Chap.32 The legendary loser

Thanks to her personal technique, it was hard to believe that Tsunade was over fifty years old. Anyone seeing her for the first time would think that she was barely in her twenties and if she remembered correctly, Shizune wasn't even thirty right now.

She could only see them out of the corner of her eye for a second before they entered an inn, but she immediately identified them because not many people walk around with a little pig in their arms who has pearls on their necks.

Tony contemplated for a moment whether to approach immediately, but he didn't know Tsunade's current mood. He wasn't about to take an undeserved hit from her if she was upset for any reason.

[Ding! New quest: May luck be with you!]

[Task: Convince the legendary loser to accept kunoichi Karin Uzumaki as her apprentice.]

[Optional task: Place a bet with her!]

[Reward: ??? Mega Pack]

[Optional reward: Depends on the result of the bet.]

"Let's go look for Naruto and the pervert," Tony said to Karin, "We already know where he is, let's not waste time."

Fortunately for both of them, Jiraiya barely made it out of the restaurant with a satisfied expression as she gently patted her stomach.

"We have located Tsunade-sama," Tony addressed him.

"Well, it seems you haven't been sitting idly by like Naruto." Jiraiya nodded. "Let's pick him up before we visit her."

Naruto was woken up and Tony led the group to the inn where he saw the target enter. Jiraiya asked the front desk and the man just sighed at the number of people looking for this particular guest. He repeated the same thing to them as to the rest. After Jiraiya thanked him by leaving some money, they went upstairs and knocked on the door.

-Yes? A black-haired woman cautiously opened the door.

"Shizune, it's been a while," Jiraiya told her.

Jiraiya-lord? She —she exclaimed in surprise, even more so when she saw that three children were accompanying him— Are they his new apprentices? She asked intrigued.

Tony refrained from rolling his eyes, because he understood the confusion. It was easy to believe that they were a team under the sannin's orders because they were exactly the right number for it.

"No, not at all." Jiraiya waved his hand in denial. "Is Tsunade here?"

"Mrs. Tsunade is down to drink," Shizune informed him. "Should I let her know?"

"It doesn't matter, just take us with her."


Shizune scooped Tonton into her arms and after closing the door, she led everyone to a local just two streets away, where they could see the legendary loser enjoying herself while she drank sake.

"Hey Tsunade!" Jiraiya sat down in front of her without hesitation as he greeted her.

"Jiraiya, what are you doing here?" Tsunade's smile waned as she spotted the uninvited intruder. "And what do you do with all these brats?"

Shizune sat next to her teacher, while Naruto took the place next to Jiraiya followed by Tony and Karin.

"It's a long story." Jiraiya didn't beat around the bush and told her everything. Orochimaru's attack on the village, Sarutobi's death, and the need for him to return to assume the position of Hokage.

"I'm not going back, so you can go back the way you came," Tsunade replied as he played with her necklace absentmindedly.

Naruto had no patience and the same thing that Tony expected happened. He refused to believe that Tsunade deserved the position and ended up making a bet with her, before leaving with Jiraiya to complete her training.

"And why haven't you two left?" Tsunade asked seeing that both Tony and Karin didn't say anything during the conversation. "I'm not going to invite you to eat."

"Even though we're from the same village, we didn't come with them for the same purpose," Tony replied.

"And what would that be?" Tsunade asked as she took another drink of sake.

"I would like to ask you to take my little sister as her disciple and teach her the medical arts.

"And who is your little sister?" Tsunade asked. "I can be sure you're not related to the Uzumaki girl at a single glance, so don't try to lie."

Tony didn't hide anything from her and explained the situation since the chunin exam, Karin's mistreatment in the previous village and her adoption.

"I see her," she agreed, "but why should she take her as her disciple?" There are other medical ninjas in the village who could do the same.

"Because I don't want her to learn from someone who will only give her minimal attention for money, but from someone who is truly capable and who can really care about her," Tony replied.

"I understand," Tsunade agreed. "And what did I get out of it?" she asked in a disinterested tone.

"A talented apprentice, I'll do my best to cover the supplies you need and you can enjoy my food when you come to visit our house." She then added, "I'll also be able to give you some free spirits that you won't find anywhere else." of the world and I will teach you a new way of betting.

-Your food? Tsunade blinked at Tony's offer. "Don't you think you're overestimating yourself?"

"I guess you haven't been back to the village in years, otherwise you wouldn't say that," Tony commented. "Anyone in the village wouldn't refuse any of my meals."

"What about the liquors?" —Even with Tony's explanation, Tsunade still thought it was an exaggeration, so she focused on finding out more of what piqued her interest.

"I have exclusive liqueurs of my invention in preparation, but I won't sell anything until I'm of age, since it coincides with the time needed for the first batch to be ready. Like Firewhiskey, Butterbeer..." Tony named various drinks he obtained from the world of Harry Potter without batting an eye. "I can give you a few bottles often for you to enjoy. I also have some more surprises planned for the future.

Tsunade gulped as she heard Tony's description, it was too detailed and vivid to be an invention. She had to take a few more shots of sake before continuing the conversation.

"And what about the new way of betting?"

"I can show you that right now if you want, but you have to be mentally prepared for it," Tony warned her. "Although it doesn't cost much money each attempt, there will always be people who will regret trying this."

Tsunade's interest grew when her hands began to itch from this strange betting method. Shizune sighed in defeat as she recognized her teacher's change in attitude. She hoped it really wouldn't cost much, because they already had enough debt on top of her.

"Stop being mysterious and show me!" Tsunade demanded. "If it's really like you say, I'll give the Uzumaki girl a chance." But if you disappoint me, you'll pay my drink bill for today.

Tony didn't lose his composure at Tsunade's words, which only showed how confident he was in this betting method, which indirectly made Tsunade's excitement grow a bit more.

Oh yeah, Tony has been preparing for this moment for a long time.

He reached into his pockets and pulled out a circus-themed box with red and white lines that said: Bertie Bott Dragees All Flavors.