Palace Treasury

After the greeting, the Chief Captain gave Alex a black bell similar to one the head maid gave him and told him to ring it if he ever needed his help, and then he and Varon left him alone with the guard regiment captain.

'I am not surprised that the guard Chief Captain is a peak eighth Rank warrior, but even the seven regiment captains are early to mid-Eighth Rank warriors.' Alex thought after he was done meeting seven of the ten guard regiments captain.

Gryldran, The Chief Captain, was a berserker and belonged to the Dragon Race, while the seven regiment captains belonged to different races, and surprisingly one of them was an Orc who looked nothing like the ugly Orcs.

'I wonder if I will receive more of these black bells.' Alex thought, checking the stat window of the black bell.

Alex received nine black bells, one from the head maid, one from the chief captain, and seven from the regiment captains.