Chap.91 Gourmet Sage

Hey! It's been a few days since I updated the Naruto fanfic.

The reason? I've needed to brush up a bit on the series and look for more food references among other things. Tomorrow I'll try to spend a few hours writing and there will be new chapters soon. enjoy!


[Ding! The host has completed a hidden achievement].

[Hidden achievement: True Omnivore.]

[Condition: Devour natural energy within your body and reach a certain level of mastery in food immersion].

[Hidden Reward: Gourmet Sage Mode.]

Tony looked stunned at the message and when he came out of his stupor, he felt a vein swell in his forehead.

-System, what's the meaning of this? -He protested, "I tried so hard to get Anko to allow me to make a summoning contract with Ryuichi Cave, all so I could learn the sage mode there later when I felt ready, and now you tell me there was a gourmet sage mode. Even if it is a hidden achievement, couldn't you give me even a hint about it? Also, what do you mean by devouring natural energy?

[The host has only fulfilled the food immersion condition recently and the jewel jam he just ingested has supplied the natural energy needed to reach the minimum required accumulation].

-Wait, since when did my food have natural energy? -Tony felt there was an important point he was missing.

[Since the beginning. The amount contained in each ingredient and food is just enough to make small improvements, but due to the intake of natural energy over the long period of time, the host's body has been adapting to it and retaining a certain tolerable not excessive amount. That is one of the reasons why the host's meals possess a characteristic of improving his diners].

-You know, it would have been useful to know that from the beginning. I could have cultivated an army of Sages with that in mind! -Tony shook his head and examined the other notification.

[Ding! A new mission has been generated: Kill the Akatsuki Immortals!]

[Task: Hidan and Kakuzu have hunted down many people to collect their bounties and fund the Akatsuki organization. Among their victims are ninjas who were also outstanding cooks or knew delicious special recipes passed down from generation to generation that will never see the light of day again. Unforgivable!]]

-Kills Hidan (Uncompleted).

-Kill Kakuzu (Uncompleted)

[Reward: Flavor Change (Toriko) + Carbonated Rain Technique].

-Flavor Change? -Even with Toriko's knowledge, Tony didn't remember what the heck that was. So he opened the description and read it carefully.

[Flavor Change: An obscure cooking technique employed by Dark Chef Joa. Cut someone and instead of a wound, the victim gets a scar. At the same time, the person who goes through this technique will become a servant of the host because the change in "flavor" also causes a change in mindset].

[Warning! This technique can be used against anyone, but there are a few exceptions that will not be affected due to certain limitations, special physiques or circumstances].

-I see. I guess characters like Hidan or Edo Tensei returnees are among the exceptions," Tony commented and receiving no denial from the System, he knew he was right. Then he looked at the other reward.

[Carbonated Rain Technique: The host forms clouds in the surroundings and after a unique transformation, it becomes a shower of the best Mellow Cola. Within its range and for the duration of the rain, the host and his allies will receive a strength boost, chakra recovery and energy increase. Enemies, on the other hand, will feel sticky and uncomfortable without any enhancement].

-An area enhancement? -Tony raised his eyebrow in surprise, "What is the exact range and duration?

[Depends entirely on the amount of chakra the host invests].

-So it's like Sasuke's Kirin?

He remembered that Sasuke used a fire technique to do something to the clouds and then be able to cast Kirin, so it probably followed a similar trend.

-Now, how should she handle this without arousing suspicion?

He couldn't go and warn his friends that his sensei would die from Hidan's strange technique when he went to help his fire temple acquaintance. Even Choji would realize that was not something he should know unless he was a fortune teller.

He spent a few minutes tapping his finger on the table as he pondered.

-Maybe he could use that way, even if I don't like it -a possibility crossed his mind, but he preferred to avoid it.

...One hour later...

-To hell with it, I really can't think of anything else. Let's go with plan A.

He got up and left the house, on his way to the Akimichi clan. After making sure Choji's mother was not present, he approached her and gave her something along with some instructions with a very serious expression.

-Did you get it?

-I got it, don't worry, I'll make sure to always carry it with me," Choji nodded and carefully put away what Tony gave him, "Do you want to stay for lunch?

-I just had lunch -Tony refused even though he could eat without restrictions, he had to handle several administrative matters of his stores and start sorting out some new ingredients he got at the Colosseum. Determine their price, whether they are saleable, their available quantities, etc.

-Would you mind cooking something then? -Choji shamelessly revealed his true purpose. He had begun to familiarize himself with gourmet cells under Tony's instructions and was startled to discover that his favorite snacks had become rather bland. Although they still satiated him, it simply wasn't the same as in the past.

Only by eating the food from the store could Kuku feel that his body was satisfied.

-Well, I can prepare some things," Tony pondered for a moment and agreed. He went through the kitchen and brought out many dishes such as pears in wine, extra crispy karaage, rice omelets, etc.

The other younger members of the Akimichi clan detected the aroma of the food and soon he was busy cooking some additional dishes. An hour later, he had to put out the fire and leave because he couldn't put off his business affairs any longer. He made sure to leave a hidden bento for Choza and his wife, because when they found out that he came to cook for the clan and they couldn't eat some of what he prepared, they would scold him.

He spent the day so busy that before he knew it, it was already dark and he had to leave back home when his workers reminded him that it was closing time.

-System," Tony called after realizing his oversight, "Tell me about the gourmet sage mode I got. How do I start it and all that.

[While the three wise territories have a habit of sensing natural energy in one form or another, the host only needs to ingest foods rich in natural energy to enter gourmet wise mode. As long as the host continues to eat and replenish the spent natural energy in time, there is theoretically no time limit to the sage mode. In fact, if the host ingests a high enough amount, it can even detach and release the gourmet demon and let it fight by its side until it has no more energy and must integrate back into the host's body].

-Can I take out the gourmet demon? -Tony was stunned at the news.

[The gourmet demon can increase the time it is separated from the host by devouring its enemies and converting them into energy. But because separation for too long a period can be dangerous, the gourmet demon cannot be separated from the host for more than a week at a time using this method. Also, since the gourmet demon is part of the host, it knows allies from enemies, so there is no need to worry about it eating the wrong people or creatures].