
"Mr.Badger, Now that the introduction is over, Let's discuss some business," Alex said.

"Sir.Famir, Can I see the legacies before we sign any contract and complete the deal." Badger asked after taking a deep breath like, worried about something.

'Well, It is a reasonable request, but first, I should explain the War Priestess Legacy situation to him.' Alex thought.

"Mr.Badger, Before we complete the deal, I need to explain something to you," Alex said as he took out the teleportation marker with the recorded coordinates of the legacy tomb and placed it on the table.

"I believe you know that this is a teleportation marker used to record the coordinates of a specific location?" Alex asked, and after seeing Badger nod his head in agreement, he continued with his explanation.

"This teleportation marker has the coordinates of a legacy tomb with a {SS} Rank legacy which the organization is willing to give you, but there is a small problem with it."