Prince Wenrys

After hearing his answer, the Duke and Lady Esmeralda were surprised, but the person next to Duke Harold had the most excited look on his face as he had just heard the most wonderful news.

"Tell me the location of Leukos?" The person vanished from his seat and appeared in front of Alex, asking about the Basilisk's location.

Alex didn't answer the unknown man's question and looked toward Duke Harold's reaction to this situation.

"Wenrys, You are bothering my guest." Duke Harold said.

"Mr.One, Please don't mind my fiancé's rude behavior. He has just become too obsessed with the Blood Basilisk." Lady Esmeralda said.

'As I thought, he is Lady Esmeralda's fiancé.'

"Let me introduce myself, and then you could tell me the location of my companion beast."

"My name is Wenrys Gavin Magmis, The Fourth Prince of White Flame Empire." The man said proudly.

'He is a prince of the White Flame Empire?' Alex was genuinely surprised after hearing about Wenrys' origin.