Business Deal

'This tea was quite flavorful and refreshing.'

"Mr.Yanric, If you want to say something to me, you should do it quickly because I am leaving your shop after ten more minutes," Alex said as he put the empty cup on the table.

"I do have a little request that I want to make, and I would be very grateful If you could help me with my request," Yanric said in a nervous tone.

"If your request is not too time-consuming, I will consider it."

"Sir, I want you to help buy a shop in the inner area of the Capital City {Quivira} using your Noble authority." Yanric slowly said and then waited for Alex's reaction to his request.

"You are a Beastmen?"

Alex asked such a question because Yanric request was something only a Beastmen would make from a Noble.

In the human continent, the Beastmen Race people required the backing of a Noble with an Earl or higher authority before they could get qualified to buy any land in their name and do business.