Chapter 5

Dark Dimension, Kiara's room

Kiara sat in a chair with her eyes closed as she watched her little sister sleep on a bed after getting her out of her Uncle's Multiverse.

"Mmm...mmmhh..." Clea moaned, slowly waking up from her sleep, and found herself in clean clothes and healed.

"Feeling better, little sister?" Kiara asked, walking over to Clea and handing her a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks for saving me...Did Stephen make it out?" Clea asked, taking a sip out of her orange juice.

"Well, not yet. But mother and I are going to deal with uncle," Kiara answered as Clea nodded in understanding. "And you cannot come along."

"What! Why not?" Clea asked.

"You're not fully healed and I can't deal with uncle, who has the full power of Eternity while trying to protect you," Kiara said with a small smile. "After all, I'll always put your safety above mine as I am the older sibling."

"Nothing I say can convince you?" Clea asked, only to receive a nod and smile from Kiara. Clea sighed in defeat before looking at her sister. "Well, please stop Dormammu. Uncle or not, what he is doing is evil and horrifying."

"He is pretty evil..." Kiara said with a chuckle before walking toward her door. "Don't worry. Mother and I will do our best to ruin his day and his plan. Plus, we have an entrance to make."

"Best of luck," Clea said as Kiara walked out of the room, leaving her by her lonesome. Well, he had some servants to watch over her for the time being.

Dormammu's World

"Don't waste your time struggling. You of all people should know that it takes a powerful enchantment to break the crimson bands of Cytorrak," E.Strange said, looking at his counterpart who was bound by the mystical spell. "And, let's face it...Doctor Strange. You're hardly in the position to open your mouth...let alone cast a spell. So just relax and enjoy the view...such as it is."

"Are you getting this?" Amadeus Cho of Dormammu's world whispered while taking a live recording of what was happening.

"The usual static...but, yes. We can see it. Him," A voice answered on the other side.

With the Resistance

I've got to help him! Once Dormammu has Strange, he-" Namor stated.

"I thought you hated him," D.Namor said, looking at his counterpart.

"I detest him! But that doesn't mean I can just stand by and let the insufferable jerk die," Namor said, looking at the live recording taking place on television.

"The Dread One's orders are that the sorcerer is brought back to him. Alive," D.Namor said. "That buys us some time."

"Not much, I suspect..." Namor said with a frown, crossing his arms in thought. "But whatever time we have must be well used! We need a plan of action! A way to surprise Dormammu and-"

"Reality check, Namor," D.Namor said, interrupting himself.

"Prince Namor to you," Namor corrected.

"Whatever. Anyway, Dormammu's Omnipotent. Omniscient! Omnipresent! There's nothing we do that he doesn't know about. Nothing we've accomplished that he hasn't allowed." D.Namor explained. ".He keeps tabs on everyone and everything. In other words, He is a God."

"He's no God of mine," Namor stated.

"Around here, we don't have the luxury of choice..." D.Namor said with a sigh.

"You're my Duplicate in this reality, Mackenzie! How could you allow yourself to become his puppet? His-" Namor stated in anger.

"Before you dare to judge me...or any of us...remember that Dormammu created everyone and everything around you. Created...And Controls," D.Namor said, emphasizing the reason for their hopelessness. "Know, how I knew who you were...Where you came from. Where you'd be? The Dread One put the knowledge in my mind. He made sure I understood what this world was...What I once was," D.Namor stated. "He calls our little band of rebels, The Defenders. We're a joke to him. He kept us around to amuse himself while we waited for you two to show up."

"So if you've given up...Why have you brought me here?" Namor asked. "Why do you..."

"I never said we've given up. Yes, we know we're puppets but that doesn't mean we're happy about it!" D.Namor said, pointing at Namor. "Y'see, we've been waiting for your arrival too. You and your magician friend-"

"He's not my friend!" Namor cut in, only to be ignored by his doppelganger.

"Aren't past of Dormammu's program. You're the chaos factor. And you might just be the door to our salvation," D.Namor stated with a serious expression.

"Yes! Salvation you are! Save poor Banner! Saaaave me!" Banner exclaimed, grabbing a hold of Namor's leg.

"Off me, wretch!" Namor exclaimed as he shook Bruce off him.

"Easy, Bruce," D.Namor said, trying to calm his friend down.

"What happened to him?" Namor asked, looking at both Bruce and his counterpart. "Much as I despise the Bruce Banner I know, he at least has some small shred of dignity. Of intelligence."

"When the boy...Rick Jones...died. Dormammu saw it fit to play Banner's guilt and remorse...slowly breaking him from within," D.Namor explained.

"And you?" Namor asked.

"I've done a...little better," D.Namor answered. "Despite The Dread One...or maybe in some perverse way, because of him...I've kept fighting. I've held on to hope and that's something I don't think Dormammu understands. The Power of Hope," D.Namor said. "Every insignificant victory he allowed us gave those wretches out there faith. And a belief that somehow...some way...we'll win this."

"I'm pleased to see that some small part of me lives in you," Namor said with a smile. "It gives you both strength and courage."

"Your humility is overwhelming," D.Namor said with a small chuckle.

"I am Namor, Lord of Atlantis. What is there to be humble about?" Namor asked.

"Forget I even mentioned it," D.Namor answered with a sigh.

"I will," Namor retorted.


"So, there's a third Defender, isn't there?" D.Namor asked his 616 counterpart, who groaned in response.

"Don't say it," Namor said, rating his finger.

"A monstrous creature called-" D.Namor said.

"Don't. Say. It!" Namor said.

"...The Hulk," D.Namor said.

"No! No! Absolutely Not!" Namor exclaimed in anger. "The only thing I like about this place is the fact that there's No Hulk in it!"

"Hulk! Hulk! Banner knows this word! Banner likes this word!" Banner exclaimed in joy, clapping his hands together.

"I'm getting a migraine," Namor said with a sigh, rubbing his temple. "Has anyone got two aspirin and a glass of Saltwater?"

"Listen...I know you are not very fond of the Beast," D.Namor said.

"The understatement of the millennium," Namor retorted.

"But these are desperate times," D.Namor explained.

"Yes, yes...and they call for Desperate Measures." Namor retorted. "But do they have to be quite so desperate?"

"We've received an offer of alliance...and we've decided to accept," D.Namor said.

"What...kind of alliance?" Namor asked suspiciously.

"It's a little risky, but..." D.Namor stated.

"How risky?" Namor asked.

"Very...?" D.Namor said as a large X-Shaped portal opened up in front of the group, revealing a few familiar faces.

"Neptunes' Trident! You...You didn't!" Namor exclaimed in shock as he took notice of the figures.

"He totally did. The enemy of my enemy isn't exactly my friend. But mother and I will do in a pinch," Kiara said with a grin, walking beside her mother who had Bruce Banner crawling next to her with a collar attached to his neck.

"What? No parade? No thunderous cheers? No men or women drooling with unquenchable desire ar the very sight of me?" Umar asked in shock.

"Stop hyping yourself so much," Kiara said with a groan.

"Witch! I should slay you where you stand!" Namor exclaimed, pointing a finger at Umar.

"Not quite what we had in mind," Umar said before sighing. "Namor, Namor, Namor..."

"That's Prince Namor! Why can't anyone around here get that right?" Namor asked in annoyance.

"If it isn't little Namor," Kiara said, waving at the mutant-Atlantean hybrid. "Haven't seen you since I had to babysit both you and Namora."

"Oh? You two know each other?" Umar asked, looking at her daughter.

"I did some jobs in the past and I was hired by the King and Queen. It was quite interesting," Kiara said with a smirk. "Anyways, you all should be delighted to see both mother and me. After all, we all share a common goal!"

"And what would that be?" Namor asked with a small frown.

"You wish to be freed of Dormammu's tyranny...While we..." Umar said, pointing to herself and her daughter "...wish to be freed of Dormammu."

"Never will I align myself with a being, such as you!" Namor exclaimed, pointing at Umar once again.

"'Never will I align myself with a being, such as you?' Do you talk like that because you're hopelessly pompous or because English is your second language?" Umar asked. "You know, I feel bad for my daughter if she had to babysit you. The agony."

"Now, now...mother. We're trying to ruin Uncle's plans," Kiara said with a small chuckle. "Plus, Namor was adorable as a child, but not as adorable as my baby brother of course. No one can be more adorable than him."

"Let's all calm down ok?" D.Namor asked, looking at both Umar and Namor. "We have work to do! A world to save!"

"And what a World! My pathetic brother has the power o Eternity himself and he created...this?" Umar asked in disappointment. Sometimes, neither she nor her daughter knew what goes on in Dormammu's head. "It's all because of this...Unhealthy Obsession with Doctor Strange. I mean really...A millennia-long Mock Opera. The sole purpose of which is to humiliate and destroy the sorcerer?" Umar asked with a groan and annoyance. "Dormammu's a God for God's sake! He can just think Strange out of existence!"

"Sorry about that folks. Mom's just having some family issues..." Kiara said with a quiet chuckle.

"Didn't mean to rant. It's just have no idea how much stress he adds to my life," Umar said, placing a hand against her chest.

"My heart bleeds," Namor retorted.

"It will soon if you don't speak to me with some respect," Umar said with a frown.

"Namor/Mom..." Both D.Namor and Kiara said.

"Prince! Namor!" Namor exclaimed.

"She's on our side..." D.Namor whispered to his counterpart.

"Gimme a break. They're in this for themselves. Just so happens that their interests and ours coincide," Bruce spoke from the floor.

"I'd murder you for that insolence...If it weren't the truth!" Umar stated with a chuckle.

"Why are you on a leash?" Namor asked, looking down at Bruce.

"Long story..." Bruce answered.

"I'd love to hear it," Namor said.

"Another time..." Bruce stated.

"Both Lady Kiara and Umar-" D.Namor spoke up.

"Some Lady!" Namor retorted.

"Some Prince!" Umar answered.

"...Can get us into the keep," D.Namor said.

"Where Umar will either betray us to her brother...or kill us herself," Namor stated.

"You seem to have some massive hate boner for Umar. Have you two ever even met?" Bruce asked, only to receive a swift glare. 'Anyway, try to lighten up, will you? Both of them mean the best and are trying to help their own uniquely twisted ways."

"And you believe them?" Namor asked, staring at Bruce.

"Hey, you haven't exactly been Che Guevara here, boldly leading the revolutionary charge...and I think," Bruce said before noticing someone right behind him. "Uh...can I help you?"

"Knows you, Banner does! Seen you before, Banner has!" Banner exclaimed insanely at his counterpart.

"Sorry, I don't think we're ever..." Bruce said before recalling what the stranger said a few seconds ago. "Did he say...Banner?"

"How do we know we can trust you and your witch of a mother?" Namor asked.

"Please watch the way you speak of my mother. Annoying as she can be, she's still my mother..." Kiara said with narrowed eyes.

"I give my word," Umar said.

"And that means...what exactly?" Namor asked, looking at Umar.

"Umar's word is her bond. Occasionally. But not very often. Or ever, come to think of it," Umar said with a thoughtful expression on her face. "Well, there was one time when I kept my word. No, wait...I lied then, too."

"You have my word, Namor..." Kiara said, rolling her eyes at her mother's antics.

"Desperate times..." Namor said with a defeated sigh.

"Desperate indeed. You fools do realize that, by defeating Dormammu and restoring your reality...This world will be undone!" Umar said, explaining the ramification of their plan. "Dissolved in a cosmic ocean of if it never existed!"

"You...would sacrifice everything?" Namor asked his counterpart.

"I'll gladly take oblivion over a life of servitude," D.Namor said with a sad smile. "...We never really existed in the first place."

"But all your lives...your hopes and dreams..." Namor stated in shock.

"Came from Dormammu and he can have them back," D.Namor said before smiling and turning to his counterpart. "And, hey, it won't be a total loss...'Cause I'll still live on in you."

" there a plan...or is that too much to ask?" Namor asked.

"Dormammu's distracted. We attack!" D.Namor said with enthusiasm.

"We attack? That's it?" Namor asked.

"Luckily it shouldn't be too hard," Kiara said with a chuckle.

"Indeed. Believe us, when it comes to our fire-headed moron of a relative...that will be quite sufficient," Umar added.

With Dormammu

"Shall I begin the torture, Dread One?" E.Strange asked the giant floating head of Dormammu as a whole stadium of people watched on.

"No, you fool...the task at hand is for Dormammu...and Dormammu alone!" Dormammu exclaimed with a smile. "I have waited for untold ages for the moment...and I will savor the Fullest!


"No would in all the multiverses can truly comprehend the Bliss...the sheer Euphoria...that Dormammu now feels!" Dormammu said. "The anticipation has been quite exquisite. In some ways, I almost regret that it's over...almost but not quite."

"NNGHHHGHNGH!" Strange yelled into his restraints.

"Listen to him! Even shackled and gagged. He still prattles on! Trying to cast a fruitless spell, no doubt!" Dormammu spoke with a grin. "Or perhaps he wants to lecture he always does. On the ultimate victory of good over evil!" Dormammu mocked. "Not this time, Strange. For I have birthed a new infinite multiverse where there is no good. Nor evil as your humans understand it. There is only...DORMAMMU!" Dormammu stated before grinning evilly at Strange. "Now, mage...Learn the price for one defying...A God!"

"But my Lord...Just think how much sweeter the victory would be if he was destroyed not by Dormammu, The Omnipotent God..." E.Strange said, offering his opinion on the matter. "...But by Dormammu he battled...and continually defeated for so many years!"

"DEFEATED!" Dormammu exclaimed, narrowing his eyes at his creation.

"B-by trickery Master! Always trickery!" E.Strange said, stepping back in fear of his safety. "None alive could best The Dread Dormammu in honest combat!"

"Honest combat? Yes..." Dormammu said to himself, thinking about the idea before turning to Strange. "YES!" Dormammu exclaimed in joy as his form changed from a giant flaming skull to his usual appearance. "A splendid idea my fawning creation. No doubt implanted in your my own unconscious desire."

"It's no problem, my lord," E.Strange said while bowing.

"Even I am often surprised by my own Insights! My own staggering Brilliance!" Dormammu exclaimed in joy. "Do you hear, Strange? You do not face a God today! No! This moment belongs to Dormammu! You die by my hand and my hand ALONE!"

"HNGH!" Strange choked as he saw Dormammu reach for his neck before choking him. "HNGH!"

"Make the moment complete, Dear Doctor. BEG!" Dormammu exclaimed. "Beg for a swift of pain!" Dormammu said with a grin as he began to undo the enchantments on Strange. "Not that it will do you any good."

"M-master...the final enchantment was not mine...he..." Strange said as the enchantment on himself dropped, revealing E.Strange.

"What? Who are you...?" Dormammu asked in confusion.

"Deception, master! He...n-not I..." E.Strange exclaimed.

"NO..." Dormammu yelled.

"He is the true..." E.Strange said, pointing to Strange who dropped his illusion and was ready to fight. "Doctor Strange!"

"Nothing up my sleeve...!" Strange said.

"NOOOOO!!!" Dormammu yelled in anger.

"Yes! And now Dormammu...the time has come to..." Strange said.

"ATTACCKKKK!" A voice called, surprising the duo as numerous members of the resistance and Namor jumped into the battlefield.

"Attack...!?" Dormammu asked, noticing the reinforcement before laughing at Strange. "So! You're afraid to face me Alone!"

"No, I'm not!" Strange yelled back.

"Then how do you explain this?" Dormammu asked smugly.

"You're the All-Knowing God...You explain it!" Strange answered.

"Um...could you two stop arguing so we can get on with the Rebellion?" Namor asked, making his way through Dormammu's fodder army.

"Rebellion? I don't think so," Dormammu said, firing out a beam that eradicated everyone that came near it.

"I had this under control!" Strange said calmly.

"Your gratitude is overwhelming!" Namor retorted calmly.

"I could have taken Dormammu without any more loss of life! Why did you have to..." Strange asked.

"We were rescuing you, idiot!" Namor exclaimed before punching a meta-demon.

"But I didn't need rescuing!" Strange said, firing a magic blast at the opposition.

"Take them down...but leave their corpses for my hellhounds to feast upon! And remember..." Dormammu said as he ordered his creations. "The sorcerer is mine!"

"You know I'm also beginning to suspect some strange things between you and Strange," Kiara said from the sideline.

"Indeed. There's more to this obsession than a mere Hunger For Vengeance..." Umar said, adding to her daughter's point.

"So, Sister...Niece. You've both come to mock me...and give aid to my enemies?" Dormammu asked, turning to look at both women before frowning in anger.

"Well, it's the mocking part we're most interested in..." Kiara answered with a smile.

"But I must admit that we'll take no small pleasure in seeing your Flaming Head kicked clear across Creation!" Umar said mockingly, still holding on to Banner's leash.

"Betrayed by my own Flesh and Blood! Umar...Kiara...The time has come to pay for both your perfidy!" Dormammu yelled.

"Don't be silly, Uncle. We never pay~," Kiara sang before smiling.