Chap.57 Can be interesting

Somewhere in the Land of Rivers...

—Orochimaru-sama —Kabuto appeared before a man bandaged from head to toe who was holding a flask, shaking it a bit as he watched as it changed color— Something important happened in Konoha.

"What could be so important that you would interrupt me in the middle of my experiment, Kabuto?" Orochimaru questioned without revealing too much interest.

—Danzo has been trapped by his old partner, the new Hokage.

Orochimaru's hand stopped and he looked at Kabuto.

"Tsunade caught Danzo?" With life? —Seeing Kabuto nod his head twice, he started laughing— It seems that his past came back to bite her ass, or was it his arm?

"Should we take action?" If you come to know...

"In case he reveals my research with the First Hokage's cells?" No need to worry about that —Orochimaru sneered at the unnecessary concern of his right hand man — The investigation happened under the express interest of Danzo, HE was the one who dug up Tsunade's grandfather, not me. In fact, if I stop to think for a moment, we actually just lost a good customer, which is a shame." He put the flask down and picked up a sterilized Petri dish and a pipe to continue his experiment. "How did it all happen? A traitor from within?

—My spies are still trying to figure it out —Kabuto shook his head, unable to give precise information—I only know that Tsunade suddenly sent the order out of nowhere and caught Danzo off guard before he could find out on his own. His right arm has been severed, his right eye removed, his sealing technique nullified and his chakra points blocked. Right now, his mind is being assaulted by more than a dozen members of the Yamanaka clan and it is estimated that his sanity will be completely lost after the measures they are taking to get all the information possible.

A burst of smoke appeared from Kabuto's shoulder and a small blue snake spit out a scroll before disappearing. Kabuto recognized the scroll from one of his village spies and read it.

-And good?

—I have news of Tayuya's whereabouts and she is involved in what happened with Danzo...

-Oh? Now you have my full attention." Orochimaru stopped his hands and left the instruments on the table to turn around and cross his arms.

—Tayuya joined a team from Konoha for a mission to prepare a banquet for a noble from the Land of Rice, but she abruptly returned with her team to the village and headed to the Hokage's office. A few minutes later, warrants for Danzo's capture were issued.

"Who was on the team?" A third voice came into the room as Sasuke entered, covered in sweat from finishing the exercise routine Orochimaru instructed him to do.

Seeing Orochimaru nod, Kabuto revealed what he knew.

—The jonin in charge of the team is Anko Mitarashi, who is also Tayuya's temporary watcher.

"Ah, little Anko," Orochimaru chuckled.

—Then there is Karin Uzumaki, who joined the village during the chunin exam and lastly…

"Tony Akimichi?" —Sasuke knew about Tony's adoption of the redheaded Uzumaki.

"Right…" Kabuto didn't expect Sasuke to make the connection so quickly.

"I should have guessed," Sasuke sighed. "With Karin on the team and a food-related mission, he couldn't be someone else.

"The boy who was adopted by the Akimichi clan...did he leave a lasting impression on you, Sasuke?" Orochimaru asked with interest.

It wasn't that he didn't know of Tony's existence, it was just that he had more interesting bloodlines and experiments compared to someone who could make food. It was only later that he found out that the same chunin was responsible for removing his sound ninjas and getting Tayuya to defect, but since he failed to block Sasuke in the end, he paid her no further attention.

Wait a minute…

Suddenly, Orochimaru seemed to realize something.

Why don't I block it?

A chunin beating all five of his ninjas in a row?

Enough energy to lead another to the village, but not to continue pursuing Sasuke?

"Tony is... complicated." Sasuke couldn't really find the exact words to describe his former partner. "I can't say he's a great ninja, but I've never seen him lose. And his food is not what it seems.

-What are you talking about?

"His food seems to be much more effective than many drugs and medicines," Sasuke tried to be clear, "Ninja edibles" as he calls them are tremendously useful, if I could eat his food daily, my strength could grow at an even faster rate. accelerated.

"Is that so... I'm beginning to see why Danzo fell." Orochimaru was smart, very smart and could roughly predict what Danzo's intentions and actions were.

"So, Danzo met his end, not by being betrayed or making a fatal mistake... but by trying to get his hands on a cook?" Kabuto couldn't believe those words had come out of his mouth.

What kind of madness was this!

"I remember he started a food business a little before the chunin exam, we should send someone to buy some ninja groceries from there on a regular basis," Sasuke suggested, "I think it's called a Kuku shop or something like that."

"Actually, let's do that," Orochimaru agreed, "If that food is as good as you say, it might be fun to analyze." It could be a good way to relax between serious experiments and maybe I'll find something interesting.

Both Orochimaru and Kabuto watched Sasuke's eyes light up for a moment at the mention of the food supply and exchanged a look that conveyed the same thoughts.

Do ninja groceries seem to taste good?

Should they try any? All to gather information, of course.

…Back in Konoha…

-You promised! Tsunade said.

"When it's all over, that was my condition!" Tony protested.

—Danzo is incapacitated and the Yamanaka are emptying his head, what part do you think is missing? Tsunade pointed out. The day's revelations had stirred his feelings and he needed to drink himself senseless to free himself.

"Her execution of him!" —Tony was firm and blunt, without leaving open the possibility of rebutting.

Tsunade fell silent at Tony's yell.

It was she who was offended and with turbulent emotions, because it seemed that he was the one who had a grudge against her?

"This will cost you dearly." Tsunade narrowed her eyes.

—Shizune can order twenty bottles from my account —Tony patted his chest without hesitation, with his business he didn't lack that little money— BUT! You won't be able to drink them until Danzo is no longer a 100 percent threat.

"Don't you think it's blackmail?" Karin murmured when she saw how they argued, to the laughter of the rest of the girls.

Little sister, you don't help me like that!