Chap.110 Demon of the Heart

Konoha Hospital, Room 546

Kakashi had been having trouble sleeping for the past few days since he learned that not only Obito was alive, but that he witnessed him kill Rin with his bare hands. Although the information made it clear that he was being manipulated by someone, the weight of guilt and a feeling of phantom blood on his hand couldn't help but return.

-What should I do, Rin? -he asked himself as he looked at the right hand with which he took the life of his teammate.

Even while recovering in the hospital, she made sure to pay close attention to the matter and thanks to Sakura's visits along with her summoning dogs, she learned of the plan Tsunade seemed to be preparing to deal with Obito with the help of Tony Akimichi.

He almost ran out to the Hokage's office when he heard it, but Sakura was with him at the time and knocked him out, criticizing him for moving abruptly when he was injured and still recovering.

At least he convinced Sakura to voice his request to his teacher and he should know something soon.

A knocking at the door brought him out of his thoughts and he unconsciously answered.

-Come in.

The door opened and instead of Guy or the previous members of his team as he expected, it turned out that the visitor was Tony.

Huh? Maybe it was because of his injuries, but he felt that Tony had become stronger since they cooperated in rescuing the Kazekage.

-How are you, Kakashi? -I brought you some Rainbow Fruit, eat it when you're hungry.

-That's nice of you, thank you," Kakashi answered while swallowing saliva from the tingling aroma the fruit left on his sensitive trained nose. He had to shake his head to focus his thoughts- Regarding that matter, the Hokage...?

-Yes, in fact it's one of the two reasons I came to see you," Tony interrupted him and pulled out three papers which he threw to different corners of the room, where a high-level isolation seal was formed, "A precaution against Zetsu, courtesy of my little sister. You know, she's good at fuinjutsu. Too bad these seals are one-time consumable.

-So you know? -Kakashi asked nervously.

-Yes, Tsunade explained to me about the Kamui and your fervent desire to participate in the operation," nodded Tony as he took a seat next to the bed and looked at Kakashi. "Honestly, I have nothing against you participating, but I want to know what your thoughts are at the moment.

-My thoughts?

-At this point and knowing what happened, you must fully understand that Obito's mental state has crossed a point of no return, so, would you be willing to end his suffering or would it be enough to confront him? -I can understand if you don't want to end up with his blood on your hands, so I need to know where you stand with yourself to think what role I can give you in the operation.

Kakashi clenched his fists when he heard what Tony said, but not because he was angry, but because he hadn't really finished processing the new situation.

What words would he say to Obito when he saw him face to face?

Would he freeze at the critical moment?

-...Frankly, I don't know myself," he answered honestly as he lowered his head.

-Yes, it's not a simple situation," Tony scratched his head, "Okay, let me put it another way. I'm going to give you different scenarios and you have to answer yes or no in less than three seconds, okay? Take a moment to organize the thoughts if you want and tell me when you are ready.

Kakashi nodded and closed his eyes while breathing softly, trying to calm down and focus.

-Go ahead.

-Are you sure you want to participate in this operation?


-Would it be enough for you to watch from afar?


-If during the confrontation, you are assigned to protect someone from Obito instead of actively attacking, do you have the confidence to succeed?


-Even if Obito won't stop yelling and accusing you for Rin's death?

-Yes," Kakashi took a second longer to answer. He knew he would need to psych himself up before confronting him and one of the tactics he would definitely use would be provocation.

-Would you be willing to use Obito's remaining eye?

-What?! -Kakashi didn't know all the details of the plan, so he froze when he heard that.

Tony sighed as he told him his plan, understanding where Kakashi's point was roughly. He needed to confront Obito, but he couldn't be the one to kill him or else he would leave a scar on his mind and heart.

He had a rough idea of what to do with him.

-Seal black Zetsu in the Kamui's dimension..." Kakashi unconsciously brought his hand to his left eye "I'll do it.

-You are aware of what would come next, aren't you?

-I am," Kakashi nodded without lowering his hand, "One sharingan alone is already a big burden on my body, so I don't expect to keep both after finishing with Zetsu.

-Both? -Tony raised his eyebrow, "Didn't I mention the memory seal?

-As long as there's a chance for black Zetsu to escape the dimension, it's too dangerous to keep them," Kakashi shook his head resolutely, "This eye was given to me in exchange for a promise I was unable to keep, and it seems fair to use it as payment for finishing the matter once and for all.


-Yes - Kakashi expressed as if a weight had been lifted from his heart -Maybe when it's all over, I can relax a bit, and who knows, find someone to perpetuate the Hatake clan.

-Dude, that's a flag.

-A one what?