Chapter 11 the end

5 years passed quickly. Raina and Edward decided to raise aneira with as much happiness as possible. They didn't want her to know any sort of struggle, little did they know how quickly things would change.

"Were going after Arc" Edward said to Raina. "Now" Raina asked "is now the safest time" she added. "The longer we put this off Raina the more she will be in danger" Edward told her. "I'm helping" Raina told him. "No it's to dangerous" he said. "I think your forgetting who raised me Edward" she told him. "What's that saying the people love to say?" She asked. "When a Michaels is born even the gods tremble in fear" Raina said. "Don't think I don't know that's the reason why you agreed to give aneira my last name" she said wrapping her arms around his neck. "You wanted people to fear her weather she was a Shifter or meta" she added.

Edward let out a sigh. "Fine but any sign of danger and I'm getting you out of there" he told her. "Eddy... I am the danger" she told him.

"When are we going?" She asked him. "Tonight along with some metas and mages as well" he told her. "Tonight will be the end of it all" he said kissing her on the forehead. "God I hope so" she replied.

Everything was prepared. The people the location, the plan. Everyone thought it would be over quickly. There were no worries... until they got there. Until they saw how many people they were really up against how many people believed in Arcs cause.

"Be safe" Edward said giving Raina a kiss on the forehead. After this it all became a blur. "You think you can defeat us" Amanda said to Raina. "It's easy enough" Raina told the woman with only the slight movement of rainas finger blood began to pour out of one of the man's eyes. Then his ears, his nose and even his mouth before he fell to the ground. She had the upper hand they knew it to. The men who surrounded her charged her all at once.

Unfortunately it didn't take long for Raina to begin to tire

Raina stood surrounded by Arc soldiers. The odds were now against her and she was almost to her limit. When suddenly she heard Thunder. She turned in the direction it came and soon everything became slow motion.

Edward who was flying high in the sky in his dragon form, one wing struck by lightning infront of her eyes. Then the other. He was going down and from that height there was no possibility of survival. He slowly went down. From miles away she could hear the loud bang of him Hitting the ground. "No" she said in a whisper as her eyes went wide. "NOOOOOO!" She yelled as tears began to fall.

"I told you this would happen said the women. "I told you, you would lose" she continued. "AHHHHH" Raina screamed as she fell to the ground. But as she did it was like her power lost control. Everyone who surrounded her began to scream in pain as they fell to the ground. Their legs gone. Blood had burst from every vessel. Causing each and every one of their lower legs to b completely obliterated.

Rainas eyes glowed red blood began to pour out of those around her creating an ocean of blood. Was this really how it was supposed to End. Was this how it was supposed to be everyone was dead.

The next thing Raina knew she was standingin a tent. She was in a haze. One that she didn't know how to bring herself out of.

"Mrs.Link" the one of Edward's men said drawing her attention. She never legally changed her last name yet everyone called her that.

"Did you find him" she asked. He shook his head "I'm afraid not madam" he said. How would she tell her daughter. "Keep looking" Raina said as she turned to walk away. "Ma'am I'm Afraid...." "I SAID KEEP LOOKING" Raina yelled not turning back to him.

She walked out of the tent and kept walking until she got far enough where no one could see her. She leaned against a tree and crouched down covering her mouth as she began to cry once more. She truly loved him in the end. And now she had to live without him.

"Mommy" Aneira said appearing infront of raina. "Any..." Raina said shocked to see her daughter. "What are you doing here.... how did you get here" Raina asked as she practically crawled to her daughter on her knees.

She was only 5. She was supposed to be asleep in bed and yet here she stood infront of Raina. "I had a bad dream" Aneira said simply. "What did you dream?" raina asked. Deep down she was afraid of the answer. "I had a dream something bad happened and everyone was sad" Aneira told her mother.

"Who brought you here baby" Raina asked. "Jason... I made him" she replied. "You made him?" Raina questioned. Aneira nodded. "Did something bad happen mommy" Aneira asked. "Yes baby" Raina replied. "Daddy....." Raina started. Tears once again filled her eyes but the fight to not cry in front if her daughter was difficult. "Daddy isn't coming home" Raina finally told aneira.

"Did daddy die?" Aneira asked "what" Raina asked. "Did daddy die?" Aneira asked once more. "How do you know that term" she asked. "It was in my dream" the little girl said simply. Aneira seemed different from the normal little girl she was.

It was obvious that she knew something, something she probably wasn't supposed to. She was being cryptic. If that was even something a child could be. "Mommy" aneira said. "Yes baby?" Raina questioned afraid of what aneira was about to say. "I think I'm like you" said the child. "Like me?" Raina questioned. "What do you mean you think your like me?" Raina asked. "I think I'm a meta" said the little girl.

That's the end of A New Age. This story is a short story something I made just to give a basis for the official story that will be coming out in a few days thank you for reading

The next story will be

"A New Age ~ The Clock Rewinds"

To Be Continued