Chapter 3 doing the deed



"Oh look they put some wine in here for us" Raina said as they entered the room. "Do you like wine that much?" Edward Questioned as Raina went and picked up bottle. "Love it" she said turning back to him.

Edward walked over to her and read the label. "This is some pretty strong stuff, are you sure you can handle it?" Edward asked almost tauntingly. "Is that a challenge?" Raina asked. "Perhaps" he said.

Raina took the bottle opener that was left on the table and quickly opened it, pouring wine into the two wine classes on the table. Putting the bottle down she then picked up the two glasses and held on out to Edward. "Shall we see who's the better drinker?" Raina asked with a smile. "It's on" Edward replied as they lightly tapped their glasses together.

Almost immediate Raina poured the wine down her throat. It was gone in less then a second. "What are you taking a shot?" He asked amazed. "Might as well be" she said as she poured her self another glass.

They then sat down and began to talk, as they continued to drink. There was nothing wrong with getting to know each other they both thought as the two of them quickly became more and more drunk.

"Y-you know" Raina said slurring her words. "Y-you really do... have su-such and niceeeee faceeeee" she said. "You like my face t-that much" Edward said slightly less drunk. "Yup" she said simply.

Raina stood up "hold on let me help" Edward said standing up and walking her to the bed before they both fell on the bed with him on top of her. They stared into each other's eyes for a moment.

Then they began to kiss. They had no control over their own bodies, as Edward ripped the dress off Raina tearing it to shreds leaving her only in her bra and underwear. He then moved his lips from hers to her neck, quickly kissing down her body before reaching her breasts. "This is also in my way" he said ripping the bra off then continuing to kiss down her breast before reaching her nipple.

Is tough began to lick around it somehow creating pleasure for Raina as a slight moan slipped past her lips. He smiled Slightly as he slipped off her underwear. She was already soaking wet, and he hadn't done much.

He took two of his fingers and place them inside her causing her to gasp Slightly in shock as he began to move them inside her. "Your so wet" he said as she let out another moan. "Edward" she moaned his name. It was almost as if she wanted him to stop but didn't. Her pleasure was building. She hadn't even gotten close to reaching her peak yet the words could barely form.

"Keep saying my name Raina" he said as he pulled his fingers out. He undid his pants and before she could react he shoved it inside her. Another gasp came from her mouth as he slowly began to move.

From slow to faster and faster. The more he moved the closer she was getting. "Edward!" She moaned his name. As her pleasure continued to build. Faster and faster she was Almont. "Please eddy I can't take it" she said causing him to smile. He liked her calling him eddy.


When Raina opened her eyes the sun was shining through the window. As flashes of the previous night popped Into her head she wondered if it had really happened or if it was all just a dream or reality. But considering the pain she felt down there she already knew the answer.

She turned to see Edward staring at her. "Awake at last" he said with a light smile. She was wrapped in his arms. "I think your a little bit of a jerk" she said "why?" He chuckled. "You know why" she said turning back around. "Did I go to hard last night?" He asked. "I don't know did you?" She asked sarcastically.

"I don't even know if I can get up right now" she said slightly annoyed. "I'm sorry" he told her.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Sir" a man said from outside. "What" Edward said obviously annoyed he had been disturbed. "We have an issue" the man fro. Outside the door said. "Then take care of it" Edward told him. "I'm afraid this issue can only be resolved by you sir" the man said simply.

"You get some rest Raina, I'll be back soon" he whispered in my ear. Annoyed he got up from the bed, and quickly put some clothes on then left the room. Raina just stayed in bed staring up at the ceiling. This was her life now. For how long? Even she wasn't sure but it's just how it was.

Edward walked down the long hall way with his right hand, his second in command Jason.

"So what's this issue that's so important you had to drag me away from my wife?" Edward asked still obviously annoyed. "It seems many of the lower ranked are against your marriage sir" Jason said as he led him to a conference room.

Name: Jason Andrew's

Rank: B

Power: Wolf Shifter

Clan: Shifter

When Edward and Jason entered the conference room it was utter Chaos. They hadn't even noticed that Edward had arrived.

"WHAT IN THE BLOODY HELL IS GOING ON?" Edward snapped causing everyone to quiet down and look at him. They were silent unsure of what to say. "Well somebody talk" he said. "I-it seems a group going by the name of Arc is challenging yours and her majesty's rule" said a woman.

Unlike the other clans, Shifters followed a king or queen.

"What in the world are you talking about?" Edward asked. "How can some unknown group challenge mine and my wife's rule?" He asked. "Arc has officially stated that if you do not divorce Raina Michaels, they will go to war with the Shifters" Jason said reading a piece of paper.

"I want you to find out what the hell this Arc is and if their actually a threat" Edward said. "And make sure to add extra security to Raina but keep them hidden I don't want her to even have a sliver of fear that her life could be in danger" he told them. "If they wish to go to war so be it" he added.