Chap.34 Kidnapping

Although he was aware of Kabuto and Orochimaru's presence in the vicinity, he ignored them because he didn't want to draw their attention unnecessarily and wanted the plot to proceed as in the original.

But Karin was an Uzumaki.

And that Orochimaru was interested in her?

Rare bloodlines to study.

Perhaps they hadn't made a move because they had been spying, but today they decided to act just as Tony was gone for a moment. After the meeting with Tsunade, they would leave and take an interesting specimen with them.

"Since I happened something to Karin, I'll give Orochimaru such a beating that he won't know where her soul begins and ends." Tony gritted his teeth and ran towards the place he knew would be the meeting point. He didn't bother waking Jiraiya up because he knew she would soon be on her own.

He arrived just as Tsunade started to fight Kabuto as Orochimaru watched. And just as he suspected, he could see Karin unconscious next to him.

"Looks like we have company," Orochimaru said when he saw Tony.

He remembered the peculiar genin from the exam finals.

"You brat, get out of here!" Tsunade yelled worriedly when she saw Tony appear.

"I won't let you take her!" Tony yelled and started running towards Orochimaru.

Kabuto didn't miss the opportunity and passed Tsunade to try and hit Tony.

"Take out four eyes!" Tony yelled at him. "I'm not in the mood to play with you!"

—Gluttony: Red rain!

He stomped on the ground and dozens of tomatoes were thrown into the sky before they began to fall en masse on Kabuto's path of approach.

"Are you in this situation and still resort to these stupid tricks?" Kabuto scoffed.

Tony only responded by making a gesture with his hand.

"Kabuto, dodge!" —He suddenly heard Orochimaru yell at him.

Although confused by the sudden warning, he stopped moving closer to focus on dodging the tomatoes. It was only then that he noticed that the tomatoes gave off heat and when they hit the ground, they turned into magma.

The mere thought of how he would have ended if he let them beat him sent a shiver down her spine. He jumped up and away from Tony.

That's when Jiraiya arrived with Naruto and Shizune.

"Orochimaru!" Jiraya yelled.

"Where did that magma come from?" Naruto asked confused.

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune looked at the craters around her and sighed in relief seeing her teacher.

"Looks like we'll need reinforcements," Orochimaru commented. "Kabuto!"

-Yes! Kabuto walked over to Orochimaru and lifted his sleeve to reveal a tattoo where he took blood from him and traced a line before starting to make seals.

—Summoning technique!

With a burst of smoke, two large brown spotted snakes appeared, carrying Orochimaru, Kabuto and Karin on their heads.

Naruto couldn't help but get angry and tried to respond with another summoning technique which was useless as he summoned two small frogs.

"I'll take care of Jiraiya, you take care of the rest!" Orochimaru yelled at Kabuto.

—Too bad, I also wanted to fight a sannin! Kabuto responded excitedly.

The veins on Tony's forehead throbbed at the sight of him being ignored.

—Summoning technique! he yelled.

Did he want to fight Pokemon style? Let's go!

Another burst of smoke occurred and a dozen chimera ants appeared that despite displaying animal features, possessed a human-like build. They were a higher rank than the ones he called last time in the world of Harry Potter and they had more intelligence.

They had features of crocodiles, koalas, cheetahs, octopuses, birds, etc.

"What is your request, contractor?" asked the one who seemed to have the highest rank of those present.

"Bring me the red-haired girl safely," Tony said. "The only enemies present are the man with the glasses and the man with the pale face." The snakes are all yours.

The ant looked at the size of the two snakes and nodded.

"That will be enough, come on."

Orochimaru had a bad feeling when he saw the strange creatures and wanted to take some insurance.

"Kabuto, grab the girl!"

"Yes, Orochimaru-sama." Kabuto held out his hand to Karin but before he could hold it, the cheetah-like ant kicked him in surprise almost knocking him off the snake and whisked her away.


The cheetah ant reappeared next to Tony and placed Karin on the ground.

"She seems like she's unconscious from some drug, from the smell of her she should wake up in about five or six hours," he commented.

—Thank you —Tony crouched down and verified that indeed, it seemed that Karin was under the effect of some strong sleeping pill.

The cheetah ant nodded and excitedly returned to his group, which had already started hunting the snakes mercilessly. You could see them tearing at their flesh, slashing at them and thrashing in pain as they tried to defend themselves.

It didn't take long for the first snake to drop dead as the ants, now covered head to toe in his blood, turned their heads in unison towards the remaining snake where Kabuto and Orochimaru stood.
