Chap.96 Always gives problems!

-That was refreshing," commented Neferpitou while using Doctor Blythe to perform first aid on Kakuzu after "playing" with him for two hours, "Don't be in a hurry to die, there are many things I can only test when you're still alive~".

Kakuzu was lying on his back, with traces of his masks next to his head, his right leg was missing and his left arm was currently being sewn back together.

-Just kill me once..." he said in a hoarse voice.

-Later... maybe! -Neferpitou turned to his contractor, who had long since handed out popcorn and refreshments to everyone to admire the "dance" in front of them, "It's been entertaining, but I should get back now. Oh! Before I left, Youpi kept complaining that he wants to eat your food again. It's starting to overwhelm Pouf, so remember to call him if there's an opportunity. Bye~

Neferpitou disappeared in another puff of smoke along with the remains of Akatsuki's zombie duo.

-Ugh, Youpi again... he eats more than the entire Akimichi clan put together! -Tony muttered rubbing his forehead with his hand, before realizing a detail- Oh, she took Akatsuki's rings with her too. Never mind," Tony shrugged and checked the mission to see if his actions were enough to fulfill the necessary condition.

[Mission: Kill Akatsuki's immortals!]

[Task: Hidan and Kakuzu have hunted many people to collect their bounties and fund the Akatsuki organization. Among their victims are ninjas who were also outstanding cooks or knew delicious special recipes passed down from generation to generation that will never see the light of day again. unforgivable!]]

-Kill Hidan (Completed).

-Kill Kakuzu (Completed)

[Reward: Change of Flavor (Toriko) + Carbonated Rain Technique].

[Reward will be given once the host returns to the leaf village].

-Is there any particular reason why I need to wait to return to the village? -I mean, I'd rather try the carbonated rain technique here, in the middle of nowhere, than in the village, where Tsunade will chase me for hours if I leave the streets all sticky and it wouldn't be good publicity for my business.

[Minor mistake found.]

[Handing out mission rewards]

-That's better," nodded Tony satisfied- System, show me my status.


Name: Gluttony, nicknamed Tony.

Current world: Naruto.

Partner: Tayuya

Ability: Devil fruit Kuku Kuku no mi (no weakness) + Breath of En + Transform tomatoes into magma + Modified Turkey live dolls technique + Pearl Jam (Jojo) + Knocking (Toriko) + Sound Bazooka (Toriko's Zebra) + Flavor change (Toriko) + Carbonated rain technique.

Weapons: Dragon King Derous's twin knives.

Traits: Gourmet Cells + Awakened Gourmet Demon: Homunculus of Gluttony

Summoning Contract: Chimera Ants + Alcremie + Forest of Gluttony + Ryuchi Cave + Chocobo

Description: A jonin known far and wide for being the owner of the successful Kuku chain of stores and his bizarre gourmet ninja techniques. His body contains fully active gourmet cells and the gourmet demon has been successfully awakened, allowing for additional traits. He possesses the uncanny ability to transform things into food, including living things if he sets his mind to it. It is on its way to becoming the top of the food chain in this world.

-And to think it's been so long already," melancholy gripped Tony for a few seconds, "It's getting closer to the end of this whole mess.

While he still had to take care of Obito, Zetsu and Nagato, he hoped he could finish the conspiracy before Madara's rebirth and Kaguya's appearance.

-Now that I think about it, I should have told Itachi to kill Kabuto while I was following Naruto to the bridge. Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk and I don't know for sure if he'd listen to me either," he shook his head and tried to focus on the current timeline, "Let's see. Now... is it still the moment when Jiraiya infiltrates Amegakure? But with what I discussed with Tsunade....

Tony had a feeling he was missing something.

-Wait. Tsunade got the information from Akatsuki and sent it to the other four major villages to take the necessary measures, they are now better informed than in the original timeline. Jiraiya has a fairly extensive spy network, so even if Tsunade puts off telling him that the three orphans she helped at the time are involved, perhaps he will find out on his own upon learning the names or seeing the photos and move without telling anyone, believing it to be a purely personal matter.

What were the chances of it actually happening?

Knowing Jiraiya... too high.

Funny, he left Naruto at the mercy of the village for his entire childhood, but spent more effort on three random orphans so he could manage his conscience, than taking care of Minato's son.

That reminds me, I haven't visited Kakashi, has he heard about Obito yet?

-Tony? -Shikamaru called him for the fourth time.


-I said, we should go," Shikamaru repeated, "Asuma-sensei must be going crazy and it's better if he finds out about the situation.

-Sure, let me try one thing and we can go.

...Fifteen minutes later...

-It's strange to see cola drink raining down," Shikamaru commented as they all rode back to the village on chocobos.

-More like a dream! -remarked Choji, who was holding a pitcher with which he collected some of the liquid when Tony tried the carbonated rain technique. He happily took a sip as the road became smoother and less tumultuous.

-Again, why don't you use those sweet creatures so we can return to the village immediately? -Shikamaru asked.

It wasn't that he would complain about discomfort, the feathers from this big yellow bird would actually make a great pillow in his opinion.

Maybe he should try ordering some later?

-Relax, you said it took you five hours to track and catch up with those two. With these little guys, I assure you we'll be back in Konoha in less than half an hour.

-They're fast, no doubt! -commented filler 2.

Damn, Tony forgot their names again.

Were they so easily forgettable or did he just not give them the slightest importance?

...Half an hour later...

-Quickly, we have to go and find Kurenai," said Shikamaru once they returned to the village- I'm not going to face Asuma-sensei's questions without his deterrent presence, it would be too much trouble.

-I'll go inform Tsunade of what happened -Tony said goodbye.

Fill 1 and 2 looked at each other. And what do they do? Never mind, just go take a nap until it's their turn to watch the gate....

Tony jumped over the rooftops and hurried to file a factual report.

-So Akatsuki has lost two more members, well done," nodded Tsunade satisfied, "I'll warn the other villages that there will be fewer targets to watch out for in the future.

-Tsunade, do you know where Jiraiya is right now? -Tony asked, he wanted to make sure that Jiraiya wasn't going to ruin everything.

-Jiraiya? He took his leave an hour ago, saying he was going to look for more "inspiration" for that book of his in the Land of Rain," Tsunade snorted, "Since I ordered to put a roof on the hot springs in Konoha, he hasn't been able to follow his usual "practices".

-Has he left the village? -Tony repeated, "To the Land of Rain?

-Yes... -Tsunade suddenly opened her eyes- You don't think that...?

Tony nodded with a dark face, he didn't have the slightest doubt about it.

That bastard had left for Amegakure with the intention of "reasoning" with his former disciples!

He had intended to rest for a couple of days before setting out, believing he had plenty of time, but now he would have to greatly accelerate his plans.

[Ding! A new mission has been issued!]