The Truth

'I never thought I would see a Devourer beast outside the Elf continent.' Alex thought, looking at the status window of the wolf.


{Lava Wolf} [Mutated] ☠☠☠

Title: {Rare Species}{Rage Beast}

LVL: 366

Rank: Third Rank (Peak)

HP: 1100000/1100000

MP: ?????/?????

Condition: {Enraged} {Hungry}

Skills: {??????} {??????} {??????} +???

Description: A Beast gifted in the lava element with high immunity to fire.


{Important note: The Lava Wolf has been affected by the Devourer Curse, a disease that consumes the sanity of a beast and, in return, gives him unending rage turning him into a mindless monster hungry for destruction.}

{Player level needs to be higher to see any more information.}
