Jaxith kneeled down and looked directly at Irene's disappointed expression as she was looking at the ground.

"Chin up.", Said Jaxith while calmly raising Irene's chin up by his right hand to make her look at him, he could see the worry mixed with disappointment in her eyes.

"Don't be sorry, be better, I'm not punishing you or anything like that to feel down, just learn, and that's what you're doing actually.", Said Jaxith to motivate Irene who seemed to not be affected, Jaxith gradually lowered his hand back.

"You're just trying to make me feel better, while in fact I'm hopeless, I can't think right.", Said Irene in disappointment.

"No I'm not, I really mean what I say, the evidence is below your feet, you noticed the footsteps, the old Irene that I met in that alley in Orstone wouldn't have noticed them, you're gradually focusing on your surroundings better, you're improving and there's always a space for improvement, even the strongest spiritual knights weren't born as warriors, they trained for that.", Said Jaxith calmly while smiling.

"Do you really believe yourself? I even didn't notice that there's a foreign footsteps beside our trail, I only rushed to blame you for making us lost and wasting our time.", Said Irene.

"Because you're still learning, your eyes aren't accustomed to the investigative look yet, that will take time and someone to guide you.", Said Jaxith.

"I know myself, Jaxith, I can't be like you, I'm just trying to copy your style to not feel lower but that's the reality.", Said Irene.

"Who said anything about being like me, the last person I want you to be like is me, I want you to be yourself, I don't want you to copy my style, just learn to be better, not to be a copy of me, I don't want you to carry a sword and fight, I want you focused with a strong grip on your emotions, and you're already developing, making mistakes is normal, just learn from them, and finally, don't bother yourself with thinking that I'm mad at you or something like that, you'll need more than your annoying attitude to piss someone like me, young girl.", Said Jaxith in a comforting manner, Irene looked with care at his red serious eyes but she doesn't see the anger and pain behind them, she actually sees the good behind them.

"Are we good? Or there's still something bothering you?", Asked Jaxith in a caring way.

"Why don't you want me to be like you? I thought you wanted me to learn to be like you.", Said Irene.

"Let's just say that the way I came from doesn't lead to a bright future, I don't want you to walk the same way and keep carrying unwanted regrets that'll only destroy the good inside you, I just want an upgraded version of Irene, the same Irene with the same cheeky and grumpy attitude but just with a perfect instinct, I believe you can do it, and you're already doing well, trust yourself.", Said Jaxith calmly, Irene wasn't understanding why he doesn't want her to be like him, it's this moment that she realized that she still doesn't know a lot about Jaxith's past, how he's always avoiding talking about his childhood or training.

"What made you strange like that, Jaxith? But I guess I have nothing to do, you truly care about me and I do the same, maybe after some time you'll talk about all what you're hiding from me, until then I should be grateful for having you by my side.", Thought Irene while smiling involuntary.

"I guess you're back by this smile of yours.", Said Jaxith calmly.

"Welllll,....", Said Irene before averting her eyes upwards while smiling.

"Looks like grandpas have a good way with words.", Said Irene in her sly manner, Jaxith let a faint laugh while standing up then putting his hand over her head and stroking her like always.

"Now that's official, and don't ever think that I look at you as a weak one, the time will show how strong and special you're, Irene, trust me.", Said Jaxith, Irene smiled more while looking at him and nodded positively.

"Fine, now why do you think they know we're heading to Duskthorne? Maybe they're just following us from Ebonmere after you saved me from them.", Said Irene.

"I'm sure that they know we're going to Duskthorne.", Said Jaxith.

"Why?", Asked Irene, Jaxith looked at her then remembered what the guard he buried alive told him before silencing him, of course Irene knows nothing about Jaxith killing people.

"My usual hunch, but that's not the problem, I want to know how they know about this.", Said Jaxith seriously while looking at the footsteps.

"Maybe they knew about this from Miller or Emelia, but no, that's not possible, Miller would never hurt you.", Said Irene while looking confused.

"No, Miller got nothing to do with this.", Said Jaxith before remembering that when he walked out of the room he was poisoned in, he found Miller dead on the floor and his blood around him, he remembered the rage inside him after walking up, the roars inside his head, the head in his hand of the guard he killed was a sign for the hellish nightmare that Ebonmere lived that night, the bloodbath that flooded outside Miller's inn and the warehouse, the body parts and casualties he left after him was just because John Rascliffe triggered the monster that Jaxith kept away long time ago.

"Then who?", Asked Irene.

"I hope we don't find the answer for that question when we reach Duskthorne.", Said Jaxith while deeply thinking about Lance.

"What do you mean about this?", Asked Irene worriedly, she knows that Jaxith is suspecting Lance.

"Don't worry your little head about it, come on, ride Senka and let's go.", Said Jaxith in a quick manner to avoid getting into another hard conversation with her about Lance because she completely refuses suspecting him.

"Okay, we better move as you said, come on Senka.", Said Irene before riding Senka then again our two heroes continued their twisted journey towards Duskthorne.