Crystal and Bahanmut stats

Name: Bahanmut Crimson: [Ep- 98,000,000

Primordial Breeder Reacter: ????????? ?????????]


Title's: The Supreme Fire Dragon God, Child Of the Supreme One, The Dragon God


Species: Fire Dragon, Highest Tier Fire Dragon and __ Omni- Fire Dragon God


Crest: Fire Crest, Time Crest, Reality Crest, Void Crest, Creation Crest, Destruction Crest, Storm Crest, ( Fire Dragon God Divinity )


Primordial Skill's: [{Primordial: Breeder Reacter}],


Ultimate Skill's: [Fire Dragon God: Bahanmut],

[Abyssal God: Nodens], [Cthugha: Divine Flame Dragon God], [God of vows: uriel]


Unique Skill's: {Advanced Manufacturer}, {Advanced Mathus}, {Lord of Flames: Cthugha}, {Flametime}


Extra Skill's: Unlistable


Common Skill's: Unlistable


Intrinsic Skill's: Unlistable


Resistance's: Omni-resistance,



Magic: Omni-Summoning Magic, Omni-Spritual Magic, Omni-Elemental Magic[And all the other magic as well]


Name: Crystal Crimson: [Ep- 98,000,000

Primordial Breeder Reacter: ????????? ?????????]


Title's: The Supreme Ice Dragon God, Child Of the Supreme One, The Dragon God


Species: Ice Dragon, Highest Tier Ice Dragon and __ Omni- Ice Dragon God


Crest: Ice Crest, Time Crest, Reality Crest, Void Crest, Creation Crest, Destruction Crest, Storm Crest, ( Ice Dragon God Divinity )


Primordial Skill's: [{Primordial: Breeder Reacter}],


Ultimate Skill's: [Ice Dragon God: Crystal],

[Abyssal God: Nodens], [Cthulhu: Divine Ice Dragon God], [God of vows: uriel]


Unique Skill's: {Advanced Manufacturer}, {Advanced Mathus}, {Lord of Ice: Cthulhu}, {Wintertime}


Extra Skill's: Unlistable


Common Skill's: Unlistable


Intrinsic Skill's: Unlistable


Resistance's: Omni-resistance,



Magic: Omni-Summoning Magic, Omni-Spritual Magic, Omni-Elemental Magic[And all the other magic as well]