
Night has come and it is still raining heavily until now. It has been about two hours and it has not stopped. The streets were filled with water and everyone had returned to their homes, even their late employers. Everyone was in bed to escape the extreme cold of this night, which represents a warning that winter is coming. This year will be difficult.

But even in cold nights like these, some anxious people cannot sleep because of excessive thinking , and at the armory, an anxious dwarf was drinking beer on the lights of the candle in his office.

Broudgrak was looking sad, he raised his bottle of beer and drank some of it before lowering the bottle and putting it down harshly.

"Why didn't I tell him? No I shouldn't be the one telling him, but why do I feel so sad? Is it Gena that made me feel sad? Or the fact that Adam seems lost and very detached from us lately?", Said Broudgrak while looking somehow drunk, he was completely alone right now and no one was present in the armory except the guards outside the main gates.

Broudgrak looked at the door of his office that leads down to the armory and started remembering what happened a week ago.

A week ago

Broudgrak was opening the door of his office to finally see whoever wanted to see him, he closed the door and turned slowly.

"Now I hope that this is actually urgent as I am really busy and you even refused to tell my servant your na-!.", Said Broudgrak while turning before seeing the person waiting in his office and opening his mouth in surprise while his eyes opened widely.

"Oh, it's you, um eh, long time no see.", Said Broudgrak while adjusting his hair and brushing his clothes of any dust.

"Please sit down.", Said Broudgrak before smiling and walking forward towards a lady, she was the only person.

He stretched his hand to shake the lady's hand and she shyly shaked his hand while smiling sadly as her brown eyes were looking tired from crying.

"It is good to see you, Gena, I really mean it, I haven't seen you since a very long time.", Said Broudgrak to the dark haired lady which is obviously Gena, Adam's wife.

"Thanks Broudgrak, I'm happy to see you too.", Said Gena politely, she was wearing a respectful dress that suits the royal family guard's wife, Broudgrak looked at her strangely.

"You sound and look sad, and before you try denying it, the swelling around your eyes exposed you.", Said Broudgrak while looking worried, Gena looked at the side of the room sadly.

"I-I really don't know why I came, but you are the only person that I knew to talk with him beside Adam, and I really want to talk with someone.", Said Gena while sounding very heartbroken, Broudgrak could easily detect that something is wrong.

"Sit down, whatever is weighing you down can be solved just relax and tell me what is wrong.", Said Broudgrak calmly, Gena listened to him and sat on a chair, Broudgrak sat on the chair in front of her and looked at her.

"Now tell me, did that idiot hurt your innocent feelings?", Said Broudgrak seriously while leaning a bit closer to Gena who looked to the side sadly.

"Don't call him stupid, please.", Said Gena while holding herself from crying.

"Now I know it is him.", Said Broudgrak while looking angrily, Gena looked back at him.

"What did that boy do to make you sad like that? I warned him more than once to not do something foolish with you, did he decide that after a long time without seeing you to come and make you sad?", Said Broudgrak seriously.

"No, and that is the problem, he didn't even come.", Said Gena sadly, Broudgrak looked surprised.

"He told me that he isn't having time lately but I told him to go and see you, why didn't he come to you until now?", Said Broudgrak.

"Because we had a quarrel about six weeks ago, and since that time Adam didn't bother to even see me.", Said Gena while tearing.

"Oh come on, Gena, please don't cry, I will smash the head of that alpha.", Said Broudgrak while bringing Gena a clean handkerchief for her tears, Gena took the handkerchief and started wiping her tears.

"What happened that triggered this quarrel?", Asked Broudgrak.

"He was getting more distant away from me, even when he is with me, he really wants a child to feel like a complete family, but as the years moved on, we weren't still able to have one, and he gradually started losing interest in me, lately he wasn't even focusing while we were eating together, he was becoming different, I started thinking that he is betraying with another woman but I suppressed that feeling.", Said Gena while looking afraid.

"Don't ever think about that, Adam loves you since you were kids, maybe his job is stressful enough.", Said Broudgrak seriously.

"Broudgrak I'm pregnant now and he doesn't even come to know this.", Said Gena while tearing again, Broudgrak looked shocked that he forgot his mouth open.