Nee prepares for the match

At dawn, the unseen player knocked on the door

Ni Ni get up

The sparrow pecked me in the face

Player N: Come on bee, don't come near me while I'm playing

Sparrow: The bee wants to go home, huh, huh

Player N: What are you saying? My mouth will be full of bees and I will run down the field, oh I will die

Sparrow: She will give you honey,116

Player N: I'll have it before I go out to the breakfast table

Sparrow: The bees at the top of the stands will watch you play and can help you at any moment

Player Ni: If the Japanese attacker approaches, tell him to bite

Player N: So you woke me up117

Sparrow: Yes, hurry, the players are waiting for you downstairs in the living room

I will go to the bathroom, then I will put on my tracksuit, and then I will have breakfast

Sparrow: Don't forget your gym bag, I'll fly for a ride, I'll lock the door when you go out

in the sitting room

Coach: Hello, Ni

Good morning guys ne

Coach: You all ate breakfast. We will do a warm-up for the body parts, then we will do ball exercises and then go back to discuss the plan. Let's go to the training ground.118

Three hours later, the coach summoned the team to go to the hotel to watch a videotape about the Japanese team

The players and the coach arrived at the hotel and went straight to the living room

Coach: Watch this video

You have seen the way the opposing team plays, playing in wide spaces, and the speed in returning to defense119

Players: Yes

Coach: We must close the axes of the wings and rely on the middle ball. Do we play 3-4-4 or return quickly?

3-3-5 for attack is like a counter120

Coach: Are you ready?

Players: Yes

Al-Asfour: Me, the bus has arrived to take you to the stadium. The match will start shortly