Chapter 2: Assembly of Summoners! (1)


They moved like the Wind, as they rode through the vast Green Plains of Sylven Region. Kasper had briefed them on some things as they moved towards the Assembly of Summoners.

Firstly, this Region they were in was called the Sylven Region one of the four most prominent Regions in the surrounding area which had more than 12 different regions sprawled across the Map, every Year various Schools, Sects and other Organizations would organize a Giant Recruitment Assembly and send out low Rank 1 serfs to search for potential candidates, Kasper here was the apparently out on some Mission and received a notice from his Sect to help with the Assembly this time around.

"So, this is a mixed gathering huh?" Atreus thought to himself. Because in his previous Realm the division between the Righteous, the Neutral and the Demonic factions was more severe and they recruited mortals independently, but here it was more much lax.

"Well, that's not a lot of information"


Atreus had thought about getting some more information from Kasper, regarding what Realm they were in and such other things but soon he realized that perhaps it wouldn't be the most apt to do so, since for Kasper he was still a mortal.

"So how does the Assembly recruit? Do they any specific Tests?"

Aurora asked Kasper, she looked extremely curious.

Atreus was also keen to hear to about this, even though he already had an answer in his heart.

Kasper, had a above average face with extremely mean looking eyes, listening to Aurora's question he answered with a mocking expression.

"Test? Why would there be any Test. If you don't have the Talent to cultivate what is the use of any Test in the first place. Depending upon your Talent you will get offers from the different Sects and Schools. If you are really lucky you could end up in the Top 7 Sects."

Saying this Kasper had a proud expression on his face, clearly, he belonged to one of those 7 Sects.

"So how are Talents graded?" Atreus probed.

Kasper soon followed with a short explanation, which was pretty much same as what Atreus knew, though he didn't mention anything about Physiques at all.

"Hmmm, maybe this information is still a secret amongst lower Ranked Summoners."

Time passed and soon they arrived at a large clearing. A big Platform stood in the middle, with all kinds of Beautiful Buildings arranged in a particular order surrounding it.

Each building had a plaque hanging on it.

"Iron Hand School" "Great Earth Sect" "White Tiger Mountain"

All kinds of Sects had gathered here but Seven Buildings stood out from all the others. Lined up above all the others they were directly built upon the platform themselves.

Atreus was extremely curious and he knew that if he manged to get the information on those Seven Sects, he would definitely be able to get the most advantage out of the situation. He looked ahead and saw that Kasper had already disappeared whilst Aurora was fascinated by the Grand Structures that stood in front of her. Atreus ignored her and looked around seeing that many other Summoners were coming from various directions bringing mortals with them, they were all aged between 14 to 16 Years Old.

Atreus soon saw that a barren wooden outpost had been set up at the entrance of the platform area all the potential Candidates waited there, some sat on the Stones, some on the Ground and the Trees as all were dazed and confused trying to make sense of their situation. He also made his way there trying to fish for some information.

He looked around trying to find if he could see any potential person to extort for information.


He saw that in the corner of the field was sitting a Girl, with white hair and purple eyes, she was really pretty even more than Aurora and had a jade clip tied on her hair, she was wearing a short white dress and was quite petite.

What drew Atreus' attention was that the Jade clip had a slight blue glow to it, one couldn't notice it if they weren't keen.

"Mana that is definitely a mana imbued object! This is my best bet for now..."

He made his way over. as he moved with a charming gate. His past life had made him weave through countless situation, so he exactly knew what to do when wanting to get information or building relations. As he walked over to the girl his ears picked up on some chatter.

"Another one is going huh…."

"Well can't blame the poor guy, but everyone that tried to talk to her was coldly rejected and humiliated!"

"Tch! This bastard does look handsome though"

Atreus inwardly snickered "Kids…. Of course, she would see through you idiots, your intentions are written on your face, heck even I would be spooked if people came to me with those stars struck eyes and agitated body movements."

He calmly walked over to the girl, she gazed at him and had a somewhat defensive posture with cold eyes.

Atreus spoke "Hello there! I hope I didn't disturb you! Actually, I am only interested in exchanging information with you, I think that you have some detailed information on the 7 Great Sects!"

The girl was a little apprehensive, she squinted her eyes and asked "How did you know whether I had any knowledge or not?". Atreus simply pointed at her hair clip. She sighed and then dropped her guard, motioning Atreus to sit beside her.

"Well, I can tell you what I know its not a big deal anyways."

As they started to talk, the rest of the Boys in the field gave envious gazes to Atreus, that which he simply didn't pay attention to.

"Brats! Do you even know what a Rank 7 Master specialising in Synthesis means, countless beauties threw themselves back at me in the Day."

Soon time passed and Atreus organized what information, Lily, this girl had told him. Apparently, her late grandfather was a Summoner, albeit only Rank 1, but this still allowed her to get here unhindered and participate in this gathering.

The Seven Organizations that ruled this Sylven Region were:

'The Demon Chaser Sect', a demonic Sect that specialized in battling and fighting, they leaned towards more unorthodox Spirit refining and were ranked as the Top Demonic Sect in the Region. 'The Heaven and Earth Sect' the Top Righteous faction in the Region, absolutely orthodox and specialised in battle too. 'Sage Gotham's Hut' Neutral, focused on support and producing healing items/ spirits. 'Vajra Valley' Righteous Faction focusing on defensive measures more and had a reputation for their famous 'Vajra' line of Spirits. 'Corpse Academy', Demonic Faction, their sole focus was on Undead and Soul Type of Spirits, and were deemed the creepiest of the bunch. 'Clear Spring Sect', Neutral, they possessed unique Moon based Spirits, but they were outcasts among the bunch because they only took in females. And finally, the "Refinement Forge", they specialized in creating Alchemists to produce support items for Summoners.

"Well, isn't that a colourful gathering." Atreus was amused but he finally knew which one he was going to join.

"Sigh! But its hard to join those Seven Sects. Not that they don't accept people with low talents but you would only be slave if you joined them, its better to go and try for other factions if you want a good life." Lily interjected as she talked to Atreus.

They had gone quite close in a short amount of time, well Atreus was actually over 400 Years Old Mentally, so building a heart-to-heart connection with normal people was quite easy.

"Actually, there are some methods that even lower ranking talents can use to rise up in rankings. Like some special Spirits that can raise Talents!".

Atreus casually threw out a bomb at Lily, who was now very curious to what he had to say. Atreus motioned her to come closer, he wouldn't want anyone to eavesdrop on this piece of information.

Lily pressed ear closer to his mouth and grew a little blush on her face. Atreus whispered to her. "The most common method that you can find is the Blood Jasmine Spirit, usually most of the Sects have…"

As they were talking, soon Aurora also arrived in the field. She was quite upset that Atreus had left her alone out there, so as she looked around to find him, she saw him.

"Who-Who is that!"

She saw that Rein was sitting very intimately with a white-haired Girl and was extremely close to her whispering something.

"He is already flirting with someone...!' Although she never admitted it in her heart, she felt quite close to him, and seeing him like this hurt her a lot. With slight tears in her eyes, she left the clearing.

Of course, Atreus didn't know this, and even if he knew he wouldn't care. Aurora wasn't useful to him, Lily was. Not that he was against love but for someone who had lived as long as him it was clear, that without absolute strength they wouldn't be able to protect their love no matter what.

How powerful he was in his past life! But wasn't he ultimately dead?

Gong! Gong! Gong!

A bell sound rang out as a loud announcement came.

"The assembly is about to begin everyone gather on the platform."

Soon everyone went up the platform one by one gathering on the Stage. Lily and Atreus stood together, as Aurora was standing in one corner of the crowd by herself.

A middle-aged man with blue hair floated in the air, he was wearing a Red Suit similar to Kasper earlier.

"I am Leonard, a Rank 3 Summoner, part of the Demon Chaser Sect. Soon we will call all of you up one by one and check your Talents. After the assessment is over you can apply to anyone of the Sects in the Assembly, each faction has its own criteria and rules, your Talent will correspond to your position in the faction of your choice."

Soon a brown-haired young woman came on the stage activating a pillar in the middle. It was large pillar with a transparent Eastern Dragon Carved on it.

She quickly started to randomly call out candidates from the crowd by shining a moonlight on them.

Atreus watched with interest.

A short boy went ahead and placed his hand on the pillar. The dragon was started to fill with golden right, but it could only fill up its tail end.

"Low Mortal Tier!"

The boy was devastated and moved to the side. Soon all kinds of scenes started to take place.

"High Mortal Tier!" "Middle Mortal Tier!"

A large muscular boy went ahead. "Gasp! High Earth Tier!" The Examiner looked at the boy with slight envy, as even Leonard took note of the boy.

Time passed and less than half of the crowd remained. After the boy only two more earth ranked talents were picked, both middle tiers.

Soon the moonlight shined on Lily. She went up and placed her hand on the Dragon, Golden Light filled the dragon till its upper body and claws.

"High E-Earth Tier!" Examiner was shocked at seeing another one of these spaces.

Atreus was also pleasantly surprised, what were the chances! Even Aurora was a surprised as she recognized the girl in front of her. Lily clenched her fists with excitement and stood to the side.

Soon it was Atreus' turn himself. He sauntered to the front and confidently pressed the Dragon. Golden Light filled the Dragon to its head instantly and soon the whole Dragon Shined with a faint light!

Leonard spoke before even the Examiner could, "Lower Heaven Rank!".

He was quite shocked and a little excited.

"If we could get this kid to join…." But sadly, the assembly was neutral and soon all the buildings flowed with lights as they sent a message to Leonard, warning him against any favoritism.

His face darkened as the assembly went on. Aurora could feel her heart pounding as she stared at the back of Atreus and Lily still felt that she was in a dream when she heard Atreus' Talent.

Soon it was Aurora's turn.