An expected penalty

Sparrow oh well done I hit the penalty Don't waste it please Bee: I will close my eyes Sparrow: I'll fly away The bee and the bird: a goal or a goal or a wow 122 The Sparrow: I told you, Yanni, that you should score a penalty kick Bee: You, bird, are a wise analyst. I will go and drop a drop of honey on his face Al-Asfour: The game is still on, the clock indicates 38 minutes of play Yanni, I want a shot close to 19 meters. Sud Sud now, oh fuck you Now keep score Bee: Hey bird, do I smash the ball with my needle? What is the use of the ball? Messi lost Sparrow: Have you eaten thistle flower, don't you do that Bees: The Germans no longer know how to shoot accurately The sparrow will wait for the second inning, I am the first one in the world to predict a penalty kick 123 Oh I can't believe the second goal the bee scored The bee as there is no second target Al-Asfour: Beware of the last minutes of the first half