
"The immortal adventurer has the Ancient Artifact?" Lurquas said with a shocked look.

"He has half the artifact, and that was why I offered him great benefits and acted like a useless Beastmen who wanted to build a business on the human continent," Yanric said, answering the question his guardian wanted to know.

"Young Master, We need to confirm if the part of the artifact he had is bound to him or not," Lurquas said in a serious tone.

"Adventurer Hidden One, Have the Red Gem, and it is bound to him as he used it briefly when Master gave him the poison core," Sarnah replied instead of Yanric.

"Master, Why would you let that adventurer leave when he has the artifact we have been looking for for the past two years?" Nullox questioned, not understanding why Yanric didn't give the order to capture the adventurer to get the artifact.