The sparrow tells the story of the parrot to the queen

Sparrow: I have the great honor to meet you, in Qatar, and this is the most beautiful World Cup tournament so far, and it is an occasion that brings together all cultures and breeds that everyone thought were extinct.194

Thank you Boogie Parrot, for your great information, I'm going to pass it on to my friend the Queen Bee as she waits for me over the stands home court

The bird arrived late at the stadium, and found the bee wanting to go to sleep, so he called her, "Queen, I have met the Parrot-Poogee, who they say is extinct and disappeared, so he told her the story of the Parrot-Poogee."195

He asked her what Ronaldo did

The Queen replied: The score was Portugal's match with Uruguay, 2-0

Al Asfour: Cristino, Norlando did it

Queen: I'm sleepy, I want to sleep