Special Continent

'This doesn't feel like any normal teleportation.' Alex thought while grinding his teeth as he felt his body being pulled in every direction with such intensity that he felt tremendous pain.

'The pain is gone.' Alex thought as he took deep breaths to calm down his raging heartbeat.

'I think I am teleported to some place, but why is there still pitch-black darkness around me.' Alex thought after feeling normal again.

After a few seconds of being blind, Alex regained his vision, and what he saw surprised him to his core.

'This sense feels familiar.' Alex thought as he observed his surrounding.

Alex was standing in a vast empty area with nothing but darkness, and a short distance away from him, an identical dark throne was present, and on that throne sat a giant of a looking toward him with an expressionless face.

'He has the same aura of authority as Cronos had around him.' Alex thought as he looked toward the giant man.