Chap.63 The nature of the chakra

We have reached a million readings! To say that I am hallucinating is an understatement, thank you all! Let's go with the chapter.


"How did you say?"

It didn't take Tsunade a day to use Tony's suggestion and there were currently five of her clones doing paperwork with her in the Hokage's office. Shizune was on cloud nine, because due to the speed at which everything was completed, her work became much smoother and various village projects that were stalled could be resumed.

"I said I want to leave the village for a while," Tony repeated.

-Why? —The original Tsunade stopped her hands and raised her head to look at him seriously and listen carefully.

"I want to go to the capital of the country of fire and visit the other main ninja villages, to open branches of my business," Tony explained, since it wasn't something particularly secret.

-It's really necessary? Tsunade frowned at the thought.

Going to the capital and opening some food shops was not a problem, they could even leave a better impression on the daimyo, but entering the other villages was. They could try to kidnap or attack when Tony reveals his identity, trying to get his secrets or steal his property.

"I think I mentioned my idea to you a while ago," Tony reminded him as he brushed the matter off. "For starters, the prices of my shops outside of the village will be around twice as expensive for normal food and three times as expensive." for which it has some mild effects, which will drain a major chunk of your money if you want my ninja groceries. And I won't leave anyone in charge that they can manipulate, you know that my shop assistants and cooks are… special. The only thing they will accomplish if they try to do anything to the business is to permanently lose a nearby supply of the best food they have ever tasted. I also intend for my Alcremie to watch and collect information from the stores, they are so adorable that they will win the affection of children and by extension, parents. It is enough for them to feel comfortable with their presence and they start talking about random things, without expecting that the sweet creature next to them is a spy. Also, also…

Shizune and Tsunade were listening to Tony's plan once more and couldn't help but wince at the full picture. If all goes as expected, the money and information in Tony's hands will cause him to rise several ranks in the village.

This was completely different from Jiraiya, although he made some money and the information gathering from him was good, it couldn't compare to the scale Tony was thinking of.

"So I have your permission to be away for a while?"

Tsunade tapped her fingers on the table as he thought.

—How much time will you need to do everything?

"I have no idea," Tony shrugged, "The expansion is going to be huge and I'll need to fix a lot of problems and probably even more that I haven't realized yet." But if it makes you calmer, I will send a report every month through my summoning, I will return to the village every now and then to relax, and regardless of how far I managed to go, I don't want to spend more than three years on the matter.

To be specific, he wants to keep an eye out for Naruto's return to get a rough idea of when the plot will start moving again. Pain's attack on Konoha among other things will be problematic. Maybe in a year, he can report some rumors so that Tsunade can take some further action.

—Okay, actually it's a good idea, it's just that you seem too young to start something like that —Tsunade sighed as he rubbed his hand over his forehead—Okay, I'll allow you to leave the village, but there are conditions.

"Shoot." Tony was fine with that, the odd thing would have been if he hadn't mentioned any.

—You said that the maximum that you will dedicate to the expansion will be three years, then, when you return, I want you to take the test to become a jonin. Don't look at me like that, the fact that you have a prosperous business doesn't overlap with the fact that you're a Konoha ninja. I'm not going to let you get weak just because of some money and influence, self strength comes first.

"Sounds good to me," Tony nodded. With his gourmet cells and some training, he should be able to reach a level of strength enough to pass the test with no problem. Then he smiled— Is it a bet?

Tsunade blinked and for a moment was tempted to say yes, but remembering her current position and what would happen if she won, she shook her head firmly.

She wasn't going to risk Tony. Never.

"Too bad." Tony hoped that he would accept and perhaps a mission would be generated in the System.

"Besides that, you won't be able to take Karin with you. She has been studying very hard and I have been too busy with the position of Hokage, but thanks to your idea of clones, now I will be able to teach her properly. Besides, she might even be joined by another kunoichi from your class.

"Sakura Haruno?" Tony mentioned unconsciously.

-How did you know? —Tsunade was stunned beyond words by Tony's accuracy.

She hadn't even told Shizune of her decision yet!

"Intuition," Tony winked at her as she replied in a casual tone.

"Okay…" Tsunade didn't want to stray from the topic, so she suppressed her curiosity. "Have you ever used chakra paper?"

Tony suddenly went blank and felt like swearing.

Because he always forgot about the same thing?

-I did not do it.

"To be a qualified jonin, you need to master your chakra nature transformation to a certain standard. If you do not know your affinities, you will only hit blindly. I have some papers here, take one and let's see your natures.

Tony took the seemingly ordinary piece of paper and imbued it with chakra.

The paper was torn into five pieces, revealing the nature of the wind.

One of the pieces caught fire and was reduced to ash, revealing the nature of the fire.

Another crumpled, revealing the nature of the lightning.

Another collapsed, revealing the nature of the earth.

The penultimate one got soaked, revealing the nature of the water.

As for the last one, its color changed to pale pink, which caused question marks to appear above the heads of those present.

What the heck does this change mean and why does it look so familiar?

[In response to the host's doubts, the chakra paper has been transformed into edible sugar paper under the influence of the power of the devil fruit, which the paper interpreted as a kind of natural chakra.]

"System, is it because of you that I have all the chakra nature transformations? Tony thought.

[Negative. That is also caused by the particular transformation trait of the devil fruit that the host ate. The original natures of the host were water and earth.]

As Tony mentally conversed with the System, he was oblivious to the incredulous looks everyone was giving him.

Typically, a ninja would have one, and perhaps with some luck, two chakra natures. Three was a rare talent on its own, but all five at once?

And what the hell is that pink paper?!

—This boy is a monster —were the thoughts of the ANBU hiding in the Hokage's office. The shock made them feel somewhat stressed for some reason.

When their shift was over, they would go get something to eat at the Kuku store to calm down.

[Ding! A new quest has been generated.]