Chap.113 Returning the property

Waking Tsunade at midnight didn't do much wonders for her mood, but seeing the last two Uchiha survivors, she understood that something important happened and they moved to the Hokage building. After some explanations and clarifications....

-Things are getting more and more twisted," said Tsunade as she rubbed her forehead.

First came the village's extensive preparations for Pain's massive attack that never happened and now the sealing team that had been training overtime for days had missed their target.

All that was ryo!

Well, at least Tony didn't ask for the funds he donated to be returned?

-Look on the bright side, Naruto will calm down when he sees Sasuke," Tony wanted to cheer her up.

-What has that idiot been doing? -asked Sasuke.

-He threw a tantrum -summed Tony, not wanting to point out that Tsunade locked him up until he calmed down in a special sealing room- But I think you should see Sakura first.

-That's right! -Tsunade supported the idea, her disciple will be in for a treat.

Itachi looked at Sasuke, with a look of admiration and meaning obviated.

-It seems that in my absence, you did not forget to plan to repopulate the clan... -he said with a proud tone.

-That's not it! -Sasuke looked at everyone present with a dark face.

-By the way, should we wait until the morning to tell Kakashi? -said in a more serious tone Tony.

-I'll explain it to him myself -Tsunade raised her hand, making it clear that it was not a matter to discuss and was determined -I have more experience than you with these things, so I should be able to reduce the impact of the news.

-That's fine.

Who was going to refuse the Hokage's order?

-As Tony said, the Uchiha compound has not been touched, so you can sleep there tonight," said Tsunade turning her gaze to the Uchiha, "Tomorrow I will look for all the documentation and ask you to sign some papers to return the property, techniques and so on that the village improperly confiscated.

-Won't there be any opposition to getting these things back? We were renegade ninja.

-Itachi, you went to bring information from Akatsuki as a mole and Sasuke... eliminated the renegade ninja Orochimaru, both acting in a secret mission that only the Hokage knows about," Tsunade said at once, "Fixed, anything else?

The three present exchanged glances.

That should settle it, shouldn't it?

-Then all that's left is to take care of black Zetsu and Kabuto," Tony concluded.

-Kabuto? He's smart, but he's no threat without Orochimaru backing him up," Sasuke frowned.

-I can't believe that of all people, you would say that," Tony replied with his mouth hanging open, "Never mind, let's focus on the immortal creature and then move on to Kabuto.

-You said you can locate him whenever and wherever he is? -Tsunade wanted to confirm.

-Yes, remember the mission I asked the village for a while ago? -Tony looked at her with a meaningful expression- I'll have some help.

-Oh, that explains everything," Tsunade nodded, remembering her experience at the Colosseum. She was still digesting the benefits they got from there.

-Before I forget," Tony turned to Itachi and Sasuke, "Just in case, if you come to visit my house, come in through the door. I have a little one that might accidentally bite you otherwise.

-A dog? It won't be that big of a deal," Sasuke dismissed.

Itachi saw Tsunade start to sweat when Tony mentioned the "little guy," so he made a mental note not to push his luck. Besides, his upbringing would preclude sneaking into a friend's house like this.

-Anyway, when should we go for black Zetsu? -Tsunade resumed the main topic, "The eye transplant will take little time with my medical skill, but Kakashi will need some getting used to and we have to see if his body can withstand the consumption of two sharingans. Tony, can you prepare some meals for him while he has both eyes?

-No problem, just remember to start cultivating another additional eye while keeping his original eye -Tony raised his hand with the OK sign- As for the time, we wait three days to see how everything develops and we'll see.

-Is that all? -Asked Tsunade as she stood up and yawned- Good, I feel like going back to bed. See you tomorrow.

They all left the Hokage building and went their respective ways. As she walked through the streets under the light of the street lamps, a familiar sound echoed in her head.

[Ding! A new mission has been issued!]

-System! I already thought it was strange that you didn't give me any mission to deal with Obito.

[That was a decision made by the host and the System won't issue a mission just because of that.]

-Really? I mean, seeing how Kakuzu and Hidan's mission went, I almost expected you to want to avenge the loss of culinary specialties exclusive to the Uchiha cal.

[The System didn't consider that...]

-Well, it's too late anyway -Tony shrugged as he kept walking -Let's see what new mission there is.

[Showing the mission info.]