
And so the first therapy session began.

To be honest, Achilles had no idea how a therapy session worked since he had little interest in this matter prior to this. He could only wait and see how Sia would proceed with the whole deal.

The elf crossed her legs as she lifted her glasses slightly. She said while staring directly into his eyes:

"Well, I think we should address the source of the matter by seeing it with our own eyes, darling. Can I meet him, your alter?"

Achilles lingered for a while, he wasn't confident about letting Kang take control of their body. The last time he allowed it to happen, the unhinged beast ended up almost destroying their rationality and converting them to pure Corrupted.

As if sensing his unease, Sia advised him with a calm expression.

"You can just let him take partial control. If anything goes wrong, I'll push him back into your mind instantly."