A struggle just to survive

Up until the point that Valentina and Seraptish started making their plans, everyone else had been fighting for their life to varying degrees of success. In the rear, Krayzimy's ice was the only thing keeping both himself and Duskfallen alive. Although they were decent combatants, they were both suited to ranged combat and were far less concerned with reflexes and dodging, not to mention neither had remarkable stamina. 

The constant onslaught of antennae that attacked them were pushing the two into a corner and as time went by it was clear that both men were getting worn down. The occasional strike made it past the frozen defences and couldn't be dodged in time, leaving the two with continuously growing wounds. Even if it was only a graze, from the taniwha that effectively meant a fist sized hole had appeared somewhere on the body. Thankfully, despite their injuries they were still standing and doing their best, but 'their best' was having sorely lacking results.