Chapter 1: Reincarnation and Wishes

A/N: Hey reader's welcome to my first novel yes this is my first novel or fanfic i made so please give me suggestions, well anyways enjoy the chapter!

_Example_ - narration/Recap

' ' - Thinking

" " - Talking

" ' ' " - Telepathy/Thought communication

'-Example-' - Action

{Example} - unique Skill

[Example] - ultimate Skill

[{Example}] - Primordial Skill

["Example"] - Athena talking

[] - Mc talking to Athena

[""Voice of the world""


[ Mc pov ]

Me: 'Hello everyone I am just your average MC and my name is uhh.. it doesn't matter much pretty much. My life was not much intresting when I has a nice family they always supported me in anyway they could and whatever i did.I graduated from college i thought about becoming a docter but opened my own company instead my first business was futuristic technological business. After that i aslo opened more businesses like agriculture Space Exploration and solved Hunger, Water and pollution problems as well and i also helped humanity becoming a type 2.9 civilization paid and after all that at the age of just 39 i settled down i became an otaku i only watched anime read manga and lightnovels and eventually started reading fanfiction and novel. If you are wondering why am I talking to some unknown person that must be my imagination welp i am dead yeah I was born in 1983 and died on 2022 by Truck-Kun and guess what I am still a VIRGIN. NOO *crying MC noises* *cough* cough* well anyways.Now here i am in front of huge a** white light that muse be THE GREAT ROB SAMA!!! *cough* well i have Been in here for god knows how long or in this case The ROB KNOWS HOW LONG HAHA* Cough*. Well it's finally time to talk to him.'

[ Mc pov ] End ...

[ 3rd Person Pov ]

Me: "Uhh hello anyone there?"

???: "Ahh you must be the one who died by accident and we'll it looks like you are a unique one." someone said

Me: "Yeah I know i am dead. But what accident? *gasp* did you had -*cough*. well anyways what do you mean by unique? And who are you."

ROB: "Child don't try to fool me i already know you know about me and the stuff. And what I mean by unique is that when people die and their soul's come here they don't have consciousness and you my child are the first one.And what I mean by accident is that you weren't supposed to die till late 50's but you died."

Me: " Wait i wasn't supposed to DIE till late 50's!!!. And you accidentally KILLED ME NO!!!.*Sad MC noises*"

ROB: "I know that's why I will give you a starter reincarnation package and 6 wishes".

Me: 'Hmm 6 wishes i thought I'll only get 3 wishes well whatever.'

ROB: "If you after wondering why you get 6 wishes the reason is that you died saving The world and helping humanity. That's the reason you get 6 wishes instead of 3.

Me: 'WAIT did he just read my mind!!'


[ 3rd Person Pov ] End...

[ MC Pov ]

Me: " Well whatever anyways the world i choose to reincarnate is in tensura 10 day's before Rimuru and I want to be a celestial Wolf. For my first wish i want all off the sin and virtue series skills 100 times more powerful"

ROB: "Granted."

Me:" for my secon wish i want to have all the skills from my tensura folder in the MI notes app.(A/N- Don't worry guys i will post a MC stat chap after this)."

ROB: " Granted."

Me: " For my third wish i want to have accelerator's power but withoutany side effects."

ROB: "Granted however due to you having many skill and the power of your will to get stronger this skill will automatically upgrade 20x ."

Me: " WHAT THE FUCK!! 20 TIMES'!!!.*Ahem*.For my 4th wish I want to have all the powers of every single omniverse or multiverse be it Rasengan ,Super saiyan, Hakai and more from all the anime verses and movies.

ROB: " Granted but it will the same case as accelerator. Instead they will be upgraded 200x

Me: " *Shocked as fu--* Anyways Can I choose my two wishes after reincarnation?"

ROB: " Of course now the only thing left is Fu-- *AHEM* i mean your appearance how would you like to keep your previous appearance or create a new one?"

Me: " Create a new one please."


(A/N- ALRIGHT I AM BEING HONEST I SUCK AT DESCRIPTION!!*cough* so here is the image of human form:- and the wolf form:-


ROB: "Alright Good luck on your next life."


[ Mc pov ] End...

[ 3rd Person Pov ]

Me: 'after The ROB said that I was consumed by darkness and when I woke up i was...'


A/N- Alright so the first chapter is done finally well please like this novel this is my first so give me suggestions. And don't forget to drop those Power stone's!.