Manipulating Truth

"Your offer is good, but I don't see my guild befitting by sacrificing one-third of the guild ownership to acquire three {SS} Rank legacy holders."

"I am not disrespecting the offer as I know the worth of three {SS} Legacy holder players and how much my guild strength will improve after they join, but the price of 30% of my guild shares is just too steep."

SS Rank Legacy holders may not be the strongest, but they were still scarce, and at a point where the world was changing rapidly, every such player was worth more than gold to any guild.

The great powers from the real world were trying to establish their foothold in the game world by offering lucrative offers to Legacy holders to leave their guild and work for them.

It was already hard enough for the big guild to retain their existing strong players from leaving the guild, let alone find new players with a high-Ranking legacy to join their guild.