CH. 77.18

After a while, Gorwin was panting hard while laying down and stretching his arms and legs, there are no signs for demons anymore, either visually or by hearing their terrifying voices, the only traces of them are the remaining body parts, simple as that, all of the demonic hounds were wiped out by Gorwin's divine scrolls.

"Thank the gods that they were just those, I've used all of my divine scrolls so if there were more, things wouldn't have been good for me.", Thought Gorwin while looking at the high ceiling of the hallway he's resting in, but to understand what happened, it's time to illustrate what the divine scrolls are and what they actually do.

"I really appreciate the day I listened to grandfather and learned to use the divine scrolls, well, maybe I should really overcome my fear and learn divine casting.", Thought Gorwin while smiling then he started remembering an old memory with his grandfather, professor Claus, in a wide, beautiful park.

Professor Claus was standing beneath a tree and carrying a small bag containing several rolled scrolls, he got one of them out and placed it on the ground after opening it before turning to look at Gorwin who was leaning back on the same tree, he looks even much younger than now, about 5 years old younger.

"Now listen carefully, kid, this is important, you have to learn anything to keep you alive, the divine scrolls is an excellent choice for that since you doesn't want to learn divine casting.", Said professor Claus while smiling, Gorwin just smiled.

"I'm listening, grandfather.", Said Gorwin politely, professor Claus nodded for him before getting another scroll out of his bag then opened it to show Gorwin.

"The divine scrolls are mainly normal divine spells but in a sealed form, it requires an experienced divine casters to create them, he casts his divine spell on this already prepared scroll, this scroll was prepared from a specific type of paper that have sealing effects on divine energy , so the scroll itself under specific conditions by experienced divine casters can seal a single divine spell to be used later by even persons who aren't trained to use their divine energy, such as you for example, but that doesn't mean that people who doesn't even have the ability to harness divine energy can use divine scrolls, you must be able to at least harness divine energy to be able to use them, the training part isn't necessary, or to use a divine spell from a divine art that you're not specialized in, so to make it easy, you must be able to use divine energy but in the same time you won't even use divine energy at all because the spell is already casted and sealed. That's what the divine scrolls are and how they are created, is that clear or something isn't understood?", Said professor Claus calmly in order for Gorwin to understand the divine scrolls.

"Easy, but what about how they are used?", Asked Gorwin.

"Step by step, you should understand anything before trying to use.", Said professor Claus calmly, Gorwin nodded for him.

"The divine scrolls should be put on the ground just like the one behind me then reading the divine code written on them to get them activated(he pointed on a specific part on the scroll in his hand) then choosing the number of the scroll, after that you put the number of fingers corresponding to the number that you chose for the divine scroll over the scroll itself as if you are fingerprinting it, if the number is more than 10 then you should put all your fingers and that counts as 10 then remove them and put the remaining fingers to reach the desired number, after choosing the number and fingerprinting, you should say: let you be, then say the number you chose but in ancient gods language. After that the divine scroll will glow strongly before merging with the ground it was placed on, and by that, the divine scroll is ready to unleash the spell sealed within!", Said professor Claus seriously, Gorwin widened his eyes in a bit of surprise.

"Just like that?", Said Gorwin while looking surprised a bit.

"Just the final step to unleash the spell, once you say the number of the divine scroll in the ancient gods language, you should point down with their fingers in the same number of the divine scroll, to be noted, both of the hand fingers must be used in pointing unless the number is one, in that case the left hand is shaped as a fist looking down and the right hand point with one finger down, in other cases, if the number is even then just split it on the two hands, if it's odd then make your right hand be the one holding the extra pointing finger down, not the left one, understood?", Said professor Claus while showing the fingers movements for Gorwin to understand.

"I think I do, looks pretty easy.", Said Gorwin while looking surprised and smiling in fascination.

"Because it's actually pretty easy, once you do that the divine spell will be casted and affect whatever is moving over it, it could be used to create a very strong, deadly traps, now, why don't you give it a try?", Said professor Claus while ushering for Gorwin to try using the scroll behind him, Gorwin smiled before standing up.

"Fine, let's see this little trap.", Said Gorwin while walking towards the divine scroll, professor Claus smiled while looking at his nephew.

And by that, Gorwin was smiling while remembering this memory and still looking at the ceiling.

"Please be safe, grandfather, you're the only one left for me.", Said Gorwin before a tear escaped his left eye.

"I should inform him now.", Thought Gorwin before suddenly a strange sound for footsteps echoing across the hallway caught Gorwin's attention, someone is getting closer, and this one was walking slowly in a very calm manner!