
Alex left the game without a clue that after he became the Ruler of the Malefis Domain, major changes happened in every forbidden land area, and each continent's inhabitants reacted differently to the changes.

The Death Miasma Field.

"Little girl, You said you have marked every person adventurer Hidden One has met in the last few days." Volmar, the General of Sanguine Doom Guards, asked Nachtor in a serious tone.

"He met everyone by changing his appearance, so the chances of anyone personally knowing him are very thin, but those adventurers are our only lead to finding him," Nachtor replied in a serious tone.

"I never heard of any legacy item ever crumbling to dust, and even though it is not confirmed, there is a high chance that every other throne of darkness is gone," Volmar said, looking toward where the majestic throne of darkness was once present.