Tricky situation

Darius was shocked for a moment, but after seeing no reaction from the truth crystal, his expressionless look was replaced by a wide smile.

"Mr.Hidden One, I am not a thief that will threaten you with your life to give me your treasure for free, so demand a price that you are willing to take for your {SS} Rank Legacy," Darius said in a friendly tone.

'He just threatened to kill me permanently in a friendly tone. What a cunning bastard.' Alex thought, clearly understanding the underlying meaning of Darius' friendly words.

The players could respawn after dying, but there were many ways to kill a player avatar permanently, and one of those methods was being burned to death by Elemental Flame.

The Elemental Flame was a unique flame that fourth Rank warriors or creatures would use to help refine their body and turn it into a Mana Body.