Chap.40 Mute the sound

In the end I made the decision to continue, but when I was close to the place, I would wait a bit to intervene. These matches were quite necessary for everyone's personal growth and the only reason why he intercepted Choji's match was because he had already partially fixed the attitude he had over time.

—The next one should be Kidomaru, he's the one I like the least of all the sound guys —he complained— I mean, who in their right mind signs a summoning contract with spiders? Not to mention that most of his attacks are spitting of some kind. He is just gross.

He took a while to follow the marks left by the equipment and hear the sound of the fight and made sure to stay more than a hundred meters away. Neji's Byakugan has a range of fifty meters and he couldn't trust that there weren't a few spider webs to warn Kidomaru of the arrival of reinforcements.

He took out a spyglass with an anti-reflective lens from his ninja bag and watched the battle from afar.

"Damn, that huge spider is really disgusting." A shiver ran down Tony's spine as he saw Kidomaru summon the creature. "Oh, now it's activating the second level of the cursed seal." What is the point of the third eye? Maybe it will help you aim...

He waited for Neji to paralyze Kidomaru by sending chakra through the arrow thread that pierced his body and rushed in to steal death.

"Neji, watch out!" he yelled as he threw Derous's two knives at Kidomaru's heart and head.

Neji was about to jump in for the finishing blow, when he heard Tony's convenient arrival and decided not to risk it. He was hurt enough already!

Kidomaru's three eyes narrowed at the sight of the two sharp knives.


Tony landed near Kidomaru and summoned one of the knives back to his hand to decapitate the ninja. Although in the series he was supposed to be finished, he never hurts to be sure.

—When we get back, you should make an appointment for the hairdresser. You don't look very good! Tony teased as he examined Neji's injuries.

"Just shut up and give me something to eat, I may not be able to go on but I'll take it." A vein bulged on Neji's forehead at Tony's foul mood.

"Sure, take it." Your favorite cucumber sandwich.

"It's not my… it doesn't matter, give it to me." Neji was too tired. He just wanted to eat and get some sleep.

While Neji ate, Tony took a few minutes to dress his wounds and apply first aid.

—Summoning technique!

With a puff of smoke, an Alcremie appeared at Tony's side.

—Take him back to the hospital in Konoha, I can't stay because we're still in the middle of the chase.

Alcremie waved her hands and disappeared with Neji in another puff of smoke using reverse summoning.

—There are two, there are four left.

Right now, Tayuya should be carrying the barrel with Sasuke, but with Shikamaru and the rest's trickery, they should temporarily get the barrel back. Then Ukon and Sakon should fall off the cliff along with Kiba and Akamaru, before Kimimaro's arrival.

Should he try to go after Tayuya first or go off course and take care of the twins?

"Hmm, but if I run into Tayuya and Shikamaru first, I have no reason to go back and deal with Ukon and Sakon." It would be strange if I rescued him and instead of chasing Naruto, I went in the opposite direction —he pondered a little— Let's go for the twins first then.

It took him a long time to find where they fell, but the explosive tag trails came in handy. He made sure to pass a good distance from where Tatyuya and Shikamaru were facing each other and carefully jumped down the cliff.

"That looks like it hurts." Tony winced when he saw the situation.

Kiba was stabbing himself to get one of the twins out of his body. He made it, but his condition is pretty bad. He had to hide while he rescued Akamaru and lost his gaze for a moment.

Flashback moment, for sure.

—Too bad I don't remember what I was seeing right now —Tony looked from him to the twins— It seems that Ukon is quite tired. Oh perfect, they have been combined again. Let's not give them time to think, I think Akamaru was pretty bad right now. Wait, is that unconscious there Choji? —Tony was startled when he noticed his clanmate behind one of the rocks— It seems that he also fell with Kiba here, he's a bit bruised, but I can see that he's still breathing. Okay, no more delays.

—Gluttony: Great red rain!

He cut a large number of stones from the cliff walls and hurled them at the twins, who when they noticed the shadows on the ground, raised their heads to see a thick rain of tomatoes falling on top of them.

-An illusion? —Sakon says before the strange scene— Tch, they have only managed to make him fall in one because Ukon is recovering. Besides, who has thought of such a ridiculous illusion? Surely that fat boy will be hiding somewhere. Is it to buy time and for the boy and the dog to leave? He made a hand seal. "Release!"

But the tomatoes kept falling and they were getting closer.

"Are they real tomatoes?" The absurdity of the situation stunned him for a moment.

Did they throw a storage scroll full of tomatoes at him to distract him?

But it was already too late to dodge and he couldn't summon the gates to block an attack coming from above. He could only bear the humiliation and make them pay later.

Why is it so hot all of a sudden? Sakon noticed that the tomatoes were beginning to glow and change abnormally. "Aha!" So it is NOW that you have trapped me in an illusion and the tomatoes were just to make me lower my guard," he scoffed as he laughed maniacally. "Liberation!

That was the last word he managed to shout before being buried in a magma rain along with his brother. They didn't even have a chance to scream before losing consciousness and being cooked alive.

"Have they fled?" —Tony doubted that he could have really defeated the twins, he suspected that they were just acting and would appear at any moment.

Just to be sure, he checked the task panel.

[Task Two: You are not a mere spectator, the honor of your village is at stake and your hands itch: Defeat the six sound ninjas!]

-Kimimaro (0/1)

-Sakon and Ukon (2/2)

-Kidomaru (1/1)

-Jirobo (1/1)

-Tayuya (0/1)

"Wait, really?

Tony wasn't going to complain about an easy win, but he found the situation a bit anticlimactic. Shaking his head, he went down to Kiba and Choji and sent them back to the village with Alcremie just like he did with Neji.

—Let's see, by now Shikamaru should be holding Tayuya's hands and Lee should have caught up with Naruto, taking his place in the confrontation against Kimimaro.

Now the question was: would he get there in time to see Lee drunk or would Gaara beat him to it?