usual, John stood outside for a few moments while looking worried and thinking about Cristina.

"Excuse me, John, can I have a word with you?", Said a girl from behind, John turned and noticed that she was one of the two girls that harassed Cristina before his expressions changed to bold.

"What do you want?", Said John seriously.

"Listen, I know that I'm not the person you want to see now but I can't forgive my silence about what I've seen that day especially after I heard that you're looking for Cristina and doesn't know what happened, sorry but I thought you were after what happened and even worse, she believed that you did it, I can no longer live because of my silence from telling the truth.", Said the girl in fear.

"Hold on, what happened to Cristina? TALK!", Said John in a higher voice while looking angrily.

"It's Philip, I'm sorry but I should have told you before.", Said the girl while holding herself from tearing.

"She's just as you said, innocent and has a good heart, she doesn't deserve what we did to her before and what happened lately.", Said the girl.

"What did Philip do?", Said John angrily.

After a few moments, Philip was standing with a couple of his friends getting ready to leave, he noticed John walking fast towards him with a stern look over his face.

"Finally decided to walk with us?", Said Philip as John was getting closer but surprisingly John punched his face as hard as possible knocking him down making everyone around shocked.

"I TOLD YOU NOT GET CLOSER TO HER.", Shouted John as the students around started gathering around him to prevent him from hurting Philip more while calming him.

"I'm helping you, stupid, she just wants her own benefit and everyone is talking about the f***in villager that the Rascliffe only son hanging out with, you're tainting the nobility balance here, John.", Said Philip before he spitted some blood out of his mouth and standing up.

"I didn't ask for your help, and this villager is way better than treacherous people like you, you think what you have done has anything to do with being noble? No, you're no better than the worthless scum trying to do anything just to prove that they're always right.", Said John angrily while getting calmer.

"You're punching me and insulting me just because this unworthy commoner, why do you care so much about her?", Said Philip angrily while walking closer to John and other two colleagues came to hold him so as not the two engage in a fight.

"Cause I love her, and that's a clear warning for everyone around, ANYONE MISSES WITH CRISTINA WILL MEET THE WRATH OF ALPHONSE RASCLIFFE HIMSELF.", Said John while looking at everyone around before looking at Philip again.

"Especially you, Philip, your father's trade with Vidin will cease completely and that's something your father won't like, keep away from Cristina, Philip, I'm not warning you again.", Said John seriously before pushing the hands over him and moving away as everyone was surprised by what happened and what they heard, John Rascliffe loves the commoner girl!

The woman that Cristina is staying with suddenly heard someone knocking at the door, she walked towards the door and opened it to see who was knocking to find out John outside.

"Yes?", Said the woman politely as she doesn't know John, it's the first time to see him.

"Good evening miss, sorry for coming late, my name is John Rascliffe, I'm a fri-.", Said John before the woman interrupted him.

"You're Cristina's close friend, actually you're her first one, oh by the gods, finally someone asking for her, get in quickly.", Said the woman enthusiastically, John stepped inside.

"Please son, I don't know what happened to Cristina, she returned to her depressed state before meeting you, if there's anyone that can make her happy again it's you, since she has met you and she turned into a different person, she became happy and enthusiastic and more self confident, I don't want her back to the state that she had lived all her life in after losing her parents, the past few months were heaven for that innocent girl, please return her like that, you're the only person that cared for her and even came to visit her after two days of not going to the academy.", Said the woman on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry, miss, I know exactly what happened but the problem is that I've just known about it, we thought she was ill.", Said John.

"She barely ate anything the past two days, that's even worse than her past state.", Said the woman.

"I'm sorry about that, I should have been more careful while dealing with a sensitive person as Cristina, but looks like some people doesn't like innocent people to live happily, can you take me to her please?", Said John and after a moment the woman was opening the door to Cristina's room who was sitting in the same position as before.

"Sweety, you got a visitor, come on chin up.", Said the woman before Cristina raised her head and looked at John in shock, her eyes swelled from crying, her hazel eyes glistening from tears, her black long hair isn't in a bun like always and her beauty is even more visible, she started nodding negatively after seeing John.

"N-no, g-g-get away, o-o-out.", Stuttered Cristina in frustration, her head was shaking from her anxiety.

"By the gods, your state is even worse than before, sweety please you're hurting yourself like that.", Said the woman, John was paralyzed, it's his fault, he promised to protect her and now she's like that, she can't even talk properly, her face is pale and looks weak, John felt irresponsible for letting this mistake happens, he felt pain in his heart after seeing her in that broken state, he walked forward.

"B-b-back!", Said Cristina while moving back on the bed with her eyes were widened in a shock state and her body trembling from anxiety even her head.

"John, I haven't seen her like that before, maybe it's a wrong idea.", Said the woman.

"No, I'm not abandoning you at any cost, I didn't say anything Cristina, Philip just didn't like you getting better than him, but I swear nothing from what he told you about me is right, I even left a good mark on his face because he dared to push you and made you question your importance.", Said John seriously.

"S-s-stop this, e-e-enough l-l-lying, I-I'm nothing.", Stuttered Cristina in hesitation.

"You're not nothing, you're the most perfect human I've ever met.", Said John while getting closer to her.

"Y-y-you were j-j-just using me, I-I-I trusted you, t-th-thought you were d-d-different.", Stuttered Cristina before she started tearing, her neighbor couldn't hold her tears.

"I swear that I wasn't using you Cristina, I would never do something that hurt you.", Said John as he stepped on the bed closer to Cristina.

"And seeing you like that completely breaks my heart.", Said John as he calmly put both of his hands over Cristina's cheeks and wiped her tears.

"Cristina, I love you, I don't know when I started getting this feeling but I'm sure now about it.", Said John seriously, Cristina's eyes widened more in shock.

"Y-y-you are lying a-a-again.", Said Cristina as she couldn't believe her ears, even her neighbor didn't expect to hear that.

"Look into my eyes Cristina, are those the eyes of a man lying.", Said John seriously while looking deep into Cristina's beautiful eyes.

"D-do you understand what you're saying?", Asked Cristina in hesitation.

"I do, or do you think that you don't deserve to be loved? I don't care about families or any of this nonsense, I just need you to know how much I care, there's nothing in this world is more important to me than you now, please, Cristina, I won't forgive myself if something happens to you.", Said John in a caring manner, Cristina looked at him in surprise, she couldn't even understand her feelings right now, she just found herself dropping on John and hugging him while bursting in tears, John immediately hugged her back while looking relieved.

"Calm down, calm down, I'm sorry and I swear that this won't happen again, you're special to me, I know that you don't understand your feelings now so I won't push you.", Said John before he noticed his handkerchief beside Cristina, she loves him too but she can't understand her feelings well because of her social anxiety, that's why John wants to take everything slowly with her until she understands herself better.

The scene was perfect, even Cristina's neighbor fell to her knees while tearing from joy, finally someone that she deserves, life has always been so harsh on Cristina for a long time, but now, it's the start of a new chapter in her life, and John's too.

Days, months and even years passed and John's relationship with Cristina was getting better and better, everyone knows that he loves her and doesn't care about being from a lower family, Cristina herself started understanding her feelings more towards John, being isolated most of her life and suffering from social dread caused a severe misunderstanding for her emotions towards people, she loves John but she couldn't understand what's even love, and that's why John took everything slowly with her, some dates here and there and of course they were always working and studying together, he never asked her to do anything from what any couples do, he loved her innocence and respected her lifestyle and of course her psychological state, Cristina on the other side was getting better socially, her stuttering nearly diminished and her confidence was much better than before, seeing her happy was just enough for John to be happy, he is waiting for the best time to finally ask her about their life changing decision.

It's the final day in the academy for this class and so there's this graduation party for the students, after four years from hard studying a new batch of well educated alchemists are getting graduated to finally achieve their goals and help their countries, but John was also preparing a little surprise for this day.

Cristina was talking happily with her friends, she was wearing a beautiful blue dress that John insisted on buying it for her, John and all the male students were wearing good looking suits.

Cristina noticed that John was walking towards her after some of his friends started yelling for him, Cristina didn't understand what was happening but John was looking intensely at her.

"Hey, John, we haven't talked today, and that's supposed to be a memorable day.", Said Cristina happily.

"It'll be a memorable day after I do this.", Said John before he stopped in front of Cristina.

"Do what?', Asked Cristina quizzically, John didn't answer her and he calmly kneeled before her before getting a red small ring box out of his pocket.

"OHHHHHHH, CRISTINA DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS?", Said one of Cristina's friends enthusiastically, Cristina was silent while looking at John, she wasn't sure what was going on, John gently opened the box and an expensive jewel ring was revealed.

"I've waited so long for this and now I think both of us are ready, Cristina, would you marry me?", Said John gently while smiling at Cristina who was shocked and placed her hand over her mouth, her face was red as a rose from getting shy.

"I know you are surprised, but I've waited until I start feeling your fear from being loved subside, I wanted to make sure that you love me too and I'm sure that you do.", Said John politely.

"Do you understand the differences between us, John, your family won't accept me.", Said Cristina before her eyes started glistening from tears and ready to fall.

"I already talked to father, he doesn't care about who you are, he just wants someone that I can trust and love, someone truly loves me, so I'm asking you again without fear from anything, do you truly love me and accept to be my wife, cause I'm ready for that.", Said John confidently, Cristina looked at him while tears started falling.

"Come on Cristina, you want him too.", Said the girl beside Cristina before Cristina smiled and nodded, her red face and hazel eyes with her long black hair were captivating, Cristina was a true beauty, John smiled.

"Will you marry me?", Asked John again enthusiastically.

"YES!", Cried Cristina before she ran and jumped on John who immediately stood up and hugged her while rotating around, she was hugging him tightly and her head was buried over his shoulder while crying from joy, all their colleuges started clapping for them including Philip himself who looks changed than before, the professors themselves were happy by the great scene before them and they started clapping too.

"I love you, John, I know it's the first time I say it, but now I truly understand my feelings, thanks for being with me all that time, I'll try my best to be a good wife for you.", Said Cristina in a low voice that only he can hear.

"I'm sure you'll, but right now i can't believe that finally I've heard it from you, I'm not letting anyone make you feel any different, I always want you happy.", Said John as he put his hand over Cristina's head from the

back while he teared, he remembered how she was always afraid and panic, how she nearly lost her mind after Philip broke her will and dignity, now she accepted him as a husband and confessed her love, what could happen that makes someone's like John become like who he's now, what happened after a year after their marriage?

Everything was perfect between the couple during their first year of marriage, they did not have a child yet, but they were happy to be together, both of them have started their own business in alchemy in Vidin by the help of Alphonse, John's father, who was more than happy to fund his son and be successful in his life along with his life partner who was treated in the most respectful way, Alphonse ordered that Cristina is to be treated as a member of the Rascliffes and he himself was the first to meet her after John brought her to Vidin for their marriage, she loved Alphonse and sometimes she felt that he was her godfather, a kind of compensation for her lost parents, but what she didn't know that Alphonse isn't the man that the kingdom think he's, only a few knew about his true faith, that he's a devoted believer for the Cragmoore zealots cause and even one of the strongest dark casters across the continent, a loyal servant to the zealots grandmaster, Vex Blamore, Alphonse was actually scheming a perfect plan and Cristina was just a part of his plan, and everything starts when Alphonse asked John to meet him at his office in the Rascliffes manor.

"I can't do this father, I'm not risking Cristina for anything.", Said John in fear while standing up, Alphonse wasn't even looking at him and was looking at the garden of the manor through his large window, Edward was standing at the side politely.

"She won't get hurt, John, you've to trust us with this.", Said Edward politely.

"Cristina is so sensitive, an act like that could lead to a heart attack easily, I'm not risking everything I've done with her to relieve her social dread just to put her under a sacrificial ritual.", Said John angrily.

"Are you defiling our cause son?", Said Alphonse seriously before turning to look at John.

"No father, you know well how I'm obliged to the great cause, and I'm even lucky to have someone as great as you to guide me and teach me the basics of the dark energy although I still can't use it, but Cristina isn't a part of this.", Said John seriously, Alphonse looked serious and walked towards John then standing behind him.

"It's lord Blamore's order son, are you breaking the faith just for a woman that's not even from our cause, like most of the humans who pray for those worthless gods, you're getting blind and softer, and there's nothing is going to happen to her, the scarlet army needs to witness how much faith do you have in them by giving them someone you love, and there's nothing better than Cristina for that.", Said Alphonse before he walked back in front the window.

"I don't know, father, I still can't get Cristina involved in all of this.", Said John.

"It's her or us, choose wisely son.", Said Alphonse seriously before waiting for a moment then he walked out of the room angrily, John was confused and looked at Edward.

"John, your father wants the best for you, and lord Blamore is the one after that order, he says you're ready and that's something great, not everyone is granted the chance to be a dark caster, and you've been granted it at a young age, lord Blamore is expecting a lot from you, John.", Said Edward while walking closer to John who looked at him deeply.

"Will she be fine after it, Edward? I'm already afraid that her mental state will break and I'll hate myself if it happened but at least she won't die, right?", Said John in fear.

"She won't son, and I'm sure lord Blamore will help her if you succeed in your ritual, he can even erase the memory of that day, just believe in your father and lord Blamore, your father loves you and you know it but you can't blame him cause he wants you even better than him.", Said Edward in a comforting manner, as always it's Edward who knows how to talk with him, the man has always been close to John since he was a kid, even closer than Alphonse who was always busy with his trades and secretly with the zealots, that doesn't mean that John hates Alphonse or vice versa, but John actually loves Edward more than his father.

"Fine, Edward, I'll do it for you, my father and lord Blamore, of course I waited for a day like this, but Cristina is a hard choice for me, but as long as she won't be hurt then I'm doing it.", Said John calmly.

"That's the spirit John, I'll inform Mr.Alphonse and you will know exactly what to do.", Said Edward before patting John's back comforting him before leaving.

The next day, John and Cristina were sitting in a good looking restaurant and exactly Cristina was looking so happy.

"I can't believe it's been a year since we got married and today is our wedding anniversary, this year was the best in my whole life.", Said Cristina enthusiastically while looking at John who wasn't looking good.

"She's always managing your lab in the mornings, and since you're going out together to celebrate your wedding anniversary, I suggest you sedate her at that time, you can sedate her as much as you like if you don't want her to wake up during the ritual, I know that she's fragile like a lamb too, but it's good knowing that you know that our priorities are the top before anything.", Said Alphonse, John was remembering the little discussion between him and his father this morning.

"The paper before you contains everything you need to enchant during the ritual, I'll prepare the room myself and draw the required marks over the floor, when you return there won't be anyone in the manor, so you can act without any worry, when I return tomorrow I'll be expecting you to have fully created your dark energy vessel, it will be granted to you after the scarlet demon that you'll summon measures the amount of love you have for Cristina and so determining the quality of the sacrifice.", Said Alphonse seriously.

"Yes, father, I won't let you down.", Said John confidently.

"John?", Said Cristina in a worry, John finally snapped out of his trance.

"I called you several times and you were just looking at the food, you look different today, is everything okay, love?", Said Cristina in her usual innocent tone while gently putting her hand over John's.

"Sorry, Cristina, looks like I didn't sleep well, but I'm fine now, seeing you happy is the best thing that could make me feel better.", Said John while faking his smile.

"The bed isn't good for you? If it's not good for you then I'll go and see a different one for you.", Said Cristina worriedly, John smiled more.

"No, the bed is good, it was some insomnia", Said John to ease her worry, she's so caring and lovely, the type of wife that will literally do anything for her husband, and he's still afraid to make her a part of his ritual, but she'll be fine, right? At least that's what John thought.

"If you're tired then we can go back now, I know it's our wedding anniversary but your health is more important than anything.", Said Cristina in worry.

"You worry too much, I'm fine, love.", Said John.

"Well, I've a little surprise for you but I decided to leave it until we go back home, I'm sure you'll love it.", Said Cristina enthusiastically, John smiled.

"I can't wait to see it, but for my surprise I got something too but it'll have to wait a bit too.", Said John while patting her hand smoothly.

"Can't wait for it, but I'm sure you'll cry from joy after you know mine.", Said Cristina while blushing with a smile, John again was mesmerized by her beautiful attitude, he can't get enough of her even though she's his wife now, he's happy that he made that decision and married her, she's the best thing ever to happen for him.

"Ahhhh, I don't know why I'm having this strange headache.", Said Cristina while putting her hand over her head.

"Looks like you too didn't sleep well.", Said John.

"No I think it's about..., nevermind.", Said Cristina, John started getting worried, she was about to say something.

"Not again, now isn't the best time.", Said Cristina while looking strange.

"Cristina, what's happening?", Said John while standing up and going by her side.

"I'm sorry John but it's really out of my control, I'm feeling really dizzy.", Said Cristina as she staggered aside but John caught her and rest her head over his chest, she's lost her consciousness, the waiters around rushed to help John and even some of the nobles around stood up to help John as they know him.

"Thanks everyone, Cristina was tired the last two days and looks like she needs a rest, but thank you all.", Said John as he picked up Cristina while tightly hugging her.

After an hour, Cristina was sleeping on a large bed with both of her hands and legs tied to the bed, the ground was painted with red strange marks that looks like letters but from a strange language and all of these words are surrounded by a large red circle occupying most of the room and the bed was in the middle.

John was standing outside the circle and leaning on the wall, he started enchanting strange language while reading from the paper Alphonse gave him.

"DSEUG'OKLAR, ROMPATRI'CH STEVLOR, I ask the holy scarlet army for granting me the power to be their servant, DSEUG'OKLAR, ROMPATRI'CH STEVLOR, in the name of the great sage that was imprisoned by the sick conquerors of the spectral land for protecting his people, DSEUG'OKLAR, ROMPATRI'CH STEVLOR, BELIAL M'E SEVERANT, to redeem our cause and purify our tainted blood, lent me your holy scent.", Said John with his eyes closed and looking seriously focused.

The marks started glowing red and the room dominant color changed to red, suddenly horrifying roar echoed across the house that caused the the house to shake violently!

"J-John, w-what's going on?", Stuttered Cristina, she's awake! John opened his eyes and was shocked.

"How did she wake up? Wait, I even forgot to slip the drug in her drink, then why did she lost her conscious?", Thought John as he started tensioning.

"J-John, why a-am I t-tied? A-are you sacrificing me?", Said Cristina in a shock as she started recognizing her surrounding, John recognized her face full of fear and worry, it's the same face that she had the day he went to her house to tell her that it was Philip's mistake, that's exactly what John was afraid of.

"Cristina, calm down, I know that I should have told you before but I was afraid you won't understand, I have to do this or I will lose everything, there's much you don't know but I promise that after this I'll tell you about everything.", Said John worriedly.

"W-what are you saying J-John? I-I will die b-because of this.", Said Cristina in fear.

"No, no, I told you before that I won't let anything happen to you, I promised you.", Said John before strange violet gas started appearing inside the circle just above the floor and it gradually grow ascendingly.

"Y-you are mistaken, I-I have read b-before about this, everyone inside t-the circle dies John.", Said Cristina while tearing, the look on her face, John felt that he's a traitor, doing this to the woman who trusted him with everything, but he trusted Alphonse and know that nothing will happen, after all his father succeeded in his ritual without any casualties.

The roar thundered again across the manor and Cristina screamed from fear while the gas grow even more and nearly covered the bed legs.

"I'm pregnant, John, that was my present.", Said Cristina while tearing and looking defeated, John's eyes widened in fear.

"That's why she lost her consciousness, she's in her first pregnancy days, but wait, does that change the results of the ritual?", Thought John but he didn't want to go on with this anymore.

"No.", Said John while revising his decision.

"No no no no no.", Shouted John as another thunderous roar echoed across the manor shaking the floor and the walls, he rushed towards the circle but he was interrupted by an invisible energy wall surrounding the circle and fell back.

"HOLD ON, CRISTINA, I'M COMING FOR YOU.", Shouted John before he started erasing some of the circle outer marking on the floor and because of this a gap opened in the wall from which he ran inside the circle and because of that another roar echoed as a warning.

John wasn't seeing his knees from the dense violet gas, he was feeling something moving under him but he didn't care, he doesn't want to be a dark caster or anything, he just wants his love to be safe.

John reached the bed and started untying the robes for Cristina who didn't expect him to come and rescue her.

"I thought you were using me.", Said Cristina in tears.

"Of course no, it was stupid to take that risk, but if there's a chance you'll get hurt then I'm not doing it, even if my father hated me for this and even my life might be in danger, but I'm not surrendering you to anyone, you're the happiest thing that happened to me.", Said John before finally untying the last robe and immediately Cristina stood up and hugged him while trembling from fear and crying.

"I'm sorry, Cristina, please forgive me.", Said John as he hugged her back before the ground Shaked even more and the roar thundered inside their ears and there were eyes inside the gas below which is now covering their waist!

"We need to get out of the circle immediately.", Said John before he pulled Cristina's hand and running towards the gap that he opened but something strange happened, the energy wall refused to let them out and they get pushed back.

"What's the problem with that stupid wall?", Said John angrily.

"It's just as I've read before, once the ritual starts.", Said Cristina before John interrupted her.

"A sacrifice shall be done.", Said John in fear.

"That means the person inside the circle dies, what have I done?", Thought John before Cristina suddenly hold his face close to her.

"John, the days I've lived with you was the best, I never dreamed to have someone who cares about me like you did, and the year of marriage and living under the same roof was more than enough for a girl who didn't think she would be normal and see how the life can be good.", Said Cristina before hugging John in a strange manner before strange humanoid figures started appearing from the gas behind them.

"What're you saying now? That's not the best time for this, we'll get out of this circle together, I'll find a solution.", Said John but before he break the hug Cristina tightened her arms around him not allowing him to move.

"I don't want you to live with regret, I already told you that what you did for me is enough, but I haven't done anything close to that, so I'm sorry, John, but that's the least I can do for you, I love you.", Said Cristina and before John even reacts Cristina pushed him outside the circle while she stayed inside!

"Cristina? What did you do?", Said John as he looked at her from the other side.

"Saving my husband, if we stayed in both of us will die.", Said Cristina while smiling and more tears fell off.

"NO! I told I'll find a solution.", Said John while raising his voice.

"It's the only solution John.", Said Cristina before she walked back and the gas covered her completely, John immediately run again towards the circle but a strong repulsive force pushed him at the other end of the room.

the roars were very loud and terrifying, the red glowing light was strong to a level that nearly caused John's eyes to go blind, the ground shaking was stronger than before and the scene was like hell unleashed on the room.

Suddenly, everything stopped and the red light disappeared gradually, the horrifying voices stopped and the gas gradually dispersed as the red marks on the ground disappeared like there wasn't any trace of them.

John opened his eyes gradually after he recovered from the strong repulsion he suffered from.

"Cristina!", Said John as he looked at Cristina who was lying on the floor in the middle of the room.

"No!", Said John in fear while standing up and walking towards Cristina but he fell after a few steps and noticed that his leg was hurt from the repulsion but he didn't care and walked again towards Cristina and when he saw that she was covered in blood and motionless he was paralyzed!

"Cristina?", Said John as he kneeled in front of Cristina's body.

"What have I done?", Said John while looking at his hands then looking at Cristina before raising her and looking at her face and moving her hair backwards, her eyes were closed and there were tears on her cheeks mixed with some blood that she coughed out of her mouth.

"Please don't leave me.", Said John before he started tearing.

"I didn't want any of this to happen, please open your eyes.", Said John in frustration before he finally realized that he lost her, he burst into tears and cried very loud while hugging her body.

"I can't live without you.", Said John while crying heavily.

"Why? WHY?", Cried John while holding his dead wife tightly.

"Forgive me, I failed in protecting you, I k- killed you.", Said John before he moved his hand over her abdomen.

"And I even killed our son.", Said John in frustration while looking at her dead eyes.

"AHHHHHHHHH!", Cried John as he leaned over her chest and continued crying, his life turned upside down in that day, he even didn't complete the ritual as he missed the marks on the ground and so he didn't manage to be a dark caster, he lost his wife for nothing and is now hugging her dead body after she sacrificed herself for his survival, she paid her life just to fix his mistakes, the amount of regret and sadness that John felt was unbearable, how will he forgive himself after that?

That was John Rascliffe's story, the person that has lost control because of unknown fragment that provides him with the dark energy he failed to achieve in the ritual then he killed Edward, the only person that was by his side after losing Cristina, he's now meeting his destiny, cause Jaxith isn't going to take things easy, he's going to show John the true colors of the negative abyss.