Chapter 6 Carnival

"Today were going out" Raina said to a confused Edward who sat behind his desk. "We are?" He Questioned. "Yes" she said "we need to" she added. "Over the past 2 months you've been so focused on Arc you haven't even taken the time to worry about yourself, so we're going out" she told him. "And how exactly do you intend to go out when the world has its eyes on us?" He asked.

Raina smiled. "Come in!" She yelled as she turned to the door then back to Edward. "I found a mage who can temporarily change our looks with magic" she told him. "Greeting your majesties" said the Mage Thomas.

Name: Thomas woods

Rank: A+

Power: magic

Clan: mage

Raina still wasn't used to being called your majesty. But it was how the Shifters were. She didn't want to go against there ways even if she was gonna leave one day.n

"I'm not sure Rai" he said "You need this eddy I think we both do" Raina pleaded with him. He let out a deep breath. "Fine" he told her "great stand up" Raina said as she went around his desk and pulled him up. "You can do it right?" Raina asked the mage as they approached him. "Of course" he told them.

With only a few words of what sounded like gibberish and a bright glow, they had both gotten new looks. Rainas hair was now black with red mixed into it her eyes still red but her skin tone slightly darker. Edward's eyes turned blue and his hair brown, his skin went from a tan to a more pale color. But to each other they still looked the same.

"To everyone else youll look different but to each other youll look the same. The spell should last the rest of the day" Thomas said. "Thank you Thomas" Raina said with a smile. "Now let's go" she said as she pulled Edward out of his office. "Have fun sir" Jason said watching Raina pull Edward down the hall. It was obvious he was part of this just from The smile on his face.

"So where exactly are we going?" Edward asked as they made there way out to a car. "A carnival" she told him happily. "A carnival?" He Questioned as he got into the passenger seat and she got into the driver seat. "Yes" she said as she started the car. "Today is all about having fun" she told him.

When they got to the carnival Raina ended up parking a block away. It was large. And there was no parking anywhere in sight. Hand in hand they walked together down the street and around the black until they finally made it to where the loud music was playing.

There were rides and booths with games. And in the center of it all a band playing on stage. "This is a carnival?" Edward Questioned as he looked around. "You've never been to one" Raina said looking at him shocked. "Nope" he told her. "Oh this is gonna be great" she said dragging him over to a game booth.

Raina put a dollar on the stand and the man behind the booth put down 3 darts. "What is this?" Edward asked. "You throw a dart and pop a balloon that is spinning" she told him. "The more you pop the bigger the prize" she told him.

Edward picked up the 3 darts and just stared at them for a moment. Then looked up at the balloons that were spinning on the wheel. Before Raina even realizing it the 3 balloons were popped, all at once. Even the guy behind the booth was surprised. "Did I do it right?" He asked as he tilted his head and looked down at Raina. "Well you definitely didn't do it wrong" she said awkwardly as the man in the booth handed Edward a giant stuffed bear.

"Come on" Raina laughed as she dragged Edward to the next booth. "This is the ring toss" she told him. "It's pretty self explanatory but I'll go first this time" she said as she placed another dollar on the booth and the person behind it gave her 3 rings.

Raina picked up the rings and threw the first one. She missed. "Damn" she said as it bounced to the ground. Edward got behind her and lightly grabbed her arm. "Like this" he said moving her arm in a motion to throw it correctly. "I did it" she laughed as she threw another one with a laugh. "You did" he said with a smile as she threw the last one.

The person behind the booth handed them a small stuffed dragon. How ironic. Raina thought. "Come on let's go on a ride" Raina said pulling him to the closest ride. They stood in line for what felt like forever before they finally got on. Then the ride started moving.

Raina grabbed the round handle in the middle and began leaning her body back and forth. "What are you doing?" He asked with a slight chuckle. "You gotta lean to make it spin more and go faster" she.told him as she continued to lean.

He then started to lean in the same direction as her. And the tea cup began to spin more and more. "You got it" he laughed as they continued to spin. He just watched her as she screamed in excitement as the ride began to come to a hault.

"Wasn't that fun?" She asked as they got off the ride. "Yeah" he said as he stared down at her. "Come on let's go on some more" she said as she grabbed his hand.

They played a few more games and rode a few more rides before they decided to take a break and head to where the band was. "I told you this would be fun" she said as they approached the stage. "It was" he said. "A dance my lady?" He asked with a slight bow causing her to laugh.

"It would be my honor" she said with a slight cursty as they began to dance to the up beat music that was playing along with everyone else. "Thank you for today Raina" he said with a light smile. "The truth is I brought you out here for more then just fun" Raina said. "Well... I wanted to tell you something" she added. "What is it" he said looking confused.

She stopped dancing and looked up at him, straight into his eyes.

"I'm Pregnant" she told him.