CH. 77.33

Elviera immediately jumped to the side, dodging the fire, then casted the icicles that she created earlier towards the dark caster's head, he calmly moved his head to the side swiftly and the icicles passed away beside his hood without any friction easily!

"He's even fast, the way he just moved his head to dodge my spell confidently as that is an evidence that he's good at martial arts too, I should be extra careful from this man, he can even be dangerous close range which unlucky for me, I'm really bad at it.", Thought Elviera while looking seriously at the dark caster.

"Good, you finally started playing your cards.", Said the dark caster boldly before waving his right hand and snapping its fingers swiftly, Elviera immediately rolled to the side and the area where she was standing in erupted in green fire coming from the ground (there was a green circle where she was standing).

"I saw it once with my colleagues, god bless their souls, I shouldn't stay in my place whenever he snaps his fingers.", Thought Elviera while standing up again and taking a spell casting stance against the dark caster while walking slowly around and keeping her on him, the dark caster starting moving in circular motions just like her while clapping his hands.

"Perfect, you surpassed my expectations just by these simple dodges, at least you will be dying knowing that you did perfectly well against someone with my abilities.", Said the dark caster in a mocking manner.

"I'm sure that I won't be dying by your hands, zealot.", Said Elviera in a threatening manner.

"Still acting stupid?", Said the dark caster boldly.

"Stupid? I'm not the one who brought a whole army just to reach a single young divine caster and kill her before she returns to her homeland and look for the future queen of Reldret, guess what? First of all this idea is very consuming for your resources, you could have reached me in smarter and calmer ways without wasting your precious dirty dark energy, secondly, believe me, the one who is mainly looking for the hybrid is much, much better than me, he already defeated one of your zealots who is called Vossler, all of you aren't even strong enough to stand and talk bravely in front him, captain Adam Aravos will be bringing all of you down, stupids, he won't let you harm our kingdom or people, Vidin will stay great forever.", Said Elviera seriously while she and the dark caster were still walking around each other, she was ready for casting any spell.

"You? Didn't I say you are stupid, do you think we brought all of this just to reach you? HAHAHA! They were saying you're a talented divine caster, the best student in the continent's greatest divine teaching academy, a smart person that's much like her father, but until now, your ignorance haven't ceased to amuse me.", Said the dark caster while smiling boldly.

"What? But how? Then why you're here?", Asked Elviera in worry.

"I told you that I'm thankful that you are facing me and so that would make things easier on us, but that doesn't mean that you are actually a main target to care about, I just thought about killing two birds with one stone, that's it, don't think highly of yourself just because you're the daughter of Vidin's minister.", Said the dark caster boldly before starting to create green fire around him, Elviera wasn't understanding anything now.

"So why you're here then? That doesn't make any sense!", Said Elviera while looking confused.

"Your researcers have found something of extreme importance to us lately, of course they still don't know what are those things, but we actually do, they're some of many evidences about the hidden truth of this continent, I just came to claim those blueprints and leave, but thanks to you I'll be leaving while also eliminating a possible enemy in the future, as I said before, your precious kingdom will be living a nightmare soon, and even your loyal captain will end up dead, don't even think that he's stronger than what we're planning against him, now, please die quickly, I still got business to take care of inside.", Said the dark caster seriously before he unleashed several green fireballs towards Elviera furiously!

Elviera rolled to the side and summoned an ice block in front of her so she could protect herself from the next Bethra's ember spells.

"That simple ice block won't hold a couple of spells, young caster.", Said the dark caster boldly before a green circle was created over the dark caster's head which started casting green fire heavily over Elviera's ice block, leading to rapid melting, in fact, Elviera's current divine art is literally useless against Bethra's ember dark art, it completely negates it, no need to mention how much dark magic is much more dangerous than the divine magic on even normal basis.

(For example, in divine magic, pyromancy is considered a strong divine art against the glacial divine art, in terms of dark magic, Bethra's ember is just like pyromancy from the divine magic, but much stronger and more lethal, so Bethra's ember dark art against the glacial divine art is even having a higher upper hand than pyromancy.)

"I know it won't hold for a few moments, I just want this spell to hit you with this spell, just be occupied with this simple ice block.", Thought Elviera while looking over the dark caster's head at the ceiling, there was a large, wide ice circle having many icicles that will rain over the dark caster at any moment, it was wide enough that the dark caster's speed won't be enough to escape from.

"When the ice block breaks, he will aggressively attack me to finally finish this, at this moment I'll cast the ceiling trap spell.", Thought Elviera while looking serious at the dark caster who was waiting for the ice block to break.