Chap.75 Hair Gum

Just as Chiyo was about to act, she suddenly saw a pink substance rush towards her and send her flying even faster in the other direction, crashing into the wall.

"Tony!" Temari yelled.

-What? —Tony turned around showing an innocent look— She'll be fine, I've just left her immobile until she calms down.

He embarrassed he looked at her sister who was stuck to the wall with a huge pink gum, leaving only her face exposed, while Chiyo didn't fully understand that she had just passed.

—Sister, look closely, it is not the White Fang of Konoha.

-Hey? Chiyo narrowed her eyes and after realizing her mistake, she laughed. "I was just playing senile." Hohohoho.

"Kakashi," Tony approached Kakashi and whispered in his ear, "I think the best thing for everyone is not to tell him he's your father, who knows how he would react."

Kakashi nodded as a bead of sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Free me boy!" Chiyo demanded.

"Sure," Tony agreed as he turned around and looked at a sand ninja, "Hey! Go find the biggest scratching post you have.

"Tony, can't you undo your technique?" Temari asked, as her lip trembled.

"Can you tell the wind to stop when you've stirred it up?"

Thus, while Karin extracted as much poison as possible from Kankuro with Sakura as her assistant, Chiyo had to take the longest shower of her entire life with the help of some kunoichi, since she couldn't move, even when the sand began to sticking to the gum when being transported.

The screams that rang out in Sunagakure as the gum was peeled from his hair was music to Tony's ears!

What? Tony was not going to hit an old woman no matter how bad he liked it, physical violence against the elderly was wrong.

There are more civilized and effective methods of revenge, such as chewing gum in the hair.

Meanwhile, Tony figures Team Guy should be on the way by now as backup. Or they should be soon, since thanks to him, everyone made it to Sunagakure earlier than they should.

"That's all," Karin sighed as she dropped the liquid-poison mixture into the deep tray. "There's still some poison in her system, so we'll have to prepare an antidote, but the immediate danger is gone." Can you give me a list of the medicinal plants you have available? And set aside some samples of the poison to verify the effectiveness of the antidote. Sakura, help me get him started on an IV, and then come help me analyze the antidote.


Temari leaned against the wall and slid down it as she sighed in relief.

"You're just like that slimy girl," Chiyo commented as he returned to the medical room with no trace of gum and a few less hairs on his head.

"Tsunade-sama is our teacher," Karin and Sakura said at the same time, they looked at each other and laughed.

A doctor came over and handed over the list of herbs at his disposal. After reading them, the kunoichi duo was escorted to the greenhouse. Meanwhile, a ninja approached with a message from the Hokage.

"Looks like Guy and his team have been sent as reinforcements," Kakashi told them after reading the scroll.

-Really? —Naruto commented happily as he confirmed the content—That's great!

After that, Naruto tried to run off not knowing where to look for the kidnappers, the sand ninja explaining that they lost their trail and Kankuro revealing that he took a piece of cloth from Sasori during their fight.

After some talking, it was decided that Kakashi will use his ninja dogs under the premise that he had eight dogs, while Fenrir only had one. As night fell, Karin managed to create a more effective antidote than in the original version with different medicinal herbs thanks to Sakura's help.

As they say, two minds are better than one.

After successfully administering the antidote to Kankuro, the group went to sleep and were told that Pakkun found Akatsuki's place, so they left after eating Tony's food for lunch. Karin stayed in Sunagakure to attend to Kankuro in case there was any hidden threat left in his body.

The only negative part was that Chiyo joined the group…

As Chiyo blurted out an explanation about what the biju were to Sakura, Pakkun led Guy's team that was closest to the Akatsuki hideout after intercepting them halfway. Zetsu notifies at the same time that they have been discovered and they discuss who to send.

After exchanging some comments, Kisame will play Guy and company.

Meanwhile, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, Chiyo, and Tony meet up with the other Akatsuki member sent to slow them down and buy time.

Itachi Uchiha.