New VR Capsule

"Alex, You should ask for the money whenever you need it." Alex's father said after he sent him the money.

'The one small problem is solved, and now I just need to get the health pods quickly and cure Sophia's disease.' Alex thought, seeing his little sister eagerly wanting to ask something.

"Big brother Alex, you have a lot of money. Give me some for school," Sophia asked.

"How much money do you want?"

"Give me One hundred," Sophia said excitedly after doing high-level math on her fingers.

"I would transfer it to a school card. You could spend it with your friends in the cafeteria." Alex's reply put a big smile on Sophia.

"Big Brother Alex, You are the best." Sophia was excited and making plans to spend the extra money she got.

"Mom, The Government Health Hospital got a new, advanced MRI Machine. You should go there and have a health checkup, and when you go, take Sophia with you and have her checked as well."