
"When Jaxith came to my father I wasn't in Ebonmere, I was still coming the next day, they needed a place to rest especially Irene as they have fought an Onohly during their way to here, not to mention the events in Orstone.", Said Emelia, Troy was sitting beside her and Adam was standing and listening carefully.

"Where were they going to?", Asked Adam.

"Jaxith told my father that they were going to the west side of the kingdom, Irene knows a man named Lance that she claims he'll be able to help them.", Said Emelia.

"Where to the west?", Asked Adam.

"I don't know, Jaxith is always secretive like that.", Said Emelia.

"Fine, go on.", Said Adam before thinking about something.

"So at least we know that this Lance is really important, if only the hunter mentioned to where he's heading.", Thought Adam.

"He also asked my father about someone who's really important in the group following Irene that he even thinks he's their leader, but my father didn't know him.", Said Emelia.

"Who?", Asked Adam curiously.

"Blamore, his name was Blamore.", Said Emelia, Adam was surprised for a second before realizing that there's nothing to get surprised from.

"Vossler was my evidence that the Cragmoore zealots are the ones behind the hybrid, but now the hunter still doesn't know the amount of danger they're in, he doesn't know who's Vex Blamore, but I must be thankful, if it wasn't for him the future queen would have been lost, still there's a lot of uncovered information.", Thought Adam before looking back at Emelia.

"Complete, madam, sorry for interrupting.", Said Adam.

"No problem, captain, he told my father that he met Irene in Orstone and decided to help her, he thinks that this is the right thing to do, but also he told me that she reminds him of someone precious to him.", Said Emelia.

"Apart from what happened, do you know anything about Jaxith's life before arriving at Vidin?", Asked Adam.

"All what I know is that he's a Legnican, nothing more than that, that explains how he uses such a sword easily, although he's a monster hunter but my father always said that Jaxith is hiding something, he thought that Jaxith wasn't actually a monster hunter before, but he always avoided talking about himself.", Said Emelia.

"So not just the sword is made from Legnican metal as expected from Broudgrak, the hunter himself is a Legnican too, not just the sword, only the sword is waiting to be confirmed.", Thought Adam.

"But I became sure that Jaxith was more than just a hunter after that incident.", Said Emelia before looking afraid again.

"Emelia, if you don't want to talk about this now I'm sure that captain Adam will understand.", Said Troy in a caring manner while stroking his wife's back.

"No, I'm good.", Said Emelia while refocusing.

"Do you mean the first night when the hybrid lost control or another incident?", Asked Adam.

"Another one, the night when Irene lost control was terrifying according to my father's words, also Jaxith mentioned that Irene wasn't tolerating the pain and the voices inside her head, she was afraid to hurt anyone and in the same time the pain was too much for her that she asked Jaxith to end her life, I don't know how he managed to calm her down but when I came the next day I was sure that Irene was more than a random person for Jaxith, maybe at the beginning when he met her, but now he strongly cares about her, and the same goes for her, she was hugging him like a young sister would do with her older brother, I was clearly seeing the bond between them, even though the didn't stay together for a long time.", Said Emelia politely, Adam was still listening carefully.

"I made a potion for treating her burns after the night she lost control, he asked for other things about Irene to understand more about her demonic nature but I wasn't able to help him as I couldn't find any match between her and other common hybrids, even the amounts of dark energy she created to burn the room like that was exceptional, she could use divine energy too at such a young age, she wasn't dangerous though, she's very kind, Jaxith thinks that she's special.", Said Emelia.

"She's indeed special, no wonder the prophet's scepter chose her, but she actually possesses too much, divine energy means that her human parent was 90% a divine caster, and carrying demonic blood means she can naturally use dark energy without any sacrificing rituals.", Thought Adam.

"Anyway, everything was actually fine, Jaxith and Irene moved into another room, the two days they spent with us passed without any problems except with the lumberjacks, the villagers were afraid from Irene after they heard her screams at the first night, and due to the fact that another demonic incident happened at Orstone, which they were connected with also, they decided that someone must talk with Miller about them and they shouldn't stay.", Said Emelia.

"And the lumberjacks were the ones to do it.", Said Adam.

"They did it impolitely, Irene was inside by that time and Larry talked in a bad way with her and of course Irene by nature got a sly attitude so insulting him wasn't enough but she actually kicked him, down, pretty hard actually.", Said Emelia while looking uncomfortable.

"Down?", Asked Adam curiously.

"Between the legs, captain, my wife is pretty shy.", Said Troy, Adam was surprised.

"DAMN, SHE'S LITERALLY PACKING UP.", Said Guiscard in a funny manner.

"No problem, madam, I guess after that kick Larry didn't like it and proceeded to punish the hybrid but the hunter intervened, isn't it.", Said Adam.

"Exactly, he put all of the three lumberjacks down and threatened everyone around to not get near Irene, she won't harm anyone but no one should dare to insult her like Larry, a part from that incident, nothing terrible happened.", Said Emelia.

"Until?", Said Adam curiously.

"Until the day I was kidnapped.", Said Emelia in hesitation.