Chap.102 The main course

Konan's attitude after her awakening and when she was aware of everything was rather... indifferent, apparently Tony severely underestimated the Flavor Change he used on her.

He almost expected her to be some sort of unwilling puppet, but from anyone's point of view, she didn't really change at all. She was still herself, she still had opinion and will, abilities and beliefs, memories and interests.

Just... slightly changed.

Nagato's death? That was worth a sigh from Konan, though Tony didn't know if it was relief, resignation, or something else.

It was as if Tony had always been a place above Nagato and Yahiko in Konan's heart, unknown to herself until now. Since she did not treat Konan coldly and knew her past, she quickly approached Tony and in a few hours talking in the rain they managed to get to know each other very well.

Konan sent some paper clones to reassure all of Amegakure as they talked, you could tell he really needed someone to talk to without cover or manipulation or the need to control information and lie.

He just needed... someone to talk to in complete confidence.

As Tony found out, even Nagato refused to be a willing listener for her since Yahiko's death and that only stressed her out more. In fact, he was a bit surprised because he had the feeling that after venting, Konan had a less cold and more cheerful attitude, almost like in her youth.

As if he had let go of a big anchor.

Tony didn't need much to convince Konan to go along with his plan and reveal after the fact that she was actually always a spy working for him, it was enough for Tony to promise to send food and clothes to Amegakure in case of crisis.

While the Flavor Change made Konan become loyal to Tony, it was better to have a happy subordinate, more so when what he asks for can be done with a mere gesture with no trouble. It could also be considered as charity from the Kuku store, as the war orphans would receive some level of support and be grateful to him.

Of course, they had to fill in some gaps in his story for when he would face questioning from Jiraiya or Tsunade. How they met "long ago", how Konan got separated from his two friends because of a difference in beliefs, etc.

Tony was convinced that Tsunade wouldn't pose any problems once she said that 80% of the information she got from Akatsuki was actually passed on by Konan. The only person who could notice the lie would be Tayuya due to her infernal ears, but Tony just needed to talk to her upon his return and he was confident that his girlfriend wouldn't rat him out.

Even if he had to sacrifice his body in exchange for her silence! Several times.

-Do you think we can fool that pervert? -Tony asked Konan.

-Jiraiya-sensei may be immature, but he's not stupid, I think he will have serious doubts about our history," answered Konan while combing Fenrir's fur with a paper comb that she folded herself, which apparently relaxed her.

Who would expect Konan to be a lover of animals and their fluffiness?

Tony only knew how much she loved origami.

-For example?

-No doubt he's wondering why I sent you the information and not him," Konan commented, exposing one of the obvious weaknesses.

-Just say you trust me more than him, it's not like you're lying," Tony dismissed.

-That's true..." Konan reflected. In fact, she felt much more comfortable with Tony than with the sensei she didn't see for years and who never came back for them- But, will he believe that you destroyed the Rinnegan and didn't keep it for yourself?

-I don't need her to believe me," said Tony pulling out a scroll, "I have the Hokage's order, you can stick your doubts smeared in oil deep into your dirty....

-Tony! -interrupted Konan looking at him, "Language!

Right, he forgot that Konan was actually still herself.

-I'm sorry, but you get my meaning," Tony laughed as he put the scroll away, "By the way, do you know where the demonic statue, the Gedo Mazo, is?

-Yes," Konan nodded, "It's in a special subway room protected by several seals that only Nagato or I can open.

-Take me to the statue, we should still have time before Jiraiya arrives -Tony stood up and let Fenrir hide in his shadow. Youpi and Neferpitou returned after eating their payment, so he didn't need to keep an eye on them and have them kill Jiraiya by mistake.

-Follow me -Konan separated into paper butterflies and flew quickly in one direction as Tony chased after her.

Tony wanted to try something with the statue that was the shell of the ten tails, if he succeeded, it would solve a lot of things. But he needed to hurry, because even though it was only a few hours since Nagato was defeated, Obito and Zetsu could figure out that something was wrong and summon the statue somewhere unknown.

They reached a chamber deep in the earth and Konan lifted several layers of sealing before they could enter its interior.

-Here it is," Konan pointed with her delicate white hand.

-It's uglier and bigger than I expected," Tony muttered as he approached him. Time was against him, so he didn't beat around the bush and once he got close enough to the statue, he began to carry out his plan.

-Gourmet demon awakened: Gluttony's Homunculus!

Under Konan's incredulous gaze, Tony assumed his gourmet demon form and using his abilities, somewhat awkwardly swallowed the Gedo Mazo into his separate space as a snake would a buffalo.

-Devil fruit awakening!

The statue seemed to react to the strange energies trying to invade it. One was furiously trying to erode its existence and digest it, while another was trying to turn it into food to speed up the process. The white Zetsus on its underside began to act, or at least tried to.

-Indeed, it's not enough as long as it has the tailed beasts inside it, it will resist," Tony felt he needed to add something else to the mix in order to achieve his goal.

-Gluttony: Breath of En!

-Food Grimoire, activate food magic: Gluttony's Banquet!

A large amount of mushrooms began to grow from the Gedo Mazo and the resistance that was present because of the white Zetsus was heavily depleted. At the same time, the bijus that were enclosed in the statue were sucked out to prevent it from being able to use its chakra to put up a fight.

Under the attack of so many strange forces, the statue started and ended up dissolving inside Tony and he felt a great increase in his strength.

-Not bad," Tony clenched his fists and felt the difference. He then turned his gaze to the masses of chakra that were the bijuu waiting to the side- Shukaku, Matatabi, Isobu, Son Goku, Kokuo, Saiken and Chomei. What should I do with you?

[Ding! The host has obtained a hidden achievement!]