Changing Real Identity

"Mr.Reaper, I don't have any more questions, so let's discuss the Life Serum treatment," Eimir said with a friendly smile.

"I want to buy three Life Serum treatments, which should cost me sixty thousand gold coins?" Alex asked, relieved that no more question was coming his way.

"Mr.Reaper, I think You have some miss information."

"Any normal player could only buy a Life Serum treatment once every six months, and only those who have greatly contributed to Golden Eagle Guild could buy more than the set quantity depending on their contribution."

'What the hell is he talking about? Doctor Elmer didn't say anything about a buying limit.'

Alex was momentarily shocked, but all his worries vanished after he understood the underlying meaning in Eimir's words.

'I knew you greedy bastards won't be happy after not getting any dungeon entry tokens.' Alex thought as he tried to act confused and worried.

'Time to do some acting and start my plan.'