Chap.20 Chunin Exam (Double Special)

" after seeing your performance during the last missions and the progress in your training, I decided to give you the opportunity to participate in the next chunin exam" Anko said while her gaze went over the three genin present.

Needless to say Kiba was excited, Hinata decided to give it a try to be more determined and Tony thought to try and remember anything useful from the exam.

The first part consisted of an exam where they have to overcome a small genjutsu and some fake bullies and then pass by simply sitting around doing nothing.

Then it was time for the Forest of Death to get a pair of "Heaven" and "Earth" scrolls that shouldn't be opened until you're in the center tower.

As too many people will arrive and there will be some rounds of combat to select the participants for the tournament a month later.

And after a few fights, that's when Orochimaru carries out the attack on him.

Those are the key points, although there are some things in between that he could try to do.

—I'm going to make this clear —Anko interrupted Tony's thoughts— I'm fine if you decide not to take the exam this time, after all, there is a risk of death. But I don't think you will because neither of you is a coward. If you sign up, you must beat the rest. It would look bad if not one of my genin team made it to chunin.

"So would you give us a reward if we manage to become a chunin?" Kiba asked.

Devil, he beat me to it! Tony thought.

Anko rolled her eyes at the question.

—The fact of becoming a chunin should be enough of a reward, but since you are so interested, let's make it more interesting —Anko used a smile that gave everyone present the goosebumps except Tony, who was expecting something like that— If any of you become a chunin, I'll do a favor, ANYTHING as long as it's not against the village or my personal boundaries. Hell, I'll even treat you all to a barbecue to celebrate!

Now is when a big but comes, right?

—BUT, if you fail to become a chunin, you will have to spend the next three months doing triple my usual training regimen, not only that, you will have to double the number of missions during this time.

Yes, that is certainly very Anko.

After filling out the forms and giving them to Anko, everyone was going to leave to go do their things, but apparently there were other plans for Tony.

"Tony, stay. I have to talk to you about something else —Anko ordered.

Hinata and Kiba gave her a pitying look and hurried away.


"What's wrong, Anko-sensei?"

"There are a couple of things we need to talk about," she answered as she looked into his eyes. "First of all, the Third Hokage wants to know if he could order some dishes from you for the final exams when they happen." Not only envoys from other villages will arrive, but also merchants, important customers and more, so you want to impress them with your food.

"Sure, I just need to know how many people to cook for," agreed Tony. "I'll even give you a discount, but I want my business to be advertised during the first break in the competition."

No kidding was he going to miss out on the opportunity to introduce his food to other places.

"Well, I'll pass on your words later," Anko nodded. "I also want to tell you that if you manage to become a chunin, I'll accept that you make a contract with the snakes." This is a separate reward, you can still ask me for a favor like the rest of your team.

-Really? Tony exclaimed in surprise.

-Yes. There have been some rumors that you are a glutton who is not worth a ninja and with your talent, you should retire to be a successful chef. But I have witnessed your efforts. Sure, your techniques are a little weird, but the ANBU instructor I introduced you to has explained your determination and progress to me in detail. There are probably only two or three people who try as hard or harder than you in your generation. So he uses this test to shut these idiots up.

"... Rumors?" Tony's expression darkened when he heard that.

Regardless of how insulted he feels at the moment, he also can't accept that being gluttonous is considered to be the same as not being a good ninja.

He had been adopted by the Akimichi clan!

Where does that leave his clan in the eyes of others?

As he tried to calm down, he heard a sound in his head.

[Ding! New quest: And who decided it!?]

[Task: Pass the chunin exam flawlessly and overwhelmingly, without losing a single time, and give a figurative slap to those who dare to spread rumors about you and defend the honor of your new family. Mercy is NOT an option!]

[Optional Task: Find out who is behind these slanders!]

[Reward: Official Promotion to Chunin + All Yakitate!! Japan Skills, Experiences, and Techniques!! + ??? + ???.]

[Optional Reward: ??? + Chakra reserves will be doubled + Nuka cola quantum recipe.]

[Note: The System is furious and has increased the rewards!]

—Sensei, may I know where you heard those rumours? Tony asked.

Before Anko told him, he had no knowledge of it and it was very strange.

"Just leave them, people always say stupid things and there's no better way to shut them up than with actions," Anko advised him as he shook his head inwardly, imagining how angry the genin was at that moment.

He had come to have a rough understanding of the abilities and personalities of his team members and Tony was the most straightforward yet complex.

Her interest in food was evident, but what impressed her was not only the creativity of her jutsu, but the fact that she actually managed to create them. He was not as simple as he seems and when she investigated how complex they could be, she was impressed.

In a way, she reminded him of Orochimaru!

But in all the time they had been in contact, she noticed something special. Tony always had a calm demeanor, cheerful even, and the most negative thing she had ever seen was when he was bored or irritated.

She never saw him angry.

Perhaps Tony wasn't aware of it, but he released a trace of bloodlust for a few moments when he heard about the rumours. Something she had deliberately told him.

The rumors existed, he didn't make them up or anything like that. But she was very curious to see how the genin would act when he gave 200% effort. She could see that even when she was facing the snake in her trial, she held back a bit.

Now the question was: Had a monster just woken up? Time will tell.


We reached 100 stones, but a little late. So instead of two chapters, I can only give you a chapter twice as long as a consolation~


Even Hinata and Kiba noticed him for the next few days, but Anko stopped them when they tried to go cheer him up. Tony needed time to digest that and react.

The day of the exam arrived and the team gathered to enter the assigned place. Tony got to see the scene where the jonin dressed up as thugs and dealt with the rest, but not being in a good mood, he stuck them straight to the ceiling with a giant piece of gum and went into the correct exam room. Such a basic genjutsu did not fool him in the least.

He even ignored almost all of Kabuto's performance, his ninja cards and his altercation with the sound ninjas. He just threw more gum when Kabuto was about to give the information about him.

He was pissed off, but he wasn't stupid.

Neji, Lee, Sasuke and the others looked at him strangely, because just like Anko, they had never seen him like this, but they didn't comment on it. Choji was the only one who understood what was happening because he and his father noticed Tony's mood and talked to him about it.

Needless to say, they weren't happy with those rumors either and looked into it, but it all led to dead ends.

Hinata sat up and tried to take several deep breaths to calm herself down. Kiba and Akamaru were playing while waiting for the exam to start and Tony just took out some cookies and started eating them right there, which earned him a visit from Choji, who didn't hesitate for a moment to give him a couple of his ninja grocery scrolls. .

Again, he was angry, but he wasn't about to take his frustration out on his clan and friends.

Ibiki Morino appeared and explained the rules of the exam, the papers were handed out and everyone began to act.

Tony read the questions out of sheer curiosity, since he didn't remember his content and after finishing, he stood waiting with his arms crossed while his gaze was lost beyond the horizon.

Ibiki was looking around him and gave a mental nod as he watched the performance of some of his genin. He pointed out the most clueless and soon noticed Tony's attitude.

"Isn't that boy part of Anko's team?" He, he thought as he looked at him, he hasn't blanked out, it's more like he doesn't care about the test at all.

Did Anko leak the content?

Ibiki shook his head when he thought about it. Anko was only aware of the last test and it was only this morning that she was called to take charge of presenting the second test. He couldn't say anything, even if he wanted to and with his knowledge of her, he wouldn't have.

Did she realize what was happening?

The thought was certainly absurd, but it took root in Ibiki's mind.

When it came time for the last question, she put on her act to intimidate and discreetly paid extra attention to Tony. He nearly spit out a bit of blood when he saw that instead of being horrified by his marks, he was looking at them with curious eyes.

I think Anko has spoiled this child!

And speaking of the devil, he came in smashing the window and throwing the kunai to hang a banner.

When Ibiki heard how he was being criticized for letting so many genin through, he resisted his urge to point at Tony and raise an eyebrow.

As everyone left and he started to collect the papers, he noticed that there were only two of them blank. No, it would be more accurate to say that one was blank, while the other had a message on it addressed to Ibiki.

—Senior Ibiki, I have noticed that you were watching me during the exam and let me clarify that yes, I am the amazing owner of the Kuku store. As an apology for my sensei's awkward entrance, I've left a couple of my ninja grocery scrolls on your seat for you to try. I hope you like them and recommend them to your colleagues if so. If you want more, you know where you can buy them!

He looked up from the paper and saw that sure enough, there were two small storage scrolls with the Kuku store logo on them where Tony sat.

Ibiki was even more confused now. He didn't know if Anko had spoiled the child or if the child was acting like someone responsible while he takes care of her sensei.

"Wait, Kuku store?" Ninja groceries? —Ibiki finally remembered where he had heard something about it— If I remember correctly, the Third Hokage always eats bentos from that place with smiles and food for important visitors has also been ordered there —he picked up the two scrolls and put them in the pocket— The food shouldn't be bad then, I'll give the kid a chance.

Meanwhile, the genin who had managed to pass the written exam followed Anko to the Forest of Death as in the original story and signed the consents in case of death.

Tony's team gathered after obtaining the scroll from him which was a "Heaven" and waited at the gates for the next part of the exam to begin.

-What's the plan? Kiba asked as Hinata looked at Tony as well. By now, it was a fact that he was the leader of the team.