CH 77.9

Back to the battlefield, the battle is going to happen in the next few moments, the archers captain was looking at the demons more closely through a spyglass before lowering it.

"A total of 15 scarlet giants, about 80 demonic hounds and 300 scarlet crusaders, I counted them from every side, that's the total number of the first wave.", Said the archers captain seriously while looking at professor Claus.

"First wave?", Asked professor Claus while looking surprised.

"Indeed, the second wave of the summoned demons are about 10 minutes away from the first one that we are about to encounter.", Said the archers captain seriously, professor Claus took a deep breath before looking at lieutenant Arathel.

"15 scarlet giants, about 80 demonic hounds and 300 scarlet crusaders, that's the first wave, as you expected, a second wave will reach us in 10 minutes after the encounter with the first wave.", Said professor Claus through the telepathic field.

"That's why I avoided playing extra passive role and waited on the defensive wall, the divine barrier wouldn't have hold up.", Said lieutenant Arathel through the telepathic field while looking at the demons coming closer and hearing their roars, but at this moment, the long tower middling the academy campus started shining blue even more and gradually a field of blue energy started materializing around the academy and the defensive wall in the form of a large dome, it completely engulfed everyone except lieutenant Arathel and her men on the battlefield, they are standing in front of the dome from every side.

"Speaking of the devil, the divine barrier is finally ready.", Said professor Claus calmly through the telepathic field as every archer and divine caster around him was looking in amazement by the view of the divine barrier, even the archers captain was looking amazed.

"First time inside a divine barrier, captain?", Asked professor Claus while looking calmly at the archers captain.

"Yes, I was actually a beast rider before being an archers captain for this squad, I'm more used for taking offensive roles with the enemies, that's why it's my first time being in one, and although being rare as not every castle or academy has such an advanced divine weapon, I knew that Taimeria divine academy has one because of its importance, but pardon me, professor, since you're a man of great scientific value, what's the mechanism of this barrier? Like, how do our attacks reach the demons out of it while they can't pass?", Asked the archers captain politely.

"Easy, the same way the radiating towers beams doesn't hurt our men even if they are shoot by it or was close to the explosion resulting from the beam hitting an object, the secret lies within your armor and weapons captain.", Said professor Claus calmly.

"You mean Delven's code?", Asked the archers captain.

"Exactly, captain, every armor or weapon that has been enchanted with the same divine energy produced from the main sphere of the dangerous source under Delven's code conditions, let them be the radiating towers or the divine barrier for example, those equipments aren't affected by the energy produced at all from the same sphere, to be more specific, the piece of equipment itself will be having a transparent protective layer that deflects the energy away from the piece of equipment, so if you're wearing an armor like the one you are wearing, then that means you can easily pass through the divine barrier without even feeling with its presence, the same goes for the radiating towers beams, I hope that you get it by now, captain.", Said professor Claus politely.

"That looks a bit complicated, I always knew I wasn't born for studying, I was born to fight.", Said the archers captain while joking.

"You're a saint knight, captain, you must have studied divine casting.", Said professor Claus calmly.

"Although it was very important to learn a bit of divine casting along with the basics of being a warrior to be a full pledged saint knight able to mix between the divine casting and being a knight, that was the worst part during our training without a doubt.", Said the archers captain before laughing calmly and even professor Claus let out a faint laughter.

"The youth of these days, I think I would never understand you.", Said professor Claus in a mocking manner before gradually both of them turned serious again.

"So, what are lieutenant Arathel's orders for us with the first wave?", Asked the archers captain seriously.

"Lieutenant, two minutes, what's your tactic with the first wave?", Asked professor Claus through the telepathic field.

"Saving my men's fatigue until they're needed, I want each radiating tower to target a single scarlet giant, no missing, it would even be better if the beam blast could take several hounds or crusaders too, the divine casters should get rid of the remaining 5 scarlet giants with their spells, the archers should focus on the hounds and the crusaders, they should be easy to take down with the charging bows, the divine casters should turn to help destroying the remaining of the hounds and the crusaders once they have made sure that the scarlet giants were done, we can't let the scarlet giants get near early, that would make our infantrymen in more danger from their fireballs as they will be holding the demons off, clear, professor?", Said lieutenant Arathel seriously across the telepathic field.

"Consider it done, lieutenant.", Said professor Claus across the telepathic field before looking back at the archers captain.

"Get ready, captain, the orders are here.", Said professor Claus seriously.

Lieutenant Arathel looked aggressive toward the demons getting closer, she grasped her helmet on her serpicant's back and raised it.

"I'll make you proud, father, you trained me for this, and I'm not going to waste your reputation too, I'll make you proud, like I've always been.", Said lieutenant Arathel in a serious low voice while looking at the helmet before gradually putting it over her head then wearing it, the helmet covered all the head and most of the face except the eyes, nose and mouth, she opened her eyes calmly while regulating her breath.

"Let's do this.", Said lieutenant Arathel calmly.