New Appearance

"Hello, guys. You four got here early." A young lady with purple hair entered the room; she was undoubtedly a world-class beauty, but the blood covering her from head to toe gave her a savage appearance.

"Styrmir, We are not early. You are ten minutes late to the Urgent Elder meeting." Aster replied.

"I have a good reason for being late," Styrmir said confidently.

"Really...." Lluvia asked.

"Yes, I was completing a quest to save a helpless child from thousands of bandits," Styrmir said proudly.

"Styrmir, last time it was an old granny, and before that, it was a helpless puppy you were saving," Violet said, pointing out the coincidence.

"You guys know I don't Like wasting my time in these useless meetings," Styrmir said, accepting she was making a story about her being late.

"Aster, all the guild Elders are here now. Can you tell us the reason for this urgent meeting?" Elder Rosalba asked.