
"The Demons are specifically targeting only the intelligent Races of the Malefis Domain, to the point that before a child could even reach the age of ten, he will be infected with Devourer Curse."

"If you want to know the truth about the Demon's purposes, Malefis Domain's dark past, and Devourer Curse's true nature, then you must fulfill my given conditions," Varon said calmly.

After hearing the information, Alex was shocked to his core as he knew about the terror of demons and the Devourer Curse, but never even in his wildest theories had he ever thought that the two deadliest disasters he knew about were connected.

'I thought Varon didn't plan to tell me anything related to Devourer Curse, so was this just a slip of the tongue, but a person of his strength will never make such a childish mistake.' Alex thought as his head filled with questions he had no answer to.