CH. 77.27

The serpicants were snapping their teeth rubbing their paws aggressively on the ground making deep marks with their claws in the soily ground around the academy.

Lieutenant Arathel was standing in front of her men by a few meters beside officer Alvin, she was raising her sword in the air and all the beast riders were waiting for her mark.

"SAINT KNIGHTS OF TAIMERIA ACADEMY, ATAAAAAAAACK", Shouted lieutenant Arathel aggressively while lowering her sword and pointing it towards the demons and immediately her serpicant sprinted forward, marching forward at the front of the ranks of soldiers was her way to express how she's just a soldier as all of them now.

"BROTHERS IN ARMS, CAST YOUR WRATH ON THE DEFILED ENEMY.", Shouted officer Alvin in an encouraging manner while waving his sword upwards and rearing with his serpicants that was roaring proudly and immediately, all the beast riders sprinted forward following their commander, lieutenant Arathel, all of them were shouting different war cries to encourage themselves further and to try scaring the incoming demons by their unshakable valor, fortitude and resoluteness,but there was a distinctive war cry that was easily heared even by the elves above the defensive wall and the dark elves hiding in the forest.


The demons were marching forward, the scarlet crusaders raised their weapons, no scarlet giants are left in this wave of demons, just scarlet crusaders and demonic hounds.

Officer Alvin reached lieutenant Arathel at the front, they are now seconds away from engaging the enemy directly, being outnumbered but armed with specific tactics and movements.

"READY, LIEUTENANT?", Asked officer Alvin while looking at the incoming demons who now started running to met them by force.

"THIS IS ACTUALLY MY BEST PART, LET'S SEND THOSE SCUMBAGS TO HELL.", Shouted lieutenant Arathel while narrowing her eyes in her helmet and focusing deep, the scarlet crusaders raised their different weapons, axes, swords and spears, they're going to clash now!


The beast riders broke the first line of the demons army composed from scarlet crusaders easily by the help of the serpicants who furiously leaped over the bodies of the scarlet crusaders, pinning them down as a prey and going for direct bites on their necks, blood started gushing furiously and the beast riders themselves weren't just watching.

Just when the serpicants opened an opening for them, they didn't hesitate and immediately started swaying their swords over the necks of the scarlet crusaders, killing them immediately, their enchanted swords were charged with divine energy to be able to cut through the strong armors of the scarlet crusaders who weren't able to deal with the quick attacks by the elven small army.

"PROTECT EACH OTHER, DON'T LET THEM SURROUND US OR WE WILL GET TRAPPED, HOLD THE LINE, SOLDIERS.", Shouted lieutenant Arathel seriously while swaying her sword right and left quickly, blocking the attacks of different demons and countering them at perfect times, showing her great swordsmanship while dancing between the enemy lines and dealing as much damage as possible bravely, resembling the sign of a leader before her soldiers.

The beast riders lines were now aligned together around the academy and holding off the demons hordes quite well despite their low numbers, they may have lost some men by a wide strike from a scarlet crusader tearing the elf down of his serpicant immediately, or by an accurate spear throw piercing one of the elves chest while being focused on the demons close to him, but overall, the first impression indicates the superiority of the elven soldiers and lieutenant Arathel's plan, until now at least.

Between the fierce battle going on, and how the elven warriors were showing how agile they are and maneuvering easily between the scarlet crusaders while dodging their attacks and countering with the deadliest possible attacks by the help of the serpicants who were also participating in this attacks with their claws, strong arms and bone crushing jaws, the demonic hounds were stealthily running between the scarlet crusaders from the back lines into the forward lines to target the quick beast riders in order to make it easier for the scarlet crusaders, but?

When the demonic hounds reached the front lines, some of them were extremely close to the beast riders and immediately they leaped over them while the others were completely unaware of their presence due to their small size and how they were moving stealthily between the scarlet crusaders, the targeted beast riders just turned to look and find themselves being preys for those agile demons, they were just a second away from getting their necks and pushing them down off their serpicants, but at this exact moment, the charged arrows rain importance appeared, as all of the demonic hounds were shot down by the archers over the defensive wall who didn't stop shooting at all, of course they weren't afraid from shooting their elven companions because of defense ability over their armors (the same idea for how their charged arrows could pass through the divine barrier while other charged arrows from any other place in Yarnat can't do it, Delven's code), that's why lieutenant Arathel informed them to never stop, she knew that the demonic hounds would possess a great threat to her beast riders, a threat just below the scarlet giants, which doesn't make it any safer though, the continuous charged arrows rain will be of extreme help for dealing both types of demons, especially the demonic hounds, no need to mention that the divine casters support was still on the battlefield and different divine spells were still killing demons that, like the group of 8 scarlet crusaders who managed to trap a beast rider and isolated him away from the rest of the elven soldiers, he looked around in fear while trying to think of a way out, his serpicant was snarling angrily and looking around too, and just when the demons started sprinting to kill the lone elf, fire circle was created around him and burning all of demons that were going to attack him, the sudden pyromancy spell made the serpicant rear in fear but it gained its confidence again after it saw the demons falling dead, the elf patted his serpicant calmly before taking his breath and running again to help his elven soldiers.