CH. 77.20

Nigel looked at the prototype under his hand and pointed at the opening at the front, he's going to illustrate.

"Listen, everyone, each device is already loaded with enough divine stones to charge a single shot, this shot can do serious damage so be careful not to use it unless there are many demons at your range or you will waste it over a few demons.", Said Nigel while looking at the prototype.

"What about this bag?", Asked the female elf while raising one of the bags beside her device (she's on the far left), the ones that are having a faint blue illumination coming out of them.

"Yeah, they're beside each prototype.", Said the less friendly elf while looking questionably at Nigel.

"It's experimental divine stones, I guess you are using them to load the injectors, right, Nigel?", Said the friendly elf while having a small divine stone in his hand, he already opened one of the bags beside him.

"Exactly, with that you can understand we only have three shots for each injector if we add the already loaded one.", Said Nigel calmly while looking at the friendly elf before looking at the injector in front of him again.

"It's super easy, all what you have to do after shooting is to open this cover (he opened metallic cover at the back of the injector that swinged to the side with a creaking sound) then pour all the divine stones in one of the bags inside this funnel (he pointed inside the injector, the gap that was covered by the metallic lid), and after that you just close the lid again and press the injecting button once you want to shoot again, any questions?", Said Nigel calmly while looking back at his friends, they were all close to him while looking at what he was doing with the injector, it's there only chance to stay alive so they must focus.

"I guess we can put it simply like that, we shoot large numbers of demons then reload and wait for them to get regrouped again to repeat the cycle, say I'm wrong.", Said the less friendly elf but in fact he was smiling faintly at Nigel who nodded positively.

"You're right, stay on the right like that beside me on your injector.", Said Nigel while looking at the less friendly elf before looking at the female elf.

"Go to the injector at the left end over there.", Said Nigel seriously, the female elf nodded politely before going back to her place, the demons voices were getting louder now, no, they have reached the end of the opposite intersecting hallway, demonic hounds and scarlet crusaders! They were running and switched left at the end of the hallway they were running in to start running towards Nigel and his friends now!

"Get ready and aim your injector.", Said Nigel impatiently to his friendly male elf beside him, all of the young elves got ready and were aiming their injectors towards the incoming demons, the metal clinking of the scarlet crusaders armors were having a terrifying mix with their growls and demonic hounds teeth snapping, one mistake is capable of ending the lives of those poor, innocent students.

"Listen carefully, we will shoot together, when I feel that this is the right moment I'll shout for us to fire, okay?", Said Nigel nervously, the demons are about 30 seconds away from them and still coming a lot from the other intersecting hallway at the end, they are nearly filling all the width of the hallway now, at least 50 demons are currently visible.

"Nigel, I don't know if I will survive or not, but let me get it straight, I'm sorry for what I said about Elviera, I should have respected your emotions for her.", Said the less friendly elf on Nigel's right side calmly.

"No one is going to die today, okay?", Said Nigel seriously before slightly looking right and smiling, the less friendly elf was surprised by this reply then he too smiled.

"Then let's send those filthy creatures back from where they came from and go to help the best student in our class, we're not letting you go alone to help her.", Said the less friendly elf confidently, Nigel nodded in respect for him.

"Get ready, they're getting closer.", Said Nigel, all his friends looked straight forward at the upcoming danger, ready to shoot the scarlet demons dead, the demons are now a few meters away, the scarlet crusaders raised their weapons, the demonic hounds leaped, it's now or never.

"FIRE!", Shouted Nigel and immediately all of the four elves pushed the buttons to activate the injectors they're controlling and immediately, BOOOOOOM!

Four strong rays of raw divine energy bursted out of the injectors that literally sent all of the upcoming demons away and were even tearing their flesh, even the strong armors of the scarlet crusaders weren't enough to prevent the lethal damage, the blue light was dominating the hallway, the demons weren't visible anymore.

Once the surge of the raw divine energy depleted, the hallway was finally clear again, all the demons that were close died, but that doesn't mean that all of them died.

"Reload, the remaining are still coming from the other side of the hallway, we only have some seconds, fast.", Said Nigel seriously before opening the metallic lid of his injector then he started emptying the content of one of the two bags beside him inside the injector, his friends started doing the same.

"Any idea from where did all of these things appeared here inside the building?", Asked the female elf while closing the metallic lid of her injector.

"Not a single idea, we should focus now on staying alive before thinking about how they got inside in the first place.", Said Nigel confidently.

"Now, be ready, they are close again.", Said Nigel seriously, the new demons are back again trying to reach the young elves, and just when they got close, Nigel shouted and they started shooting the demons again, the 4 young elves were holding themselves alone without the help of any experienced person, facing death but still overcoming their fear.