
Early in the morning, Arlyn city, the capital of Vidin, today was a very special day, precisely at Arlyn's cathedral where a new batch of divine soldiers are getting ready to be officially announced as saint knights under the order of Arlyn's cathedral in today's ceremony.

The front of the cathedral was decorated by colorful decorations and banners, guards were aligned along the entrance of the front yard of the cathedral where the ceremony will be held, several benches were placed inside the yard in a specific order on the both sides yard and so leaving the aisle in the middle of the garden clear with nothing blocking the way to the few steps stairs of the cathedral at which the knights will be honored by the archbishop of the cathedral.

Many important figures from the upper class were present in the front seats to attend this wonderful ceremony, which annually produces a new batch of knights who are classified as the strongest after the spiritual knights, equally with the divine casters of course.

Over the stairs stood the archbishop of the cathedral politely in his religious clothes, he was facing the crowd on the benches, especially the parents of the knights that will be honored today who are having the front seats to proudly watch from close their sons that brought pride to these families.

To the left of the archbishop stood general Rhaegel at the left side close to stairs at the left side, beside him stood a nun in a very polite manner and black modest clothes while holding a finely decorated pillow in purple color that's having medals over it.

At the right side of the archbishop, down the stairs stood the new knights in a row along the narrow aisle at the side of the yard close to the fence, they were impatiently waiting for the ceremony to begin.

Broudgrak has just reached the yard and walk to stand at the other side of the yard away from the row of the knights to be honored, he was a away from the stairs though to not be on the way of the knights after they receive their medal from general Rhaegel and go down the stairs to finish.

Rhaegel noticed Broudgrak and winked for him.

"HEY, RHAEGEL, YOUR SON IS SUCH A CANDY FOR THE WOMEN'S EYES BACK THERE, HE CAN PICK A WIFE IF HE WANTED.", Shouted Broudgrak to make Rhaegel hear him well because all the people in the yard were talking while the ceremony was getting ready to start, Rhaegel smiled while containing his laughter, the people close to them laughed while looking at Broudgrak.

"I will get you after the ceremony, you dwarf bastard.", Thought Rhaegel while still smiling, the atmosphere was lovely with nothing to disturb this peaceful day.

"Congratulations, general.", Said the nun beside Rhaegel, he broke his smile and looked at the nun in a little surprise, he clearly wasn't expecting her to tell him that.

"Kevlar is a very polite and respectful person, you raised him well, no need to mention he was the best knight during the cathedral training phases for the divine casting as well as his abilities in raw dueling, he is clearly the son of his father, may the god bless him, general.", Said the young nun in a very polite manner, Rhaegel smiled after hearing those wonderful words about his son, he felt proud.

"Thank you, sister Maria, your words mean a lot to me, the fact that those words are coming from such a respectful person as you is delightful enough for me.", Said Rhaegel politely.

"I'm not exaggerating by the way, the archbishop shares the same thought as me, Kevlar is unique, I talked to him several times and sensed that, I am sure that he will become someone very important for our kingdom in the following years.", Said sister Maria politely while smiling.

"I hope, sister.", Said Rhaegel while looking at the back of the row of knights.

"He wants to carve his own name by himself without my interference, he told me that training me to become a warrior was enough, he wants to achieve his goals by himself, and that is something I am proud of, because I did the same without anyone's help.", Said Rhaegel while smiling, sister Maria smiled while looking at the row like general Rhaegel.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may we start?", Said the archbishop calmly in a high voice, immediately the crowd went silent to hear the archbishop.

"Today is a special day that only comes once a year, and this year is even more distinct from all the previous years, because in today's ceremony we will provide our kingdom with the largest batch of saint knights in its history, men who proved their loyalty to the gods first before holding their swords, men who can carry not just the name of their kingdom but also the name Arlyn's great church as a mark of honor and purity, the men who combined between the assets of being a divine caster vowed to the gods and the knight holding his weapon to defend his kingdom and people, the saint knights across the continent have always been a source of pride because they are carrying the gift of our gods to protect the land they have given us to live in peace.", Said the archbishop calmly in his introduction for the ceremony, everyone was listening carefully including Broudgrak who sensed someone moving around, he looked back and noticed that Adam has made it her too!

"I feel like I'm really losing him, Broudgrak, please help me.", Remembered Broudgrak, the voice was for a woman talking in sorrow while crying.

Broudgrak looked back at the archbishop who was still talking, he started thinking.

"I need to give him a hint at least, or he will regret this boldness.", Thought Broudgrak while looking serious and also a bit of sad.