Chap.52 Turbulent emotions

Hizo was currently in the room used for delicate business, away from prying eyes talking to a masked woman.

—I did my part, so tell Danzo that the favor is settled —said Hizo— I only ask that whatever you are going to do, do not involve the guests, it would be the ruin of my family.

"Danzo-sama appreciates that you kept your word," the woman replied. "And don't worry, it will all end tonight," she said after calming down the noble from the Land of Rice and leaving.

Hizo's trusted aide walked in at that moment.

"Are the Konoha ninjas behaving as expected?"

"The kitchen is frantic preparing the banquet for tonight and I have several men watching that they do not add anything suspicious to the food. The only…

-What happen?

"Two members of your team appear to be missing," the aide revealed uneasily. "My men haven't seen them all day and we have no idea what they're doing."

"I see," He waved the fan in his hand as he thought, "Forget them." As long as they don't cause any trouble, we just have to wait and enjoy dinner before we send them off.

…In the shadows somewhere in the mansion…

"I have ten," Anko said, "Five on the roof, two disguised as servants, and another three in the stable."

—I have twelve —Tayuya answered with a smug look— Four in the kitchens, three in the bathrooms, and five disguised as servants.

Anko cursed under her breath at losing the competition to her, one that she was sure she would win hands down.

She couldn't believe that the girl found more enemies than her!

-ROOT? Anka asked.

—All of them —said Tayuya— These ninjas are a laugh compared to the ones Orochimaru trained in his facilities —she mocked — They still use the marks and customs of their organization without realizing it! Did they just remove their emotions or their intelligence as well?

—I didn't expect Danzo to be so determined to get Tony —Anko frowned— From the little I know about this man, he usually sends four or five of his ninjas at most to kidnap someone, it's not normal that he sent almost two dozen.

—And that's just the numbers we've found so far, if we search a little more it might grow —Tayuya pointed out— So… shall we kill them now?

"No," Anko denied, "None of them are alone and I'm sure they constantly keep a check on their numbers." Let's keep looking in case we missed any rats and get back to Tony.

—Wait —Tayuya prevented Anko from leaving— Get me out of my doubts, because the person in charge of the dark side of the leaf village wants Tony? Is it money or another reason?

—Yes, I guess you haven't been with him for too long yet —Anko narrowed her eyes— I don't know why he trusts you, but…

—Yes, yes —Tayuya interrupted her— If I betray his trust, he will mercilessly hunt me to the ends of the world, etc. Let me be clear, I have no intention of registering as her sister as Karin explained to me, but… I'm not that ungrateful. You KNOW what I've been through and this whole free will thing is new to me, so you should understand that I need… time, to assimilate my current state. I still don't know how to feel really —Tayuya scratched her head in annoyance— I mean, I'm fighting for my life and suddenly a guy appears next to me, who should be an ally of my enemy, he catches me and asks me if I want to join To his family. I didn't even know him! —She says exasperated— The worst thing is that I can say that he is honest, he doesn't lie to me or has any ulterior motives. That totally takes me out of my element! And later he introduces me to her little sister, I find out that the best food in the world is hers and… Argh!

—Well, it seems that your emotions are still somewhat chaotic —Anko sighed, understanding her point — I'll bet on Tony's intuition, the thing is…

…Back with Tony…

The dishes and desserts had been in the making for several hours and came down to his direction and Tony was running final taste checks.

"Add two more tablespoons of soy sauce!"

—Perfect, good texture!

- It lacks pepper! And also add a pinch of salt, but only one!

—The outside is cooked, but the inside is raw. Repeat it all!

"Who made this sauce?" You? Done well, the lemon drops have enhanced the flavor.

—How are the black rice croquettes? Mmm great. Prepare another round. No, it better be two.

"Who the hell brought gold flakes?!" These things are tasteless and useless, throw them outside!

"You say the liqueurs haven't arrived yet?" It's not my problem, tell your master, he's the one who claimed to take care of the drink.

"Someone set up the tables and chairs?" Well, put the tablecloths and start decorating. Flowers, napkins and everything. And where are the missing dishes?!

Fifteen people were lying unconscious on the floor when they finished the last plate.

Unconscious, but with a smile of satisfaction and pride impossible to hide.

Tony looked at the food and declared with a nod:

"This is a real banquet.

—Is it normal for food to shine with its own light? Karin asked next to her, intrigued by the unusual phenomenon.

"This, sis, is what happens when I get a little serious.

"Wow! Karin's eyes sparkled with stars.

My big brother is so cool!

"Come on," Tony told her, oblivious to Karin's thoughts. "In half an hour the guests should start arriving, we need to rest a bit." I also want to know what Anko-sensei and Tayuya have found.

"You're right." Karin caressed her stomach.

She had had to try so many things that she felt happy and bloated. Lying down for a while will help digest everything better.